Radical Health Rebel

3 - The Root Cause of Cancer with Paul Leendertse

Leigh Brandon Episode 3

Paul Leendertse shares his experience on the Root Cause of Cancer.

For over 10 years, Paul has been helping individuals heal from within, using no treatments. In his 30-day cancer residency, Pauls clients had a 90% success rate reversing stage 3 and 4 cancer who had almost given up hope before finding Paul and his approach to cancer.

Paul also had cancer himself, and reversed it with no treatments. He now teaches Cancer Prevention Coach Training along with his Real Self Emotional Healing Process Certification, in his online course.

In this episode Paul Leendertse shares his experience of cancer and shares his stories on how he learned what causes and cancer and how he has helped people recover from cancer, even Stage 3 and 4 cancers.

Paul's experience of cancer [1:45]
Paul's background and experience [3:55]
Why has the rate of cancer increased? [16:40]
Why do pets suffer from cancer? [28:23]
Why do disaster's like Chernobyl cause cancer [34:05]
Raising money for cancer charities [43:00]
Is cancer fungus? [55:15]
How to prevent cancer? [1:04:40]
How to recover from cancer? [1:23:30]
Why do some people survive long-term after traditional treatments? [1:35:30]
Near Death Experiences and spontaneous remission [1:38:30]

Paul offers the following:
His Book: The Root Cause of Cancer
Single Session Coaching
9-week Mentorship
Cancer Prevention Coach and Real Self Emotional Healing Certification
Membership to Bi-Weekly live coaching calls. 
For more information check out www.wheeloflifeacademy.com
Paul, his book, and his trainings are found at www.wheeloflifeacademy.com

Paul can be found @:

Leigh can be found @:

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You can find Leigh @:
Leigh website - https://www.bodychek.co.uk/
Leigh's books - https://www.bodychek.co.uk/books/
Eliminate Adult Acne Programme - https://eliminateadultacne.com/
Radical Health Rebel YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@radicalhealthrebelpodcast

[00:00] Paul: Like most of the people I work with cancer have first done the traditional route. Their cancer has been destroyed somehow, and they're literally prognosed with being cancer free. Then a month anywhere from a month later, sometimes two years later or longer, their cancer just reappears. And when it reappears, it's far worse than the first time. And then oftentimes people stop and realize, whoa, I have to do something different here, because this isn't really working.


[00:33] : Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast with your host, Leigh Brandon. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a five-star rating and the warm review. Your opinions are important, and your ratings help grow the podcast and help educate people to lead a healthier, more productive, fulfilling, and happy life. This video is your thing. Please check out the Radical Health Rebel YouTube channel, where you'll find Fun Bite sized clips from each episode. And now, here is Leigh, the Radical Health Rebel with this week's podcast.


[01:17] Leigh: Okay. Paul Leendertse. Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel Podcast. How are you doing?


[01:22] Paul: I'm fantastic, thanks. Glad to be here. Yeah.


[01:25] Leigh: Paul, it's great that you've taken your time out of your busy day to share your expert knowledge with us. So today we're going to be discussing the root cause of cancer. It's a subject that's very important to most of us. Most of us have been affected by cancer. In my own experience, most of my family members from my grandparents generation died from some form of cancer. Most who have died in my family from my parents generation died from cancer. My niece's father died from cancer when my nieces were just 15 and 14. My younger sister's best friend died at around the age of 20 from cancer. A guy in the year above me at school died from a brain tumour ten days after being diagnosed when he was about 20.


[02:16] Paul: Wow.


[02:17] Leigh: There was also a kid in my year at school in the early 80s who had cancer, and he would disappear for weeks and months on end, come back, no hair. He was having limbs amputated, and eventually we just didn't hear anything about him. I guess he didn't survive. And even my parents five-year-old dog recently died of cancer, which was pretty hard on all of us, really, just a five year old little dog. In my own coaching practice, I've had maybe half a dozen people consult with me that had been diagnosed with cancer. And when I sat down and spoke to them, I said, look, there are three main options, really, to look at. You've got the medical route, which generally relies on surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy. You've got the holistic route, which uses natural approaches but requires a lot of work from you to actually overcome your cancer. Or you can do a combination of two. That's kind of how I generally put it to people. What's quite interesting is every single one of them chose the medical route only now, sadly, none of them survived longer than two years after going down the medical route. So that's a little bit of an intro to my experience with cancer. But, Paul, just for the audience, can you tell us a little bit about maybe your upbringing, your journey and your experiences that really have led you to where you are today? Talking to me on the radical Health Rebel podcast.


[03:58] Paul: Yes, I would be happy to. I appreciate you beginning our talk by sharing all of those experiences with cancer. It's important. I'm glad you pointed it out because a lot of people don't realize that the rate of cancer today is about one or two people across the world, the incidence of cancer, and half of those people statistically die within five years of their diagnosis and by doing traditional cancer treatments. And the typical pattern that I see in all the years that I've been working with people with cancer is that most of the people I work with cancer have first done the traditional route. Their cancer has been destroyed somehow, and they're literally prognosed with being cancer free than anywhere from a month later, sometimes two years later or longer. Their cancer just reappears. And when it reappears, it's far worse than the first time. And then oftentimes people stop and realize, whoa, I have to do something different here because this isn't really working. So it's a big deal. Cancer is a huge problem in humanity today, one or two people, and we're not getting to the root cause.



[05:25] Leigh: So can you give us a little bit of a background to yourself and kind of maybe your own education and kind of how you've got to the stage where you are now?


[05:35] Paul: Yeah, many years ago, back in the year 2004, around there, I was a holistic lifestyle coach. So I was focused on what are the needs of a human being? What do we actually need to be healthy? And at that time, I was focused on physical things. In fact, the emotional well being. I did not know that that can influence our physiology. It was just totally way far up for me. So I was very educated in physical factors and health, so I was holistic lifestyle coach. I also went to university for kinesiology. I have a science background, so those two combined was a good combination. But when my stepfather developed lung cancer and my best friend's father also developed lung cancer just three months apart from each other. They tried everything. Like anyone always does. Because if you're diagnosed with cancer. It's an extremely scary experience because the theory and the messages and the belief system around cancer is that you have some sort of major problem with your own body and your own cells have undergone some sort of mutation and now they're growing out of control and basically they will destroy you unless you destroy them first. This is kind of the mainstream concept or belief system which I would love to talk about, how that's actually incorrect. And that's a major problem because first of all, that puts people into the war on cancer. The war on cancer has been going on for 100 years, and it's not addressing the root cause. Anyway, when my stepfather and my best friend's father developed lung cancer, they tried everything they could and they also listened to me. And I was a holistic lifestyle coach, and I had them do a lot of physical things. They changed their diet. They started eating organic food. They just with wheatgrass. They took high quality supplements, vitamin C, and they even did some I don't know, you could call it like, non physical sort of approaches. They were doing some guided meditations and some reiki treatments and things like that. So they really had an open mind, which is not always common. Oftentimes people, like you said, they're not really open or even aware necessarily of all these alternative approaches to cancer. And they just stick with the traditional stuff because that's what we're all taught to do. But, yeah, most people don't realize the poor outcome of that approach because the cancer industry is always talking about all the success and progress that's made. But if you look at the statistics from 1900 to now, the rate of cancer just got worse and worse and worse. So it's really not a good situation. Anyways, both my stepfather and my best friend's father died. And when they died, I realized I was confident back then that if they did the alternative things, they would heal. But we did nothing emotional. And the way that my stepfather died, it revealed something to me in a special way, in a unique way. After he was diagnosed with cancer, his ex-wife died and he went to her funeral. During his cancer, during his attempts to heal, and he was doing okay. It actually seemed like maybe he was healing with all the alternative things that we were doing. And then he went to her funeral, his ex's funeral, and he had a conflict in the family with his ex and a conflict with his children. And when he got to the funeral place, he hadn't seen them in years. And it was a huge deal to him emotionally. He was really hoping that he could reconnect with his family through this tragedy. He went there out of the goodwill of his heart to reconnect, and his kids turned him away. They would not even welcome him into the funeral home to even sign his name or pay his respects. And that if you could imagine what hit him emotionally with emotional pains of different sorts. So after that, from that moment on, it was so clear to me and my whole family that it had a major impact on him because his cancer started growing fast. Like, it became aggressive, and he died within a couple of weeks. Now, he had been focusing on healing for months. And like I said, he was doing pretty good. But after that emotional stress, that pain and that loss, he went downhill really fast. And I also noticed that he didn't cry. He just did not connect to his emotions. He didn't want to talk about it. And as you can imagine, it would be difficult to talk about that because it's a painful emotional experience. So after these losses and realizing my approach didn't work, the alternative things that they did with others didn't work. The traditional stuff didn't work because they both did chemotherapy, radiation, surgery. I walked away from that with two things, thinking. One, the theory about cancer, what's really causing it must be wrong. Because if it's wrong, then all the approaches that we are taking could not work. Right in the theory of it is wrong, then you can't actually have a successful approach to healing. And then the second thing I noticed was the emotional correlation. So after a couple of years of research, I did interviews with people that had cancer whose cancer went away. Then I wrote my book, and it's called The Root Cause of Cancer. And in that book I explain how it's actually stressed that's causing cancer as a general statement. So there's much deeper understanding that I can share. That takes me a while. But right now I just want to say it's stress that actually is causing cancer and it's related to emotional pain and oftentimes fear. So I'll take a pause there. I have a lot of training with the CHEK Institute, so as I said, I'm a holistic lifestyle coach and my main training with people with cancer is that I started working with people with cancer after I wrote my book because people started coming to me saying, wow, you're right. I know that my cancer is related to the stressful event I just had in my life, or I know that my cancer is because of unresolved challenges in my relationship. And so I created a 30 day residency where people would move in with me who had cancer, had tried everything else. It didn't work. This is like their last hope. They would live with me. And for 30 days we focused on identifying the main stresses in their life and resolving them so that it is no longer a painful event that they're carrying in their body. And I started seeing tumors disappear. They would start shrinking and disappear. And I ended up having a 90% success rate doing this. And for many people that came to my program, I was the first person who asked them about the stress in their life. Like an oncologist doesn't even ask these things. That's not their training. Their training is simply to diagnose the cancer as a specific kind. It's usually a rare kind. It's like I don't know how many people came to me and they said, I have a rare type of cancer because it changes there's so many different kinds and their focus is 100% destroying the cancer. And then the alternative realm, it's still kind of an attempt to just destroy the cancer, but to do it in healthy ways. So the alternative realm is really valuable because it starts to raise a person's life energy. There's all sorts of actual health principles being applied. So a person's ability to heal rises and rises, but still so if you combine that with addressing the root cause, that a person can reverse their cancer in literally days or weeks, because once you get the root cause, it completely changes a person's entire physiology. One of the analogies I use in my cancer course training. Because I'm training people now on the root cause of cancer. And the root cause of cancer in each part of the body is I explained that if you create tension in your finger. You put tension on your finger. You're holding on. There's a restriction here. Then the cells in this area of the finger won't be able to function properly anymore. They can't get oxygen, they can't get the nutrition they need, and they can't get rid of waste products because this tension is there. And this is what happens when a person has emotional pain. There is tension that occurs in the body because our emotions are felt in the body, we think in our head, but we feel in the body. So when there's emotional pain and suppression, there's tension. Now, the thing is, if this is the root cause, this restriction, then it doesn't matter if I eat organic food. That's not going to solve this problem. It doesn't matter if I meditate, it doesn't matter if I do chemotherapy. To try to destroy all these dysfunctional cells in this area, I have to release the tension. So once you do release the tension, you can just think about how fast this is going to likely heal, because the body knows how to heal itself. All the blood just starts flowing in and the finger starts to recover. And miraculously, your finger doesn't continue to die, but it's just because you've got to the root of it. So that's an analogy I share to help people understand how powerful addressing the root cause of cancer really is.


