White Sheep Media's Movie Reviews

Dune: Part Two

March 12, 2024 Ryan Evans/Mark Burnham Season 2 Episode 8
Dune: Part Two
White Sheep Media's Movie Reviews
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White Sheep Media's Movie Reviews
Dune: Part Two
Mar 12, 2024 Season 2 Episode 8
Ryan Evans/Mark Burnham

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Dune: Part Two is an absolute masterpiece. Ryan and Mark give it 10 and 9.5, respectively. We recommend seeing it ASAP in an IMAX theatre. 

The second movie picks up exactly where the first left off. This movie is different than the first in that it will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It is the perfect combination of adventure, comedy, and romance. We expect this movie to receive countless awards and nominations as it is on par with movies like The Dark Knight.

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Dune: Part Two is an absolute masterpiece. Ryan and Mark give it 10 and 9.5, respectively. We recommend seeing it ASAP in an IMAX theatre. 

The second movie picks up exactly where the first left off. This movie is different than the first in that it will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It is the perfect combination of adventure, comedy, and romance. We expect this movie to receive countless awards and nominations as it is on par with movies like The Dark Knight.

This episode is brought to you by White Sheep Media.




Hey guys, thanks for checking out another white sheep media podcast. This episode is sponsored by shop the sheep.com If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to follow our podcast hope you enjoy the episode Okay, we are going to talk today about absolutely no question best movie of the year so far. In my opinion, it might end up being the best movie of the year even though there's a lot coming out that I still want to see. I'm really excited about this one is just so well done in my opinion. I'm going to go a little bit out of order then give my rating. This is a 10 out of 10. For me, it's on par. And I saw this I saw like, I've seen ads for the movie since we watched it. Yeah, Mark and I watched it. We watched it like three days before its official opening date, right? Correct. Yeah, Washington February so I've seen like I said, I've seen ads since since then. And it said it's on par with like the Dark Knight. Yeah. And I agree with that. It's it's it's a it reminded me the series now is reminding me of the the dark dark the Batman's the Batman trilogy absolute with Christian Bale. And like if you want to think about the first movie in, in Batman, which is probably by far the worst, but still a great movie. Dune one is is kind of like that. It's a slow start. Yeah. Great movie. I've seen it. I've seen dune one, three or four times. Yeah. I will watch this one. Probably more. The only thing I'll say about this one is this like, it is intense from start to finish in my opinion. So it's a little it's a little taxing. But it's so good. Anyway, Mark, give us your written recommend. Yeah, I thought this was absolutely phenomenal. I I want to see it one more time. I want to give it a 10. But I want to see it one more time. Before I do. I'm gonna give it a nine and a half though. Okay, obviously, could definitely go up to a 10 If I see it again. This is a phenomenal sequel. I thought the first Dune was excellent when I first saw it in the theater, and I could not wait for the sequel. And this is just as good as I hoped it would be. It is an excellent continuation of everything that was set up in the first dune movie. Almost perfect. But this, I like it better than the first one. I would agree. I like it better than the first one if a third movie, if the third movie finishes as in is like as strong as the second movie and finishes this trilogy strong. Yeah, we definitely got a trilogy that's up there with the dark night. And I'll even say Lord of the Rings, for that matter. Wow. So yeah, this was absolutely phenomenal. If you haven't already see this in the biggest, loudest theater you can find? Yes. Agreed. Agreed. This is the one and Kilson are talking about this a couple days after the after he watched it. But you know, I'm not I'm not a super fan of that. Is it IMAX right? Yeah. I'm not. I'm not a super fan of the one that we have here. Just because like I'm gonna be wrong. I'm being this is first world problems. But the chairs aren't as good as in my opinion as other theaters because they don't recline as much. Yeah, but as far as like the sound and just, you know, the entire experience you get in the IMAX. I would recommend like you said, See this one in the theater like that. Yeah. Just it's yeah, it's incredible. Okay, so director, so his name and and I hope I get this pronunciation right. I think I've got it right. Denee Ville nerve. Okay. He is at this point, especially after this one of my favorite directors period. Well, the guys made Blade Runner 2049 Which when we did our I think we when we did our favorite movies of all time that was in my list. Arrival prisoners during part one, he's just incredible. I don't know if you ever saw a movie called enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal. He also did that. The guy just doesn't miss at all. It hasn't been doing part two. I think so far. I it's tough because I love Blade Runner. 