Macro Micro Michael Marco & Startups at the Edge (M4Edge)

Breaking technology barriers with Greg Mark of Markforged

Marco Annunziata and Michael Leifman/ Greg Mark and Trak Lord Season 1 Episode 10

For the second episode in our miniseries on Additive Manufacturing, we interview Greg Mark, founder and CEO of Markforged (along with their Director of Communications Trak Lord).

Deloitte recently ranked Markforged 10th in their 2018 North America Technology Fast 500 Rankings. Forbes put them on a list of next billion dollar startups
But the company's success isn’t the only thing that makes this interview interesting.  Business economists should listen closely to what Greg says about, for example, the increased economies of scale. And investors should pay attention when he talks about massive consolidation that inevitably will hit the industry. And technologists should be on the lookout for his predictions on breaking technology barriers and the certainty of advance. And manufacturers should pay attention to the things that his technology can do. And for the rest of us – just keep being curious!

If you've not yet listened to episode 1 of this miniseries with Ben Redwood of 3DHubs, you may want to go back and listen, as Ben explains some of the technical details of the industry and different types of 3D Printing technologies. AND, 3DHubs has made available to M4Edge listeners two free resources about 3D Printing; you can hear the URLs for the downloads in the episode.

P.S. PLEASE forward this episode, or one of your favorites, to a friend. We want to build this community and we need your help.

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