[16:13] Leigh: Yeah, definitely. So one question that actually came to my mind as you were speaking then, so interestingly, I did actually look up the rates of cancer in the UK yesterday and they're exactly the same as the statistics you mentioned. So one in two people get cancer, and one in two people that get cancer don't survive the cancer or don't survive the treatment. But the thought that was coming up in my head was that why is it that over the last 100 years that the rate of cancer has increased? If you got any thoughts on that.


[16:50] Paul: That’s a really good question. Yes, I think what's happened is once you understand that it's a person's emotional wellbeing, that's related to them getting cancer, then that can take you much deeper into the real research. It's not research of a cell in a laboratory. You can study a cancer cell in a laboratory for 100 years and not make any progress. That's like what's happened with the cancer industry. But if you start studying people, then you have to start looking into people's diets, of course, their lifestyles, but also their emotional wellbeing and the stress in their life, which is what I've been doing for over ten years. Once you start going into that realm, then you can start looking at, well, what's causing this stress to begin with? And ultimately it takes you back to the school system and it takes you back to the well being of the family itself and whether or not children's needs are truly being fulfilled, whether human beings needs are actually being fulfilled, especially in their younger years. And if they're not fulfilled, whenever a person's needs are not fulfilled, then the natural response is to start coping to try to figure out how do I survive even though my needs aren't met? How can I fulfill them somehow so that I can survive? It's just a natural response. So for example, in school, when children are sent to school, most kids are not going because that's their choice. They're being forced. And actually, if you really think about it, children are being forced under the threat of punishment. Many times children you can have a child that has no interest in maybe half the subjects that they're being forced to learn. And so children start disconnecting actually from their emotions at a young age, or if there are certain dynamics in the family related to oftentimes stress in the parents. So parents can be stressed out. Now, if you look over the last 100 years since the Industrial revolution and all the changes happening in humanity, the capacity for parents to truly parent their children, like be there for them, has diminished and diminished and diminished. Many people are so caught up with basically the system has become you have a child, maybe you'll have a year off of work to raise your child, maybe that's great, a whole year. And then after that you send them off to a school or you send them off to childcare or something like this. And many parents are stressed financially. There's so much technology. We've really gotten into this reality where human needs aren't being fulfilled. How happy people are has diminished. Whether people are living a meaningful life, like living something that gives them purpose, has diminished for the most part of humanity. And what this leads to is behavior patterns where people are trying to learn. So I'm not happy being here at school, but I can't leave, so I'm just going to pretend that I'm happy and suppress the emotions of any kind of disagreeing emotions with that and these problems, these behavior patterns learned in childhood, then start showing up in relationships. So I could say it like this after 15 years of school, learning facts and information that for the most part you didn't really choose on your own free will, then people are launched into life. And in life we run into sexual relationships, we run into encounters, we run into love, like the energy of infatuation falling in love. We run into scenarios where we have to connect to people and communicate our feelings, our needs, listen to others. This was not done really in childhood for most people. Children, like I said, aren't connected to to see what their feelings are. Would you like to learn this subject today? It's just like you have to learn this subject. And anytime a child expresses that they don't want to, that their feelings are not acknowledged. So when people are launched into life now, they have to start facing it's like they're in real life. Now. They're actually in life. School is not like real life. It doesn't include so many critical aspects of being an adult. So it's just so common for people to run into tremendously scary situations, stressful dynamics that they don't even have the skills to resolve. They don't even know how to go about it. So then they end up just trying to survive or cope with it. So oftentimes people get angry, they're carrying anger that they can't resolve, they end up suppressing it. People end up doing things that then they regret. So they feel guilt. They're carrying guilt. There's shame, there's all these negative emotions. Just fear in general. Because oftentimes people love, they love someone, they're in dynamics that really is a love based dynamic, but yet needs aren't necessarily being fulfilled. So people get into these stuck I call them stuck life scenarios where they can't resolve it, but they also don't want to leave it. You have a challenge with your child that you can't resolve or challenge with your life partner that you can't resolve, or even a challenge in your career that you can't resolve. Oftentimes people just get stuck so they can't resolve it, but they stay in it. And that's when emotions start getting suppressed. That's when there is a disconnect from a part of oneself and this starts wreaking havoc on the physiology of the body. It really starts to cause restrictions in the body. And this is what ultimately leads to the development of cancer. This isn't even a theory for me anymore. It was a theory way back when. But after working with people with cancer for so many years, it's just obvious to me. I'm at the point now when someone comes to me with lung cancer or liver cancer or any kind of cancer, I already know what the cause is. I actually already know. And then when I do the session with them, when we dig in, they just confirm it. So everyone's scenario is unique, but the cause is actually the same. So for example, lung cancer, the root cause of lung cancer is always unresolved Greek, always just over and over again.


[24:27] Leigh: That's traditional Chinese medicine, isn't it? The lungs are the organ of grief.


[24:33] Paul: Yes, and someone brought that up to me the other day. They said, did you take traditional Chinese medicine training? I have no training in that. But the thing is, because this is the truth, anyone can come to that truth if they're researching and really trying to find the answer. So then I just realized, whoever put together Chinese medicine probably put that together over years. I doubt it was just one person, but they just discovered, like, this is actually how the body works. When you have pain related to grief, it affects the lungs because of how the brain actually connects to the lungs. And if you're thinking about someone that you love that you lost, it's going to register in certain parts of the brain. Like relationships show up in a certain part of the brain. Something related to money or safety would show up in a different part of the brain. Right. Like love and safety are two different sort of themes. And so the brain is then connected to all parts of the body. So with the lungs, for example, it actually has a relationship with the lungs when we're talking about grief. And so traditional Chinese medicine, I think, is right on. I mean, I haven't studied that fully, so I don't know if it lines up with my teachings exactly, but it does.


[25:54] Leigh: It came up with energy meridians thousands of years before it was actually proven by science to exist. It was just shunned as well. That's just a load of nonsense. And then when science actually were able to measure it, they said, oh no, actually they do exist. But they created that, I think, 4000 years ago without all modern technology. Right. So they were definitely on to something.