2049 so much. It's tough. I almost want to put Doom part two above that. But again, I need to see it again. Yeah, he's he's a phenomenally good director. And he's one of my favorites now. Yeah, we'll stop. So wow, that's saying something. Um, so he did. He did a rival. I know a rival and I know prisoners. I know Blade Runner. I watched that within the last a rewatch that within the last six months. It is as good as you say. Yeah, I love that movie. But yeah, so prisoners that that movie. A lot of people don't know about that movie, but it's so damn good. That's got stuck. Yes, yeah. Jake Gyllenhaal he liked it. I still hold it. Yeah. And then you see and it's also got to, oh, big, big Australian actor. Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And credit that movie is incredible. It is it really so yeah, he's he's obviously very good at it. No, he did those. Okay, this cast is his bout as loaded as I've ever seen dude, it's a phenomenal cast and everybody plays there nobody phones it in in this movie. Everybody know how you know? No matter how big or small their part is, is excellent. Yeah. Well, first on the list. It looks like we got Austin Butler Austin Butler's a fantastic actor. Yeah. We just saw him recently. And Elvis. Did you see Elvis? I didn't see. But you said it was good. It's good. It's good. He's great. He is Elvis. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And he's awesome in this movie. His villain in this movie was fantastic, credible villain. Yeah, we'll get to it. But yeah, he was awesome. Fade Rafa is his name. And obviously Timothy shallow may plays Paula tradies. I really liked him in the first movie quite a bit. He's great here as well. We saw him and waka waka Yeah, he's got ranch. He does. Man. He's, I think he's a great actor. Florence Pugh plays Princess Erawan. This is the first time we've seen her in this. She was not in the first one. Yep. And then Zendaya. As we saw her in the first one, she's Chani. She's one of the Fremen Rebecca Ferguson plays lady Jessica, which is Paul's mother. She's also a very good actress. And she gets a little she shows her abilities in this one. Oh, yeah. Yes, she changes. He's, she has to be a different person in this one. Right. And it's really it's really incredible to see her to do that. Yes, it is. Christopher Walken. Guy's a legend. He plays the Emperor. It's talking about man. Oh, I love that guy. I know it's a layup. Layup say do. She's been in a lot of stuff. Yeah. Been a lot of movies. I like her a lot. I know her from James Bonds girlfriend. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Jason Momoa was in the first one. He wasn't in this one. Yeah. Loved his character in the first one. Duncan, Idaho was awesome. Duncan. He was awesome. I really miss him. Stellan Skarsgard plays Vladimir Harkin. And I've always liked this guy. I always for a long time. When I think about him, I think about Bootstrap bill. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then Dave Batista, man, he's awesome in these movies. What is Dave Batista? Not in? Yeah, no, I know. He's gonna be in a blockbuster movie every year, right? Yeah, yeah. Now He's great. He's great. And both of them. Javier Bardem. Javier Bardem. Awesome. He might is it Bardem? I think it's Bardem, Bardem. Yeah, okay, I think See, I'm always pronouncing your name wrong. I've been calling Harvey Javier Bardem for years but That's the American way to say it. Harvey Martin Markovia anyway, he is so late like I love this guy. His probably his best of the performance I think of front of mine when he comes up first of all was he's like underrated actor He's He's incredible. I guess it's probably because the European and I'm saying this he sat there with like, is it a Christopher alts is that the is it the president horse bastards? Right. Yeah, Christoph Waltz. Yeah, he kinda reminds me of him like guys that we don't they're incredible actors but I don't think we appreciate him enough here in the in the States. But um, the guys he's hilarious, but when I think about Javier Bardem he, it's No Country for Old Men. Yeah, yeah, that scene that scene in the gas station is like, you've been putting it up your whole life and still no. Yeah, he he's awesome. In that movie. That's the first time I ever wondered who he was. And he was No Country for Old Men. Yeah, was that movie. And speaking to No Country for Old Men as co star Josh Brolin was also in this i plays gurney. Halleck and he's awesome. Yeah, he's awesome. Now, the next person we see is Tim Blake Nelson. He was originally in this but his scene got