Sobriety Rocks

A Time of Reprogramming

May 26, 2023 Recovery HQ Season 1 Episode 121
Sobriety Rocks
A Time of Reprogramming
Show Notes

Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about A Time of Reprogramming

Alaric Hutchinson said, “It’s all about reprogramming our minds to focus more on what brings us joy.”

When I was a child, my natural programming was aligned with positivity. I embraced good thoughts, took good actions, experienced positive emotions, and believed in the beauty of life. But, by my late teens, drugs and alcohol began to cloud my mind, leading to negative thinking, destructive actions, negative emotions, and a belief system that undermined my true potential.

Thankfully, by my late twenties, I hit bottom and found the rooms of addiction recovery. I didn’t know it at the time, but by embarking on the addiction recovery program, I committed to a process of deep self-reflection and transformation. With each step, I began to reprogram myself, replacing negative thoughts, actions, feelings, and beliefs, with positive ones.

All these years later, I see the incredible impact recovery had on my mind, body, and spirit. It basically reprogrammed me, and allowed me to regain the positive, happy outlook I possessed as a child, while filling my life with blessings and joy.

Wherever you are on your recovery journey, know that with a little commitment, dedication, and willingness, you too can reclaim most everything you may have lost, and live a truly blessed life.

Today we close with a 5 minute breathing meditation. So please, get comfortable, close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and join me.

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