[26:20] Paul: Right? It's like in the past, people would probably have discovered, wow, we're designed to drink water, and if we don't drink water, our house will fail. So now, today, somehow we can still drink water as an option, but a lot of our water is contaminated with chlorine, fluoride, all these different things that the government oftentimes puts in the water. But aside from that, we can also drink energy drinks loaded with natural flavors, which are chemicals and caffeine. And we can drink pop, which is usually ten teaspoons of refined sugar. We can drink alcohol, which can just destroy your liver. We can drink all these liquids today, but the truth is actually that we just need water. If the human race is just drinking water, clean water, the average health of the humanity would rise just from that. So these are truths that, like, we would have known thousands of years ago. But today, a lot of people don't drink very much water. There's people not drinking it. So then it's like shocking when there's a disease that occurs. But here's where we get back to the school system again. When I went to school, there was vending machines in every hallway. And when you went to the cafeteria to eat lunch, what they provided was pop chips, cookies with refined sugar, french fries, gluten, all kinds of stuff that just destroys a human's body. So somehow society is almost training individuals, like setting people up from childhood for developing disease, because there's no way around it's.


[28:05] Leigh: Big business, right?


[28:06] Paul: Right. Disease is big business.


[28:10] Leigh: So I've got another follow up.


[28:12] Paul: Needs to change.


[28:13] Leigh: Yeah, absolutely needs to change. Absolutely. I'm glad we're having this problem, which is why we need the Radical Health Rebel podcast, right?


[28:22] Paul: Yes, exactly.


[28:23] Leigh: Thank you. Just to follow one question from that, and again, this is probably because this affected me personally, and this is something that I'm seeing more and more of, is that pets getting cancer? Have you got any thoughts on why animals get cancer?


[28:42] Paul: Definitely. I've been researching that for years. For some people, it might be a lot for them to connect to consider the possibility that emotional well being affects their physiology.


[28:59] Leigh: Listen. Remember, this is the radical health rebel. So most of the things we're going to talk about on this podcast will be radical to most people. Go ahead.


[29:08] Paul: Okay, well, let's get right into it then. So, energetically speaking, we influence each other through relationships. So if you have a partner with close relationships, energy is very entangled. So if you're in a partnership with somebody and let's say they become upset, you can feel that they're upset, and it's very difficult for you not to be affected by that. This energy starts to influence your overall feeling and your physiology. So pets are extremely entangled with their owners. And what I have found is that when owners are experiencing unresolved stress, it actually starts to show up in the pet's body, because a pet is super vulnerable to those energies. It's so attached, it has no way of communicating, really, and resolving things. So it's like the canary in a coal mine. If you take a bird down into the mine and if the air is poisonous, then it shows up first in the bird, and then humans know, okay, we got to get out of here. So pets are extremely vulnerable to the stress that occurs in their owners. And many owners would probably be able to acknowledge the fact that when they're upset, a dog or a cat will come and lick their face and really get into their energy. Like, come close, lick them. Cats will lay on top of you. Dogs will cuddle up beside you because they can sense and feel the stress. So if stress goes on long enough and it's not resolved, it starts to show up in the family. It can show up in a dog. It can also show up in a child.


[31:09] Leigh: Interesting.


[31:10] Paul: So we have a lot of healing to do. Like families need to heal. Families need to heal. And you were mentioning in the beginning that there's so much cancer in the generations of your family. And what I teach in my cancer prevention coach training is that it's not genetic. So we have to get away from this belief that genes are the cause of cancer because it just leads to the same year after year after year of no real change, no real healing, these deeper things. And it's the behavior patterns. It's what we're learning through generations. So if you're angry at someone that you love in the family or with your partner, how do you deal with that anger? Do you suppress the anger? How long do you then blow up? How do you communicate and connect to resolve the thing that caused the anger? So in childhood, if we see our parents ultimately struggling with this, just this as an example that we can't learn how to do it any differently, then we end up in a relationship. And when we're angry, we suppress it or we explode. We can't connect and communicate to successfully resolve the issue. And this just goes on from generation to generation until someone in the family starts to heal from within. They start engaging in this and making real positive changes. So it's not genetics, it's family patterns. So that's why I say that entire families need to heal because there's no way to make a change unless people start, first of all, discovering this reality. You have to first even understand. So that's one of the problems.



[33:04] Leigh: Yeah. The first stage of healing is awareness, right?


[33:07] Paul: Yeah.


[33:08] Paul: And so it's tragic because I believe that when a person chooses to heal themselves, they want to make the changes, they're ready to do the healthy alternative route. I just feel like people deserve answers. They deserve to be able to find the answers. To do that, everyone deserves to heal. It's just different when a person is not wanting to go through any kind of change. They don't want to change their life, they don't want to change their diet, they don't want to look into the relationship challenges, they don't want to look into themselves. Well, then of course they're not going to find the answers to heal. And then they end up just doing chemotherapy and nothing changes. And then cancer comes back and it leads to serious tragedy. But when a person wanting to heal, I really believe strongly they deserve to find the answers and they usually do.


[34:01] Leigh: Another question that kind of popped into my head as you were speaking then is, for instance, Chernobyl, the Chernobyl disaster with a nuclear plant blew up. My understanding is that those situations can cause cancer. What's your views on that?


[34:24] Paul: Well, I've never had anyone bring that up, but I love your question with that. It reminds me of questions that people have been asking me recently about the pandemic. And all the vaccination. And people are noticing that there's a high incidence of cancer occurring in people that got vaccinated and they're saying, does this line up with what you're explaining with cancer? I think I can kind of answer both these huge events. Chernobyl big disaster. Now, I think I'd have to go into some more details of what exactly happened with Chernobyl, but I'll use the pandemic as an example. First, it's this huge event that impacts society as a whole. Everyone's affected, not just a particular family, but everybody. And it's stressful and all kinds of it has an impact that carries over into emotional stress in very significant ways. So with the pandemic, for example, many friendships were just broken, many family relationships were just broken.


[35:45] Leigh: Oh, yeah, I experienced those.


[35:48] Paul: Yes. Then we get into all this judgment. There's tremendous fear. So people are afraid that they're going to die from this virus that the authorities say is going to get them. Of course, the authorities don't give any guidance or focus on health principles at all. It's just we're going to look after you. And that's a really dangerous idea. Then on the opposite spectrum, people are afraid that they're going to be injected with something they don't want to be injected with. And that the government has become corrupt and is basically carrying out an agenda is believed by many to be the conspiracy. But if you just look at what's happening, then it starts to show that it's not a conspiracy, it's happening. There's a lot of fear and stress and judgments and this leads to all sorts of emotional suppression and pain. So there's lots of people that are suppressing their anger, they're holding resentment, they're holding guilt, they're holding shame. There's many people that had all sorts of judgment. They were sure that they needed to trust the science and there is no corruption in the governments. And the health authorities all know what they're talking about. They get the vaccine and afterwards nearly die from side effects. Some people did die and then the amount of pain that that brings, the shame, the regret. So there's so much stress actually, that happens in people's lives associated with this event of the pandemic occurring. It just intensifies the underlying problem that's already there, which is basically that people don't know how to acknowledge their emotions fully. They don't know what their emotions mean, they don't know how to respond to life chronic stress situations. People start coping, people figure out how to survive them by disconnecting to a part of themselves and so on. And this leads to cancer. So there's all these associations in the world, like associations with smoking cigarettes, that's the cause of lung cancer, but it's not. And what I've noticed is that people that have unresolved grief oftentimes are attracted to nicotine because somehow it soothes that pain, it helps them cope, it fills the hole. Yes, but what's beneath it is the unresolved grief. So typically a person can't stop. That's not always the case, but it's just a common pattern. So with the Chernobyl then, having said that, I would say if I could do more research, I'd probably give a better answer. But that event probably caused massive stress across society for many different reasons, leading to similar dynamics that occurred in the pandemic, and then you see an uprising of cancer as a result.


[38:49] : You're listening to the Radical Health Rebel podcast.


[38:56] Leigh: Are you regularly suffering from painful bloating and wind that could be smelly and embarrassing? Are your bowel movements not as they should be, either constipation or diarrhea, or possibly alternating between the two? Do you find the pain is bad enough, but the bloating and cramps make you feel awful and are affecting your everyday life? Do you sometimes feel you can't eat properly because of the wind, bloating, and pain? And has your doctor told you that you have IBS but unable to help find you a solution? Do you feel right now that you simply don't know what's causing your symptoms and whatever your doctor has suggested hasn't worked and you feel frustrated that you're still far from having a normal, flat, comfortable tummy? Have you invested a lot of time, energy and money into improving your symptoms and don't wish to waste any more? Do you feel frustrated and depressed and don't feel like you can take part in all the activities you enjoy and sometimes have to cancel attending events because of the way your tummy feels? Do you fear that if you don't get this sorted, you could end up with a much more serious gastrointestinal disease? If so, what would help you right now is to understand the root cause of your digestive condition. Rather than continuing to try to mask the symptoms with overthecounter or prescribed medications. You need help understanding how factors such as nutrition, gut health, stress and toxicology affect the digestive system and how to optimize these factors. You need someone who can advise, motivate, and support you every step of the way, someone who has walked the path before and taught many others to do the same. What you need is my overcome your digestive issues program. My Overcome Your Digestive Issues program can help you in the following ways I will help you understand the root causes of your digestive problems and teach you how to approach the condition holistically via expert advice on nutrition and lifestyle factors to Overcome Your Digestive Issues Program we'll start by ensuring you are on the right diet for you. Based on your genetics or metabolic type and one that avoids the foods that are known to exacerbate your condition. We'll go on a journey step by step, learning all the necessary lifestyle changes required to achieve a flat, comfortable, pain free tummy. Each weekly 30 minutes coaching session will include advice, support and guidance specifically tailored to your needs and at a speed that is right for you once you're eating right for your metabolic type, you will begin to see changes in how your tummy feels. And we will also uncover all the necessary blocking factors that you may have. And you'll be taught how to reduce, replace or eliminate all the factors that are causing your digestive problems. Ultimately, this program will enable you to achieve a flat, calm and comfortable tummy every day for the rest of your life. For more information about how to improve your gut health and to claim a complimentary no obligation gut health consultation, please go to www. Dot bodycheck co UK that's BodyChek. And fill in the request form at the top of the home page and we'll be in contact to arrange a convenient time. Now back to the podcast.