cut from the movie, but he wasn't this technically, but they don't think they'll know of came out and said he was like, you know, it hurt. But I had to cut the scene for the movie. So yeah. I was wondering because I saw them like, I don't remember seeing him. Yeah. Okay. And then David dastmalchian was in the first dune. He was not in this one, though. wasn't we didn't see him in this one. I don't think but he wasn't the first one. He was in the first one. That's right. He died of the poison. Right. Exactly. That's right. Yeah. This going back I know it's not in this movie. But he he plays that insane, creepy character in every movie. He does. And he doesn't. Well, he's also in prisoners, as well. Yeah, he's the one that they think stole the kids, right? Yes. Okay. Yeah, that's right. Okay. Now I the rest of this cast. Oh, yeah, that Vinnie Gennesaret woman Charlotte Rampling? She was in both she's has been in both movies now. She's awesome. The first place ever saw her was in? Have you seen Dexter with Michael C Hall? I have not seen it, but I've heard of it. Okay, last season. I want to say it's the last season before the reboot that they did in the last few years. The last season of the original Dexter like season eight. Yeah, she was a she was a really good character. And I really liked her think she's a great actress. Yeah, yeah. And she's getting these movies. The rest of the cast. Looks like minor characters. Yeah, but make no mistake. Everybody's Great. Yeah, everybody was really good. I think this guy here Bad's the guy that played uh, yeah. And keeps he talks about him. Yeah, he talks about it. I think he's the guy that Paul has to kill in the first movie. That's right. I think he's in this movie coming up this year with Henry Cavill. Where he's the you know, the secret mission guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think he's one of the okay. Yeah, gotcha. Okay. Well, that's it for the cast. Like I said, loaded cast. Everybody is incredible. My favorite. My favorite character in this movie is Javier Barnum's. Oh, he's fantastic. Yeah, just hit some of the best lines in the movie. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Okay. Mark Plautus. Okay, so this continues, literally, right, we're doing part one left off. Paul and his mother have found the Fremen people, and they've joined up with them. And so when this movie starts, you get them there with the feminine they they encounter some of the Harkin and out in the desert, and the Harkonen are basically like trying to eradicate the Furman people. They in the first movie, they took over Eric Keane, which is the city that a tradies family had inhabited. And having it it was like, I don't know if they're right. And so when the Harkin and took overthrew the tradies family, they took that city. And so Paul and his mother escaped and so they're with the Freeman and so when the movie opens, they encountered the Harkin and out in the deep desert. And basically, it is prophesized that Paul will kind of become a kind of almost it's almost like a chosen one kind of like he'll become a leader to the freedmen people and lead them to I think, as he says, Paradise. Yeah. The Furman people have a what's called a Reverend Mother. And I think there's as either they're old or dying. And so Paul's mother becomes their Reverend Mother. And Paul is trying to he, still gar, which is Javier Bardem, he's kind of one of the ones that believes in this whole prophecy. Paul's love interest in data really does not at all. And so Paul's kind of, kind of, he's got to try to figure out how he can like, convince one half of the frame and just don't believe in it at all. So he's gonna, he's, he's got to try to convince them of this of this prophecy. But by doing that, he does it in a way of like, kind of becoming one with them, you know, learning their ways he doesn't really want to be, I guess he doesn't really want to be seen as like this chosen one, but more of like, one with the Fremen people. And so, you know, he trains with them. He and in the form of people carry out these, like, assaults on the this Harkonen like the harvesters, you know, they take him down by blowing them up. And so he gains respect from them in that way. And so Paul is also having visions of like, he has visions in the first movie to have like, things that are to come. Yeah, and one a lot of his visions in this movie are like things of like death. Now, I don't think we really know what that's gonna mean just yet. The one thing I want to talk really quickly about his Yeah, in the first one. What I noticed that after having watched the movie, like four times, it seems like his visions are the exact opposite of what happened. Like, right, if you remember the first one, it's again, going back to the black guy, he had to fight at the end of the first one. Okay, he's having visions that that guy's helping him. Right. And then he has to kill him when he first meets him. He has visions that