Macro Micro Michael Marco & Startups at the Edge (M4Edge)

A 2 Billion person market: electricity access with Bill Lenihan of Zola Electric, live at the World Bank

Marco Annunziata and Michael Leifman/ Bill Lenihan, Dana Rysankova, Jon Exel Season 1 Episode 24

The World Bank was gracious enough to host us for our 2nd live audience show. Along with the World Bank Global lead for Energy Access, Dana Rysankova, and Jon Exel, the Global Lead for Mini-grids, we interviewed Bill Lenihan, the CEO of Zola Electric.

We discuss the challenge of electrification: close to 900 million people still have no access to electricity at all, and over 2 billion don't have reliable power. Bill explains how Zola has brought power to 1 million people (and counting) in 5 countries. We discuss the trade-offs of extending the grid versus providing off-grid solutions, we discuss the difficulties of scaling business models in developing countries, and we discus the Bank's experience in multiple countries. Lots of really meaty discussion, both on building the business and on the policy and economic problems involved. Enjoy, share the episode!

Additional links to follow:
World Bank stats on Electricity Access
Energy Data Info, including link to new tool mentioned by Dana during the show
World Bank research papers

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