[42:20] : The Radical Health Rebel is also available on YouTube. Find bite size clips from our episodes on the Radical Health Rebel YouTube channel.


[42:32] Leigh: Interesting. There was another question that came into my mind, but it just floated off into the Ether somewhere.


[42:41] Paul: Okay.


[42:44] Leigh: So yeah, it will pop back. Another thing that I guess frustrates me is that there are a lot of people out there who go and do a charity event and they might spend a year to train to do it. It might be running ten marathons back to back, and they raise all this money for charity, for a cancer charity who then go and spend all that money, or they give that money to the pharmaceutical industry to do their research.


[43:19] Paul: Right.


[43:22] Leigh: Saying anything against any kind of medical charity is kind of a taboo subject.


[43:30] Paul: Right.


[43:32] Leigh: What would you say to anyone who's considering raising money for a cancer charity?


[43:40] Paul: Wow, that's a great question. I think that one of the biggest reasons a person does that is because they really want to make a difference. They are passionate about ending cancer, about.


[44:06] Leigh: Finding the cure, and often they've lost someone as well.


[44:10] Paul: Yeah, often they've lost someone so they could be in potentially significant pain. And so in response to those emotions, they naturally want to help, they want to make a difference. So that's the first thing I would say. And then the next is that is to just realize that the solution, a cure, is just never going to work. And oftentimes people don't know the history. Right. They really are trusting, like just vulnerably trusting all the messages that the cancer industry puts out in my book The Root Cause of Cancer. I have a Time magazine image from 1951 and it's an advertisement from the cancer industry and it says, fresh hope for cancer patients, new technology that will save the day. And it's this huge radiation machine and a person that has cancers laying on a medical bed underneath of it receiving this treatment. And that's for today. If you go back 100 years and compare it to today, the medical approach to cancer, which all this money has been going into, is just the same. It's just the same thing. How can we make radiation? How can we develop better technologies for radiation? How can we develop better types of chemotherapy? So the focus is always just, we have to destroy the cancer. But after 100 years, it's time for humanity to wake up and realize that that's not addressing the root cause. So you can put $100 billion into that research and it won't solve the problem, or you can put $100 trillion into that research and it won't solve the problem. And what I actually explained in my course is that there can never be a cure. Actually, it's impossible. It's like trying to find a cure for dehydration. If a person's not getting their need for water fulfilled. If you don't drink water, eventually your body will start to display symptoms. Like problems will start to emerge because the human body runs off of water. When you have a headache, when you.


[46:43] Leigh: Say there's no cure, you mean a pharmaceutical or medical cure?


[46:47] Paul: Yeah. Thanks for clarifying that. There's no such thing as a solution that would come and fix the problem without a person's needs being fulfilled and going through some sort of positive change, it's just impossible. It can never work. I was given an example of dehydration. If a person is dehydrated, the cure would be drinking water, getting water. But if some other entity outside of water is saying, look, we're doing a tremendous amount of research on how to solve the problem. Dehydration and symptoms of our dehydration are a dry mouth, a headache, whatever else. Ultimately it's a death, right? Dehydration is going to lead to death, and we're going to try to solve this problem. But they're not focused on the root cause, right? Beautiful. We're brought freaking water. This isn't in a coffee mug, but it's not coffee, it's water. I'm at a coworking space and they have these mugs here. Once you really start to realize that when a human beings needs are fulfilled, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, we have all these needs. The body just works how it's supposed to. Only when needs are not fulfilled do we start to have symptoms. So humanity has been going down this path of not focused on fulfilling our needs for so long and living more and more through belief systems and through fear that now we have these huge fundraisers focused on this and it's actually a problem. The longer we focus on that as a potential cure and keep putting money into it, the more these ideas just expand across humanity. When really we need the idea of we have to learn how to love ourselves more, and therefore we can love others more. We have to learn what our needs are and fulfill them more. And as humanity learns to love themselves and fulfill its needs more, then cancer will disappear. We can actually end cancer. It's not necessary that we have cancer. That's how tragic it actually is. We cannot have it. In 1900, the rate of cancer was one in 30. Today it's one and two. So if it's true that we can have just the rate of cancer, that's one and 30. Isn't it also true we could improve even more and get to the point where it's cancer is just one in, say, 100 or cancer just one in 1000 or cancer is one in 10,000. This reality of not having cancer is there. But the only way that we can really truly get there is if we all individually start focusing on healing ourselves from all the problems that humanity basically gives to us after we're born. So if you're raised in a school system where you're taught to eat garbage, that's normal to eat refined sugar, it's normal to drink huge amounts of caffeine, it's normal to eat natural flavors on ingredient lists of all these foods. And your emotions don't matter. So if you have emotions, you got to just forget about those things. Don't learn about your emotional well being, how to process your emotions, and if you're upset if we don't start getting into that and re raising ourselves, which is essentially what healing is. I feel like healing means learning what you needed to learn in your childhood that your parents couldn't teach you because they didn't learn it. The school system can't teach you because all school teaches is a curriculum of information. If we don't do that, then cancer really will just continue to grow. The rates will just rise. So I say to people that are hurt and in pain from loss of cancer or they're just passionate to end cancer, that to focus on these things and then you really make a difference. Then you really, truly start to make a difference.


[51:09] Leigh: Cool. So the question I had before is just pop back in my head. I knew it would. One of the things that you hear a lot is natural killer cells from the immune system are what if you like kill cancer cells? I just wonder if you had a view on that.


[51:33] Paul: What actually happens is, okay, so I gave the analogy of my finger earlier. Now if there's a restriction in my finger, that restriction is the cause, right? So we can go into, well, why is Paul holding his finger like this? That would be the deeper root cause, right, that's related to my emotions, like something going on inside me that I would be holding my finger like that. So it's more complicated when people are in relationship challenges. So if I'm holding my finger like this, the cells in my finger begin to die. They actually are starving of oxygen and nutrition, like I was saying. And because there is a problem here, then you're going to see an immune response in the area. Because how our body works is whenever we have broken cells, damaged cells, there's some kind of a problem. They have to be repaired, like cellular waste and debris from dead cells. All this stuff has to be cleaned up and taken away. So then you'll see parts of the immune system coming in and basically surrounding the cellular waste and damage and just basically cleaning the area, consuming it, taking it and flushing it out of the system. Now, the thing is, if I have this restriction here, chronically, which is what causes cancer, cancer is caused by chronic stress that's suppressed stress alone doesn't cause cancer. It's chronic stress. So this is like this chronically. And first of all, the body can't actually complete the healing process. It can't fix the area. So it's just chronically trying to, but can't complete it because this is the roof. So if I then release the tension, I've identified the root cause, I've resolved it. Then you'll see all the natural killer cells, all the different cells that are related to the immune system come in and complete the process of it's not attacking the cells, it's just going in and cleaning them up. Now, I haven't mentioned something else about cancer, but maybe it's too much for this talk. I'm not sure.


[53:54] Leigh: Go for it.


[53:55] Paul: Okay, well, what I learned many years ago, I was invited to the Cure to Cancer conference in San Diego. I forget what year it was. It was quite a while ago. It was like 2012, I think, or 2014. And there was a lot of people there from all over the world doing like they're basically pioneers of sorts in cancer. I'm a cancer pioneer because I've done new research, like very unique research, studying people. Just blows my mind that studying cancer cells in a beaker has been going on for 100 years, but not studying like people. So anyways, there's people there like Thomas Lodi, who owns a cancer healing retreat kind of place, I think in Mexico or somewhere in the world. Great person, lots of great people and others. Thai Bollinger. Lots of people have heard of Thai Bollinger. He talks a lot about different supplements and herbs and stuff that destroy cancer. And Chris Wark crisp cancer. He had colon cancer. He healed himself tons. I was there too. There's another person, doug Kaufman. And he wrote the book The Fungal Link. The Fungal Link. And him and I got along really well and he invited me on his TV show. And then, which would have been a several months later, but long story short, I couldn't go and plans changed, so that didn't happen. But we got along well, but we disagreed on something. His teaching is that fungus is what's causing cancer because he's discovered all kinds of things that are really important to know that show that cancer is fungus. And he's saying fungus is causing cancer. And I'm saying, Gov, I know from the work that I've done with people that fungus is not the cause of cancer, it's stress. So we talked and we had this sort of disagreement.