is in Deus character kills him. You know, she stabs him. Yeah, yeah. And she ends up being like his grace Allah. Right. Yeah. So it seems like anything in this movie, the visions that he's having are like, if he goes south, everything will fall apart. Right? But just so happens, that's not what happens. So I'm wondering, that seems like it'd be a recurring thing you know, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. They're not always as they seem. So the vision is is having in this movie can meet something like pretty different. Yeah. going forth with the third. And so then de is worried about this. She's worried that Paul will kind of lose who he is. If he becomes this leader. Yeah, he'll kind of lose himself. And so it kind of causes the divide between the two. But let me ask you this mark. Yeah. Do you remember Wasn't there an issue where he was afraid? If he followed if he went south everybody he doesn't want to go south, right? Yeah. Because that's if I remember correctly, the vermin are split up into two groups. Like you said, one super religious, that's the Southerners. Yeah. And the ones that are north are don't really believe in the prophecy or they're not super religious. Okay. Yeah. He's afraid if he goes south, he's going to create a civil war. Isn't that what he said? Yeah, I believe so. Okay. Yeah. Yes. So the, the Harkonen, they're, you know, they're carrying out all these attacks, they're carrying out airstrikes on the Fremen. And so it's actually They're led by Batista, who's really failing to get the job done over there. And so the Baron employs his nephew who is fade Rotha and so we get this whole segment in the movie of fate and by the way, this segment was awesome. Fade Rafa is an incredible villain in this he's, he's menacing and as I think Princess aerelon puts it, he's psychotic. I mean, heaven help you if you're staying on within five feet of him if he gets a hold of a new dagger, because you're probably going to die. Yeah. So yeah, you get this whole segment of fate. Rotha in this whole like gladiatorial battle sequence where they put like all the like kind of leftover tradies family members in the arena with them. And he's just playing with them. And he ends up killing all of them. The guy's like a crazy good fighter. But see Paul's also been trained by Gurney who's also well, he was also the Dukes like, top body guard. So Paul knows how to fight and I think duck in Idaho too, right? Yeah, yeah. Um, and so what ends up happening is Batista gets like put off to the side. He's like, you know, you're not getting anything done over there. We're gonna put fade Roth in there, because this guy's a nutcase. And he'll get it done. Yeah. And that scene when he when they first want it, because they're related or their brothers, right? Yeah, yeah. And he makes him like kiss his boot. Yeah, yeah. It was great. Yeah. So yeah. So fade Rafa goes over to a raucous and obviously, you get the scene where I think, you know, he's pretty ruthless. So he's gonna, you know, just go in and take over and but I think we get the scene where he's like interrogating one of the Fremen women. I think he is a torch runner. Yeah, well, the flame thrower. And so this leads eventually so you get the scenes it's like cutting back to the Emperor and Princess airline. And they're, they're like, the Emperor set the A tradies family up. He intended for them to go to Arachis and get overthrown by the Harkins. Yeah, so he made a deal with the Harkins. Um, and during this, I think, doesn't that lady Jessica went south, right? Yes, she did. Okay, she went she went. She went before he did on those big worms. Yeah, she's in that little like shell that little bullet thing, right? Yeah. Yeah. She went south. And they do this thing that the Reverend mothers do this thing where they drink the drink the fluids of a sandworm. Yeah. And they do this by taking a sandworm and drowning it and water actually. And so that's how they extract the blue liquid from him. Yeah. I think they call it the water of life. Water. Yeah. Water of Life. Are they? Yeah, yeah. Um, so you know, as this movie goes on. Paul has to like he said, The Emperor eventually comes down to Eric Cain. And, you know, Paul's gonna make a I think, obviously, he wants revenge for his father. He believes in his revenge. And I don't think his mom really does. But Paul wants it. Yeah. And so you kind of see this shift happen in Paul's character throughout the movie. I think Paul is going to make a move for the throne you know, obviously he wants to take the city back and so but but at the same time, like he's got a he's got to get the firm and people behind him now there was there was a segment in the movie where he dies for a little bit, too when you drink this when you drink for like the, the blood of or the fluids of a worm. I think it can kill you. Or there's something about him he has to die and then come back. But see Zendaya does that. See? This is why I have to see