Sobriety Rocks

Do As I Do...

May 30, 2023 Recovery HQ Season 1 Episode 122
Sobriety Rocks
Do As I Do...
Show Notes

Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we’re going to talk about A Time of Reprogramming


George Bernard Shawsaid, “Create your own miracles; do what you think you cannot do.” 

I was a happy and wonderful kid, full of potential and curiosity. However, the people around me preached one thing but lived another. The contradictory messages I received led me astray, and I began to mirror the behaviors I witnessed, ultimately succumbing to the grip of drugs and alcohol.

Fortunately, I reached a breaking point and made it to the rooms of recovery. Here, I encountered individuals who embodied the principles of "do as I do." So, inspired by their example, I committed to the twelve-step program, and was able to shed the shackles of negative influences and find a life of happiness and freedom.

Today, as I reflect on the incredible changes that addiction recovery has brought to my life. I see how the transformation from a negative "do as I say" person to a positive "do as I do" individual began in recovery and opened the doors to an amazing life filled with fulfillment and purpose.

Wherever you are on your path, know that by breaking free from the negative patterns of addiction and embracing the positive changes of recovery, you too, can create the life of your dreams.

Today we’ll close with a brief calming meditation. So please, get comfortable, close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and join me.

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