[56:04] Leigh: There but I guess you're more likely to get a fungal infection if you're stressed, right?


[56:09] Paul: Right. Yeah. That's one important factor there. So what I've ended up realizing is that both of us were right in my opinion. So I haven't even been able to talk to Doug about this yet, but I plan to because I lost his contact info and I just haven't got around to it because I've had so many other things on the go. But I really need to talk to him again because I think we're both right and what I think is actually happening and this I would say, is a theory still what I've shared so far that cancers cause from chronic stress that eventually leads to suppression of emotions. That's not a theory for me anymore. What I'm going to share now is a theory, but I'm pretty confident in it. To just bring it up is that when there's this restriction that occurs in the body so there's this restriction that part of the body is dying, actually. It's going into a state of death. Just call it like death energy if you want. It's this unresolved physiological problem and cells actually die and it's a chronic thing and the body is constantly trying to go in and clean it up with the immune system. It can't because the life force energy can't get to that spot. So then fungus begins to grow there and it infiltrates and it just kind of combines and merges with the human cell and it starts to grow because the whole purpose of fungus is to break down dead things. So tree falls in the forest. Now it's dead. At some point you're going to have mold and different weird kinds of fungus growing on it. I don't know. There's just an infinite variety of fungus that can exist in the world, just like parasites. There's over 10,000 parasites that can affect a human being. Only ten are studied, I've heard in medical school or less. But fungus might even be more than more varied. It's just infinite. Like if you cut an apple in half and just set it out, at some point fungus starts growing on it. And this is an analogy Doug Hoffman shared. You can cut that fungus off of the apple and the rest is good. So now you think that you've solved the problem, but some short period of time fungus will appear again. You can cut that off too, and then it appears again. And the reason is because that apple is dying. So as soon as you disconnect anything from its source of life, like any kind of fruit, any kind of vegetable, a mammal, like a human or an animal when they're disconnected from the source of life, at some point mold starts to grow in that tissue because it's part of the digestion process. So I think what's happening is that cancer actually is fungus and that's why there's so many different kinds. There's all these different rare kinds of cancer, and they've classified. There are hundreds and hundreds of kinds of cancer, but it's all the same, actually. It's just unique based on where it's appearing in the body. Like the type of fungus that would grow on a banana peel would be probably different from the fungus that would grow on apple peel. So it's the same with the type of fungus that grows in the liver. It would be different from the type of fungus that grows in the colon or in the brain. And there's so many factors that could determine what kind of fungus ends up growing there. So it's not fungus that's causing cancer, it's the restriction in the body based on the repression of emotions. That restriction then invites fungus to grow there because that's its job. And it doesn't matter what you do to destroy it, it will just grow back again because it's just like the apple analogy I shared that Doug Kaufman shares. You destroy the fungus, it just grows again. So with a piece of fruit, you can't reconnect it back to its source of life. Once it's picked from the tree, it's going to die. It's still alive. That's why when you eat it, you receive life for us. And that's why the sooner you eat it, the better, because it's more fresh, because it's more alive. But after a few weeks, it's dead. With a human being, you can actually reconnect it back to its source of life, because if a person has a suppression and it's caused a restriction, now there's a part of their body that's in a death state or a dying state, fungus starts to grow there, the medical system causes cancer. If they identify the root cause, release the stored emotions, and release this tension through positive change, they solve this problem of stress and pain. The tension disappears, and therefore the life is restored to that part of the body and fungus disappears. So now the reason I shared all this, now you can see natural killer cells or different types of cells from the immune system. They come in and they actually destroy that fungus and they can succeed finally, and they get it out of the body, but otherwise the immune system will never succeed because the root of it just keeps making a situation where the fungus has to win. Now it's just going to continue to win.


[01:02:01] Leigh: And that also kind of makes sense in what you were saying about it being fungus, because what does everyone say? That cancer cells live off sugar. Sugar. What a fungus live off?


[01:02:16] Paul: Sugar? Yeah. This is where Doug Coffins work is amazing. He's done so much research on that. Fungus also releases lactic acid. So as it digests sugar, it releases lactic acid. And that's what tumours do. When a person has cancer, a lot of lactic acid begins to build up in their body around the tumour. So many people think to heal cancer. You have to eat an alkaline diet, and you have to get the blood to be alkaline. But what I'm sharing is that chronic stress causes acidic blood. So you can eat an alkaline diet, but that's a physical thing. You have to get into the emotional realm, the mental emotional realm, to really, truly solve the blood problem. Not that changing your diet isn't a beneficial thing. It just needs to be both. It needs to be like addressing all the physical things, raising life force through lifestyle practices, real health principles, and then getting to the root cause in the mental emotional realm.


[01:03:19] Leigh: As you were talking about, if you've got an apple and you cut the apple, fungus grows on it. You cut the fungus off, fungus grows back. What I was thinking of then was when you use something like chemotherapy, my understanding is that it kills tumor cells, but it doesn't kill the stem cells. But what it tends to do is make the stem cells more virulent so it actually grows back even more. But from what you're saying, it could be that the chemotherapy is the extra stress on top of the system that's actually potentially causing it to grow back worse after the treatment, right?


[01:03:59] Paul: Yeah, that's a good thought for sure that the chemotherapy just damages all cells pretty much in the body.


[01:04:08] Leigh: Because I've always thought of chemotherapy like expecting that you have a shave and then your hair will never grow back.


[01:04:17] Paul: Right.


[01:04:25] Leigh: Unless you deal with the root cause, the tumors are just going to grow back.


[01:04:30] Paul: Yeah. And another thing is if you were to destroy, let's say you come across a tree in the forest and it's just got all this fungus growing in it because it's dead, the tree fell, and you decide that you're going to find this poison that destroys that mold. So you could spray the poison all over the mold on the tree, and it actually kills the mold. It's gone. So you think, oh, I found the cure. But at some point, some new kind of mold will grow in that tree that doesn't die from your poison. Because Mother Nature is a mystery, sort of. It's not ultimately, if we figured you were able to figure it all out scientifically. But it's kind of a mystery as to how anything that dies always gets decomposed, except for rare exceptions. Like if you've frozen in the ice, the things can get frozen solid, then mold doesn't grow in it, or some kind of preserving thing occurs, but the thing is still dead. But without those exceptions, everything eventually mold finds it some kind of mold just like appears. So you can destroy the mold with the poison, but a new mold would just take over the responsibility. It's like Mother Nature keeps adapting to ensure that everything that dies gets recycled back in the soil. Because if somehow we stopped this process of recycling death, we would be piled high, kilometers high in dead bodies and dead leaves and dead trees and dead animals. It's like if you could somehow destroy the mold and stop it from digesting dead material, you would be intervening in creation itself. It would be like breaking some kind of a spiritual or metaphysical law of creation. So we have to get to the root cause of cancer to heal.


[01:06:38] Leigh: So what I really want to do on this podcast is to give people not just an understanding of what might cause something, but actually what can they do about it. So what would you say is the number one thing that a person needs to do to prevent cancer in the first place?


