A-Maze-ing Careers
The world of work is a maze with twists, turns and dead ends often with no particular end in sight. You can’t always see round the corner and there are so many potential turns that it can be hard to decide. A-Mazing Careers aims to give people who are part-way through their career the confidence that change at any stage is possible, and those starting out that the decisions they make now do not have to be the only path that their career takes them.
A-Maze-ing Careers
First MasterChef, then mastering HR
Laura Parker
Steve Harvey's story will be a lesson into the value of understanding your transferable skills and, much like Gary in Let Them Eat Cake or Zoe in From Retail Spreak to Legalese, that a strong work ethic can open doors for you. Steve wasn’t particularly academic and followed an early path that was more vocational until he eventually saw an opening to move from hospitality to retail. With another move still to happen his story continues to show us that it can be impossible to see your end point when you make choices earlier on, but have faith that opportunities will come to light.