this again. Yeah, because there's not only is this a pretty lengthy movie, but there's a lot that happens in this movie. The short of it though. Paul does unite the whole frame and like all of them, there's 1000s of these people like 1000s And so he he's going to lead an assault on erikki and and take it back. Yeah. And you know, the Harken ins are there. The Emperor is there. In So basically what ensues he gets? He gets he launches an assault on this place. And of course the fishermen have sandworms which are huge, absolutely huge. So he goes in he kills he kills the Baron he kills Vladimir stabs him right in the neck yeah yeah which is awesome yeah so you die like a dog like an animal yeah yeah so he goes in he takes it back and he and basically at this point the Emperor and kind of the other other Benny gesture at women have like they were they were looking for a way to like manipulate fade Rafa there's a scene after the gladiator gladiator segment where Leia say Deus character, kind of figure out a way figures out a way to manipulate them kind of sexually. They're like, well, he's kind of weak this way. Yeah. That was really interesting. It was yeah, they even do the little GM Jabbar test on him. With Paul in the first movie, yes. Yeah. And so, so fade Rafa now is kind of going to become like the Emperor's like, there's a showdown between Paul and fade that has to happen. All the great houses are, I think, at this point coming down. I think they're coming down. Because I think the Baron was like called the great houses down here, because they're about to get overtaken. Yeah. But anyway, so Paul and fayed have to show down, because Paul is essentially he's gonna take the hand of Princess aerelon. And they're gonna go, they're gonna roll I think together. Obviously, this pisses Johnny off. And, you know, so um, so Paul and faid have this showdown. And Paul kills him, essentially, which that fight is incredible. It's awesome. It's intense. And that's one of the reasons I think fade. Roth is an awesome villain for Paul is because they're both just almost physically even. Yeah. And fade. Roth is such a dangerous, dangerous person. Yeah, he's a psychopath. Yeah, yeah. So Paul ends up killing fade. And he takes Princess aerelon. I think they try to call a truce with the great houses, and they're like, no. So this movie ends with Paul and I think gurney and whoever he has left and all the freshmen they're going to go, I guess, from what I interpret, they're going to take, they're gonna go to war with the great houses. And I think this ends kind of with Jessica being like, Oh, the holy war is about to begin. And obviously, Chinese India, she's pissed off. And so she ends up retreating back into the desert. So she's going to stay in Arachis. So that's basically where this movie ends. Yeah, right there. Yeah. And she's, you know, that's probably one of the the tougher scenes, her reasoning for retreating is because, after all, that's happened between her and, and Paul, he, he tells the Emperor's daughter like, Hey, I'm gonna take you as well. Yeah, wife. Yeah. And you can kind of see it's setting up towards that, because he's telling us and yeah, he's like, you know, no matter what happens long as his breath in my body, I'll always love you. Yeah. But he has like this. You know, we see this a classic thing we see in these movies where there's royalty going on. Somebody having to choose between duty and love. Right. And so it was a it was a pretty good you know, I liked I liked it from from that standpoint, it. I like when movies go with what they probably would actually do, right? Yeah, he's he's probably going to fulfill his duty. Yes. Yeah. One thing we left out before I forget is there's a person in the cast. That is a very popular actress. Oh, yes. Yeah, I'm glad you brought this up. So the whole time. Paul's mother who becomes the Reverend Mother for the is it the Furman or the Freeman? Freeman? Yeah, okay. I'm putting in firm in this whole time frame it. She's talking to her daughter in her stomach. Yeah, like it. Like they're having a dialogue constantly. Anyway, he has a vision about who was who is SR. Looks like I recall. And that's when he drank the lifewater maybe? Yes. Yeah. I can't remember her name. She's very popular actress. She's been split on your Taylor joy. You like her good big eyes. Yeah, she's she's awesome. So I had no idea she was in this meeting. And there's there's so many people I want to say that you don't see a big, big actors and actresses that you don't see in the previews. Yeah. So I really liked that. Yeah, they did. They did this movie so well, like from so many different aspects, you know? Absolutely. Anyway, yeah. So. So yeah, you've given us the plot. It was, like I said, starting out, it was intense. You mean you see my debt simple. But it was intense it is from start to finish like yeah, it picks up it picks up perfectly like you said from where it left off. And then it just you