[01:07:08] Paul: One thing is to realize, I think this is really important. So at first I'm not going to share an action to take. But I heard what you said, like something a person can do to take action. But before I give the advice for this piece of action, I want to share something else so that there's value in the action. One is to realize that even though the school system or potentially your parents in society didn't necessarily teach you that there is such a thing as spiritual growth or the evolution of the soul, I want to share that there is such a thing. We are not just here to pay our taxes, like make as much money as we can before we die or follow this template of society. When you grow up, you get married and have kids, all of those things, sure, because that can happen. But there's something else that's occurring and it is a real evolution of the soul. We are learning how to love ourselves more and more. That's what spiritual evolution really is. And the only way that you can grow and discover this reality is if you first of all are aware that it exists. And then you want to take part. For example, when I was younger, I used to drink a whole bunch of alcohol, tons of it. I would go out with my friends. It's a common thing for people. Drink a ton of alcohol, get so drunk that you can't walk or see straight, potentially throw up. People have died, alcohol poisoning, car accidents. Yet society teaches us that drinking alcohol is a good thing. So that's a certain degree of consciousness or self love, right? If you drink something that damages yourself, that's not very loving. So as I awoke and became more aware, wait, this isn't actually okay with my body and this isn't really a high form of self love, then let's just say I started to choose to drink water. So choosing to drink water is in more alignment with what would be love. So there's an example of how I progressed, spiritually speaking. I evolved as a soul. And now, because I love myself more, I can now love others more too. So if I have a child, then. I can give it water instead of getting drunk with my teenager or something. So there's this evolution. So I'm just giving a little example. It's far deeper and far more expansive than that. There is an evolution of love in the mental, emotional realm too. Water is a physical example I was giving. There's an evolution of love in the spiritual realm too. So first we need to kind of realize that that exists. And if we don't participate in that, then yes, we won't evolve. It's possible to not evolve. I could just continue to drink alcohol my whole life and then die of a disease. First of all, that's what I wanted to share as a foundation. So then a simple example. I think one of the most beneficial things I could share just in a podcast is to then practice aloneness as often and realistically as you can as an individual. So it's really essential to be alone, say 20 minutes a day or longer an hour oftentimes. People call do this as a spiritual practice. So the first thing they do before they start their day is they connect to themselves. They do some form of meditation or they go for a walk in nature. Beautiful. Don't pump the lymphatic system. Pump your cardiovascular system. Get some fresh air. Connect to nature. There's such a thing as nature deficit disorder. And in that aloneness, this is when you can practice connecting to your emotions on a daily and regular basis. Am I angry about something? Is something unresolved in my life? Do I feel guilty about the thing that happened? And then you can practice having this relationship with yourself. And this is a spiritual thing. This really does increase the chance significantly that you would never develop cancer because it helps ensure or increase the chance that you're not going to leave something unresolved that potentially gets worse and worse. So that would be my number one piece of advice based on everything I've shared. I hope that makes sense to people. Why that's so important? Because the relationship with yourself is the one thing you have control over. Like if you're angry about something, that's your anger. So it's so important that you can get away from all the things that are causing the anger or related to the anger. You could be causing the anger because you're in judgment or you don't understand something and you need to change something within yourself or someone else that you're in a relationship needs to change their behavior or else they're just going to continue to cause anger to rise up on you because they're crossing your boundaries. So anger is not necessarily a bad thing. One of the things I teach people is your emotions occur for a reason. You just need to understand what is the reason. So acknowledge them as real.


[01:12:59] Leigh: Well, anger can be positive for change or for movement to do something. That's the kind of positive aspects. Interestingly Chinese traditional medicine links anger with the liver.


[01:13:12] Paul: Yeah. And that's also what I've discovered with people with cancer.


[01:13:16] Leigh: Got you. So one of the things that I've been thinking, as you've been speaking throughout this whole time, is possibly one of the best things we could do to prevent cancer would be to teach emotional self care in schools.


[01:13:32] Paul: Oh, wow. That would be beautiful. Now you're entering into, like, a whole new possibility of what school could be. Imagine if school taught kids real human being skills. Not just, like, facts and information to get a job, but how to communicate non violently. Yeah. Like, how to process emotions.


[01:13:58] Leigh: How to handle money.


[01:13:59] Paul: Yeah. How to handle money. How to handle relationship dynamics. Oh, wow. Incredible. That would be like real parenting.


[01:14:07] Leigh: How to grow organic food.


[01:14:09] Paul: Yeah. Beautiful.


[01:14:13] Leigh: Sounds like a Steiner school.


[01:14:15] Paul: Yeah. I like the idea of Steiner is amazing. I've run into a type of approach to school. When I was in Switzerland, I met a woman who was part of a free school, it was called. And I'd never encountered this before, but I absolutely loved it. And in this approach, every single day, she asks her child, do you want to go to school today? Like, Whoa, you're acknowledging this person as a unique soul that has its own needs and desires. Wow. If the child says no, it's like, okay, well, then the child just does whatever it wants to do that day. Go play, explore, whatever the soul its soul calls it, too. And that's how it gets to know itself and learns more about what it means to be a human. And it doesn't just become a walking head full of information. Right. If the child does want to go to school, then it says, yes, of course. And it goes when it gets to school, then it asks, what would you like to do today? Would you like to play today? Or Would you like to learn a particular thing? And then it would just decide again. And there was some other support methods. Sometimes they would encourage certain things because they feel that that's valuable. So there's some guidance in there still, but it's very much freedom based. And so what she shared with me is, by the time her daughter was ten, she could not read at all. But she was incredibly intelligent and very healthy and happy and vibrant, but she couldn't read. And the reason she couldn't read is because there was no need yet. There wasn't really any need to learn how to read yet. But then her daughter developed the interest to learn to play music. She wanted to learn some kind, and she was passionate about the piano. I think maybe she heard some songs and was like, wow, that's beautiful. I want to learn how to do that. So my mom is like, okay, well, then I'll support you in that. That's your sole desire. Now, in order for her to learn how to play piano. She had to learn how to read because it meant she'd have to go into the city, take the train system and navigate the city, read street signs and go and start learning information with.


[01:16:35] Leigh: The piano structure and learn to read music as well.


[01:16:38] Paul: And learn to read music. So then her daughter wanted to learn to read, like really, truly from within herself, passionate about it. And her mum told me that she does not understand how her daughter did this. To this day, she's still just shocked and surprised, but within I can't remember, she said one month or three months, so I'll just say one to three months. Her daughter learned how to read and she taught herself. Just bam. Done. Now, in the school system, many times kids are being forced or pressured they're not connected to, to see if it's really what they want to put their time and energy into. So if you're forced to learn something, then it slows the process down and it doesn't even go deep. So it can take years for someone to learn how to read because it's not what they want in that moment. So, yeah, I'm glad you said that because really to truly help end cancer, I think the whole school system has to be redesigned.



[01:17:39] : You're listening to the Radical Health Rebel podcast.


[01:17:44] Leigh: Just a brief interruption to this podcast to talk about adult acne. Now, did you know that 40% to 54% of men and women older than 25 years will have some degree of facial acne? And that clinical facial acne persists into middle age in 12% of women and 3% of men? I know only two world are devastating effects that actually can have on your confidence and your self esteem and how it can easily destroy your social life, your career and your relationships. I know this only too well because I suffered from severe cystic acne from age 13 to 31 over an 18 year period. I visited my doctor on many occasions and his only suggestions were acne creams, harsh cleansers and antibiotics that weren't working and were actually making my skin worse. After 18 years of struggle and thousands of pounds invested in treatments that didn't work, through my professional education, I began to learn that what my doctor had told me was untrue and that diet was directly related to acne, plus other factors such as food sensitivities, toxicity, hormones, and balancing the body's microbiome, putting what I had learned into practice. I managed to rib myself of acne over 20 years ago and have been helping others to do the same for well over a decade. By teaching people what foods cause acne, what food sensitivities each individual has, how to optimize their detox pathways, how to reduce environmental stresses and toxins, and how to balance hormones, especially those related to the mTOR pathway, a major causal factor with acne. I've been able to help many other adults overcome their acne nightmare too. So if you would like more information on how to overcome your adult acne, please go to www.skinwebinar.com. It's www.skinwebinar.com, where you can also request an Acne breakthrough. Call with me to see if you are suitable for my Eliminate Adult Acne coaching program, where you can once and for all learn how to overcome your adult acne. Now, back to the podcast.

[01:19:59] : Get the radical health rebel at Free. Head on over to our Patreon channel at www. Patreon. Comradicalhealth rebel. It's the only place where you can watch full length, completely add and sponsor free episodes of the podcast. Plus, you can join the Radical Health Rebel Patreon community where you can have a say in the podcast, watch exclusive behind the scenes cliffs, as well as early access to the podcast. That's patreon. Comradicalhealthrebel.


[01:20:35] Leigh: What's interesting in the UK at the moment, and I'm sure in lots of other countries, because of what's happening in schools, parents are taking their kids out of schools and doing home schooling. Well, they're just about to make it illegal to home school in the UK. They want to indoctrinate your children and make it illegal for them to not indoctrinate your children.


[01:20:58] Paul: Wow. Yeah, just the concept. If a person wakes up to what's going on today across humanity, just imagine this concept where if you have a child, you have to give that child away to basically strangers who tell you you have to and let them teach your child about life. Whoa. That is insane. That sounds more like slavery or something.


[01:21:35] Leigh: Yeah, that's exactly what it is, isn't it? Because they're training people to be able to follow orders and to not question authority. That's what schools are there for. That's what the school system is, right? It's to teach people to stand in line, do as they're told and to be a good worker on a production line very much and to pay their taxes and support the billionaires and trillionaires of the world.


[01:22:02] Paul: Thanks for saying that, because it's a pretty intense topic, but that's the truth. Like children are taught, if they please the authority, then they get a reward. If they don't please the authority, they get a punishment and they're not taught about life. Like I was saying. So after all this dysfunctional stuff in school, then they go out into the real world with no tools for life and this, as I was explaining, can lead to cancer. So this really needs to change and I feel like it's going to. The concept of the Great Awakening, I think is very real. In my whole life, I've never seen so many people so passionate now about helping people get into this process of real healing, digging into their belief systems, digging into learning what a human being really is and finding what your purpose in life is, rather than just living for money like the system wants you to. The system, I think, is going to change.


[01:23:12] Leigh: Well, it's definitely changing. It's just depending on how it's going to change.


[01:23:16] Paul: Yeah, how fast or how. But I appreciate that conversation about the school system.


[01:23:25] Leigh: So we just discussed about how people can prevent getting cancer. What would you say to someone who's already been diagnosed as cancer? What would your advice be to those people?


