Sobriety Rocks

Your Dream Will Materialize

May 16, 2023 Recovery HQ Season 1 Episode 114
Sobriety Rocks
Your Dream Will Materialize
Show Notes

Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about What You Believe and What You Do, Will Materialize

Roy T. Bennett said, “Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone.”

When I was young, I believed in good things and took good actions, and good things materialized around me. But, as I grew up, my thoughts, beliefs and actions slowly became negative, and sure enough, negative things began to materialize in my life.

This pattern snowballed through my addictive teens and twenties, until nearly all my thoughts, beliefs and actions were not only negative, but sad, lonely, and depressing. And wouldn’t you know it, what materialized, was a negative, sad, lonely, and depressing life of addiction.

Then one day I found myself in the rooms of recovery with all these people who believed good things, took good actions, and had good things materializing in their lives. So, I started taking the same positive actions they were taking.

Before I knew I began to feel good, believe in good and good things started happening in my life. So, I took even more positive action, and by time I completed the steps, my entire life had changed from negative to positive.

Over the years I went from a non believer to a believer simply from consistently taking the unity, recovery, and service actions of 12 step recovery, then watching the promises continually materialize in my life

Whatever you believe, or whatever you’ve been doing, if you’re not getting the results you want, please join us. I guarantee, if you do what we do, your life will get better and your dreams will materialize. Believe it!

Today we close with a brief mindfulness meditation. So when you’re ready, please, get comfortable, close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and join me.

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