[01:23:40] Paul: It's slightly different for the most part. I want to say, though, it's exactly the same. It really is. The prevention and the cure is the same thing. It's just like with water. I'll use that simple example again. If you want to prevent all the symptoms that occur from dehydration, then you need to drink water. If you have the symptoms of a dehydration, then the cure is to drink water. It's just the same thing. But reversing cancer is more challenging, though, because there's more fear and there's different dynamics related to what can support you through the process of healing. So I'll share something. When I first started to research how people were healing years ago, one of the first case histories I came across before I started working with people and having them heal in my center was a man who was diagnosed with cancer. And he discovered I'll share two examples here because they're really powerful. They'll be really helpful for people. So a man was diagnosed with, I think it was lung cancer. He was told it was like a last minute discovery. It was already stage four. He was told, this is too late, you're going to die. We can do treatments to increase your survival time. That's what the war on cancer is all about, increasing survival. Not actually ending cancer or thriving in your future, but just to survive as long as you can. So he said, well, if I'm going to die, this is bullshit. Screw this, I'm leaving. I quit his job because he didn't like his job. He left his life. So this is an extreme example, but he left his life and he went and rented a cottage somewhere beautiful in some mountains. He just was gone, really far away. And he was alone. So he was alone for a whole month. And what he did was he just meditated. He just rested. He was total freedom. He went hiking in nature through beautiful trails. He looked at the sunsets, he probably looked at the sunrise. Can only imagine what he was doing in that freedom now. He probably ended up processing emotions, I would imagine, because it's not a simple process to just go into a loneliness like that. He might have had some fears, I don't know the details of that. But he was truly free and alone for a month. And when he came back after that month to go and begin his treatments to see how long they could increase his survival, they had to diagnose him again, like, take another test to see where he's at to determine the dose of chemotherapy and his cancer was gone. I interviewed a woman, too, who healed her breast cancer in a similar way, so I won't share the whole case history of her, but generally she went away for her. She went to British Columbia. She went surfing for a whole month by herself every day. She walked in the forest under the big, huge, ancient trees, and she cried. And she cried a lot because she was connecting to herself in this difficult process of aloneness, releasing her emotions, moving her emotions, moving this stuck energy. And when she came back, her tumor was gone. And in both cases, the doctor said, we must have made a mistake. It must have been a misdiagnosis.


[01:27:38] Leigh: I've had clients of my own, not cancer patients, but I've had clients of my own come back after I'd help them heal, whatever it was. And they just said, either these things happen, it must have just been luck, or maybe you didn't have that in the first place. I've heard that so many times.


[01:27:56] Paul: Yeah. It just doesn't make any sense. Like someone that's gone through the traditional medical training, they have massive knowledge in the areas of measurements and quantifying different parts of the body, like symptomology and pharmacology. Yeah. And many times the medical personnel have saved people's lives. I've had people that have had a tumor in their colon. They wanted to work with me to get to the root cause of their cancer, but they had a tumor in their colon that was so big, it had blocked their ability to have a bowel movement. And that's a lifethreatening situation, because your body can't detoxify, it can't release. And so the medical system saved their life. She did surgery to have the tumor removed. It was a success. So there's many examples of when the medical system can save a person's life, but it's difficult for people in the medical system to look outside of their training and realize there's a whole other reality where a person can help heal themselves by addressing their needs. And there's no training in the medical system. The doctor is not trained to do any of that. And this can be a crisis for medical people, too, because they've invested their whole life in that training. So unless they want to expand their training and start going or leave that training and develop a whole new potential life, it can be a crisis, too, even. But recently I had a doctor in my cancer prevention coach training, which I was really happy about.


[01:29:42] Leigh: Yeah, excellent.


[01:29:43] Paul: Yeah. It's really special to have someone like that information.


[01:29:51] Leigh: I had a client some years ago now, and she worked with me for a few years, and she was a surgeon. She was an oncologist, and she was a surgeon for gynecological cancers. And she worked with me for I can't remember how many, two or three years, something like that. And she actually did some work with Paul Check as well. I did refer her to Paul, funny enough, for some emotional work. And I didn't hear from her for a few years, and she just rang me to say hi out of the blue. And she said, I've resigned from the NHS. Why is that? And she said, Because I was fed up of slicing people open, cutting out the tumors, stitching them back up and saying, off you go, because she realized she wasn't actually really helping them in the long term. And she would say 90% of them were obese.


[01:30:43] Paul: Wow.


[01:30:43] Leigh: So she felt she wasn't really doing something beneficial, so she was retrained as a craniosacral therapist.


[01:30:51] Paul: Amazing. Wow. Good for her. Yeah. Thanks for sharing that story. Can help. All these changes that humanity has to go through are really difficult for her to walk. Resign would not have been an easy thing.


[01:31:08] Leigh: She was on a big salary.


[01:31:10] Paul: Right. She has to let go of and there's so much investment in all the schooling and everything. It's so much it's like an ego death or a part of the ego death. And then she has to rebuild a new ego, like a new life. And that's where one of the things that I talk about is what real faith is. Real faith in terms of spirituality is to realize that if you wake up to something that is dark, it's just like a general statement, corruption or something that just isn't working. It's really not solving a problem or it's morally wrong. Then if you devote as scariest. Impossible as it might seem. If you devote yourself. Spiritually speaking. To going through a change. Like letting go of what isn't really good. Truly good. And you make a dream for something new. A new life that's in alignment with your heart. That's always a mystery as to how is this going to happen. Usually people become so full of fear that they don't choose the path, or sometimes, I should say not usually, but sometimes they don't choose the path because they don't have faith. And for me, real faith is to trust that if you follow your heart, you will succeed, actually, because somehow you will be supported because you are doing the right thing.


[01:32:46] Leigh: So those that have got cancer now, you'd recommend removing themselves from their current stressors, listening to their emotions, dealing with their emotions, and do what brings them joy.


[01:33:00] Paul: Absolutely. That's how you heal. So I would suggest, though, so that's the general outline yes. What's helpful, though, is to have guidance through that process because it's not necessarily easy to achieve. It's easier said than done. Because like I said before, unless we've learned how to love ourselves or learned how to develop our assertiveness skills or whatever it is we need to do, then it's like deciding, I'm going to finally just fix my car now instead of just handing it over to the mechanic who always sends it back with another problem. I'm going to fix my car now. Beautiful, that's amazing. But you have to somehow learn how to fix your car still. So that's the whole purpose of a coach. And that's the reason why I created my cancer prevention training. In my cancer prevention training, it's really starting to grow. A lot more people are coming to it in that training. I'm teaching a 15 step emotional healing process. It's a complete based on all the work I've done with people with cancer over the years. These 15 steps are the steps needed to truly be able to resolve all emotional challenges. So I would suggest yes, exactly what you said. How you worded that was perfect. And then just to realize that if you can't do it alone, it's wise to have support through that process. And a good coach or a good guide is someone that supports you through the process of your own healing. So when you're done, they're not the source of your healing, they supported you through it, but you're actually the source of your healing. Just like if you want to learn how to fix your cards, you that's deciding to do that. But you probably have to learn from someone how to do that. So I would suggest not necessarily just doing it alone, but it's certainly possible to do it alone.


[01:35:07] Leigh: Yeah, got you. So what would you say to people if they said, I just listened to that podcast with Liam Paul, but I know someone, they had cancer and they had chemo and they've been fine for 20 years?


[01:35:22] Paul: That's another really good question. Oftentimes what happens or no, sometimes this isn't very common. Sometimes what happens because I've met some people in that exact scenario, they did chemotherapy 20 years ago. Their cancer hasn't come back. And when I talk to them more and get deeper into it, what I found out is that they actually changed the parts of their life that needed to change. Change which was directly associated with the cause of their cancer. So when a person comes into a life or death scenario in these chemotherapy treatments, death is knocking at their door potentially like you could die. Sometimes people go through a process of awakening. They just realized, holy ****, I have to change all these things. I'm no longer okay with the relationship dynamic I'm in or I'm no longer okay with working in this job just for money, whatever it might be. And they really do make those changes. They finish their chemotherapy treatments when they're done. Their cancer never comes back, but it's actually because they healed for real. Interesting, chemotherapy never truly can't actually ever address the root causes. Impossible. That's why I say there can never be a cure in that sense. A cure that comes from the outside. Someone comes in, fixes us, and then we're good.


[01:36:57] Leigh: Are you familiar with Anita Murchani?


[01:37:01] Paul: That rings a bell.


[01:37:03] Leigh: She wrote the book Dying to be me.


[01:37:07] Paul: Wow, it's a good title.


[01:37:10] Leigh: It's one of two books that I've read cover to cover without stopping.


[01:37:15] Paul: Wow.


[01:37:17] Leigh: And I really want to get her on this podcast, actually. So let me quickly tell you her story. She was from an Indian family, and she grew up in Hong Kong and was surrounded by English people and Chinese people. She was the only Indian person, to cut a very long story short, she kind of didn't know who she was because she couldn't relate to anyone around her. She couldn't she didn't fit in with the Chinese girls. She didn't fit in with the English girls. So she was always trying to be someone else as an adult. She got cancer stage four. She was on a deathbed and she saw the white light. She basically had a near death experience, and she came around and her cancer had gone. The doctors could not find any cancer in her body like that quickly.


[01:38:15] Unknown Speaker: Wow.


[01:38:16] Leigh: So the doctor said, we must have got the diagnosis wrong. There must be some cancer still in there, so we'll continue treating you right. But basically she had a spontaneous remission. She had a near death experience. She saw the other side, so to speak. Bang. Her cancer had gone. She was back in her body, and she was completely fine.


[01:38:43] Paul: Wow.


[01:38:45] Leigh: Any thoughts on that?


[01:38:47] Paul: Yeah, it's the first time I've heard of that.


[01:38:53] Leigh: I think you'd love that book.


[01:38:55] Paul: Yeah, I'll probably read that one. I made a note of it. Well, one thing that happens when a person one of the things I teach people that are either doing my training or needing to heal is that the ego can die, but the soul cannot. And what our ego is is what we've taken on. Usually until we've become conscious and built our ego ourselves, then we're usually carrying an ego, which is an identity. What the ego is is basically I believe this and that. This is how I eat, this is what I live for. This is how I deal with stress and stuff like that. And that ego is usually first built by society or by our parents or by the school system. So oftentimes to heal, we have to go through an ego death. We have to go through a positive change process. Some part of our ego at least needs to die so that a new ego can replace it and birth. So the example with the doctor that you mentioned is that she resigned. And I mentioned then that it's like a whole ego death. She's no longer a doctor that cuts people open and cuts out a tumour and then just sends them back into life without them learning any tools or having any idea what caused her cancer or anything. Now she's a whole new person. She is living for a different purpose in life. She's making money again. It's a different amount. Maybe it's less. Who knows? Maybe she'll make more. But it's a whole new ego that's been born. So when you go through an ego transformation, the more significant of a transformation it is, the more of a change occurs with regards to the fulfilment of your needs. Especially if the first ego that you have is damaging on all levels, then the new ego that you take on doesn't damage you say, at all. You have a perfect ego, which isn't usually possible when a person dies. Just like in life, our ego can constantly die, or parts of it can die and new egos can. Aspects of our ego can birth. But our soul was always there. I'm still me, even though when I was a teenager, part of my ego then was to drink. Today it's not. But my soul is still here with a new ego. So when a person dies, a death is a complete total annihilation of the ego shed, the entire thing. So my thought just is that when she left her body, she actually died. She dissolved the whole ego. She started entering into the tunnel white light. Her soul is leaving the body. And then somehow, for some reason, she came back, which is a common thing. Maybe I shouldn't say common, but there are many stories that you can find of this happening. It's a very special, unique occurrence. And when she leaves and she goes back to the source, the source, let's call it God, whatever you want to call it. This is a common experience. When a person leaves their body, they see the white light. There's lots of documentation about this. So white light is not darkness anymore, right? It's the light. And the light is essentially love. And so she goes and connects to love, real love. And then she comes back into her body with the ego shed and now just holding this new foundation, like a new template of love. Suddenly all the tension in her body, all the fears, all the suppressed anger, whatever was there that was behind her cancer is just all gone. And then her cancer just disappears because blood flows to all the parts of the body that were restricted based on what was going on in her life before her near death experience. So that would be my answer to that. I don't know if that's really what happened, but that's based on what I understand about cancer. That would be my answer.


[01:43:33] Leigh: It would be interesting to know how many other people have had that same experience.


[01:43:37] Paul: Yeah, this is one thing I'm excited about now that I'm teaching this. Because I'm excited because I know that all the people that take my training are going to take it deeper. It's not like I've figured out all the answers. I've figured out a lot though. And from here now, people can go really deeply into understanding anger and how to resolve it and how to deal with it. People can go deeply into grief and so on. All the different what exact emotion is. Behind pancreatic cancer? What exact emotion is behind colon cancer? Sometimes do they overlap with other emotions. And we can really, truly, eventually end cancer together as more people, like, get passionate about truly healing. So that's why I appreciate what you said. That's interesting research to start looking into. You know, how many people have a near death experience and then their tumors go away? This is the kind of research that the cancer industry just doesn't seem to care about. And one thing I've noticed in all my work is, and I read about this in my first book, the root cause of cancer is the rate of heart cancer. The cancer in the heart is almost zero. I have not run into anyone that's ever encountered that. It's extremely rare. So why is that? And then also breast cancer in males is extremely rare. And one of the things I teach in my training is that breast cancer is caused by, as a general statement, personal sacrifice. It's giving yourself away. And that typically occurs in females. That's what mothers do because that's what women are wired to do. Not truly sacrifice beyond what's healthy, but because women are just like you said, they're designed to give to the child. They have to give all their resources to a child when it's where many of the resources to a child when it's growing inside the womb after it's born, they have to give their breast milk, which is more of their life energy. They have to give their time and their energy. And oftentimes mothers have to make sacrifice to look after their child. So because women are kind of designed that way, they're more prone to doing it too much in many different relationship dynamics where it's actually inappropriate, not healthy to give, and they really need to say no and not feel guilty about it and so on. And so this is why I think that breast cancer is so prevalent in women, but almost zero in men because men don't have those predetermined kind of biological, psychological predispositions.


[01:46:28] Leigh: Fantastic, Paul, this has been absolutely great. Where can the audience sign up for your course? If they're interested or even buy your book.


[01:46:36] Paul: They can go to my website, wheel of life academy.com. Wheel? Like on a car? Wheeloflifeacademy.com. My cancer prevention coach training is life changing. It really teaches a person not just a deep, deep understanding of cancer. I get even deeper in that course, but it teaches you the tools to really, truly prevent cancer. So it really positions a person with the emotional processing tools to know how to actually connect to their emotions, how to process them, and how to deal with life challenges and grow through the challenge instead of getting stuck in the challenge or destroyed by it. It's how to grow through life. So I'm really excited about that course. I realized over the years that I'm never going to help end cancer if I'm just continuously focusing on helping people heal because I can only help so many people. So through this training I'm helping way more people. So I'm really excited about the course. Highly suggest taking it if someone's passionate about cancer. You're scared of developing cancer because it runs in the family, you're a holistic lifestyle coach or any kind of health practitioner. The training is really synergistic with pretty much anything a person does because you can help a person with the stresses in their life, then you can help them get fitter easier, you can help them fix back pain, whatever it might be. So my book is on the website too, and then also I do one on one coaching and I have a mentorship for people that if a person has cancer, then they can do a single session with me. In one session I can usually get to the root cause of cancer with a person and start steering them in the right direction for self healing and resolving it permanently. And then oftentimes I suggest people doing the mentorship with me so I can guide through the whole process of change reallifeacademy.com.


[01:48:41] Leigh: And people can do that online?


[01:48:43] Paul: Yeah, I work with pretty much all my clients now, just over zoom online video and it's amazing, it feels like we're in person still right now, even though we're talking to each other through the video, it's still very personal and connected. So it works because now I can help people in many different locations.


[01:49:04] Leigh: Fantastic. And where can the audience find you? Online or social media?


[01:49:09] Paul: You can follow me on Facebook. That's the only place I really do much. So just look me up Paul, Leanderts, Leighndertse, you can follow me there. And you can also sign up for my newsletter on my website. And every now and then I send out something helpful and then let people know if like a course is coming up soon or my second book will be coming out hopefully in two months or so. So you could sign up for my newsletter there.


[01:49:42] Leigh: Awesome. And what's next for you, Paul?


[01:49:46] Paul: What's next for me?


[01:49:47] Leigh: You just said it your next book.


[01:49:50] Paul: Yeah, right now I'm working on finishing the second book and I've written the whole thing, I'm just editing it. But the editing process is so huge, it takes way longer to edit a book than it does to write one.


[01:50:04] Leigh: Tell me about it.



[01:50:05] Paul: Yeah, so that's my main project. And the other thing I'm doing now is marking exams cause I just finished cancer prevention Coach training and it takes so I'm marking exams. So today I'll be marking exams.


[01:50:20] Leigh: Excellent. Paul, I just want to thank you so much for this interview today. I'm sure whoever listens to this is going to get a massive amount of information out of it. So just thank you very much.


[01:50:31] Paul: You're welcome. I hope people can digest it as comfortably as possible. Sometimes it's difficult to hear these things because it can be such a big awakening, potentially everyone's in different scenarios that can be hard to even realize. So bless everyone. Thanks so much for listening and thank you for holding the podcast.


[01:50:59] Leigh: My pleasure.


[01:51:00] Paul: I loved your questions. They're really potent.


[01:51:04] Leigh: So that's all from us for this episode. Don't forget, you can join me, the Radical Health Rebel, same time, same place, next week on the Radical Health Rebel podcast.


[01:51:20] : Thanks for tuning in to the Radical Health Rebel podcast with Leigh Brandon. You can find Leigh at www.bodycheck.co.uk. Please hit the like button and share on your social media and with someone you feel will benefit from watching this episode. So together, we can help them lead a healthier, more productive, fulfilling and happy life.

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