can't go to the bathroom like don't know don't drink anything about two hours where you're watching movie because you don't want to get up you might miss something and you're gonna it's it's there's not a point where it's not yeah it's the whole movie is investing from start to finish it always feels like it's building up to something and then it does. It builds up to something awesome like constantly Yeah. I like the reunion between gurney and Paul. I thought that was cool gurneys. He was one of the last survivors of that assault on Eric Cain in the first movie, so he and he's become like a smuggler. There's that scene where he's like they get his like harvester gets attacked by for him and him and Paul reunite and Gurney joins aside. And I thought that was so cool. Yeah. And I thought one of the one of the funnier, funnier scenes in the movie was when, like Gurney knows where to find like, basically nuclear weapons. Yeah. And there him and then it's him, Paul, and still gar and maybe Chinese sitting on a cliff and they're like, hey, they're right there. They've been there the whole time. They're like, obvious to find. Yeah. And he's talking about how powerful they are. And he's like, Well, how strong are there? He's like, Well, it's enough to blow up a planet and they just kind of look at Gurney like, he's like, it's just a figure of speech. It's funny. Yeah. But but but probably close to accurate. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz all the all the great houses apparently have a nuclear arsenal. And that's, and I guess they travel it. Yeah, they brought it from from a tradies. Write for author planet called the tradies. Or from calidad. Kaladin. Okay. Yeah. See, Martin was all technical. So anyway, yeah, that was, that was really interesting, and definitely a game changer. And I remember towards the end, when the great houses show up, if I recall, it was Baron Harkonnen, that it called them because the Emperor shown up. And he's, he's trying to get witnesses there. Because he's afraid members about to wipe him out for failing in spice production and all this sort of crap. For our call, that's why the Emperor showed up because they couldn't the the Fremen were, they were really doing being effective at stopping them from being able to produce spice. Yes, yeah. And so anyway, yeah, when they show when they show up, they do end up using one of the nuclear warheads. Like maybe one or two and they're, I mean, this mountain is full of them. Yeah. I mean, they really could just, you know, dismantle some stuff with this. And they tell the great houses, they're like, if I remember they, after, after, Paul kills fate, Rotha, he's like I'm making the move for the throne. And he says, Send a message to the great houses to see if they acknowledged the ascension. Yes. And they wouldn't acknowledge the ascension, right, which I really don't understand. Because, you know, I'm not sure if they don't know the whole story. Because the emperor made a really, like he made a really scary concerning move. Yes. He tried to he if I recall, he kills portrayed he's dead, because he's becoming too influential. Right, exactly. He's becoming like, he's concerned that he threatens his power. Yeah. And you can kind of see that with the trades people like they're very powerful people. He's a very, he's a very savvy leader. Like his dad was a very savvy, very smart guy. Yeah. And so I could see where he where the threats coming from. He's not like, Baron. You know, I'm saying barons just power money hungry, right. And then the other interesting thing about this about this film, it develops this, this, you know, part of the plot more in this movie, is that there's quite a few people wanting to make a play for the throne. There. It's so interesting, because like, it's, it's almost like you've seen Game of Thrones. Got about halfway through the first season. Okay, that's where I remember that. Yeah. Well, it's it kind of reminds you that a little bit? Yes. There's all of these people like the is it the Bella desert? Bene jezzer and been a desert? Yeah. So their whole group is so interesting, because their money, they don't care about the Throne. They're just trying to make sure humanity like, reaches this point, right? Yeah. And they remember the first one, she says Our plans are measured in centuries, not in, you know, years, whatever. But so they're manipulating everyone. And their manipulation is like, cold and calculated. Like, it was so interesting when she was evaluating fate raw that she's like, well, they like they evaluate their weaknesses. She's like, he's sexually weak. Yeah, you know, that was that was really interesting to me. They're like, look, they're looking for your vulnerabilities and looking to exploit them. Yeah. And the other thing is really interesting about them is they they can choose how to have children. She's like, it's I'm gonna have she's gonna have favorite rock this kid. Yeah. And she's like, I'm it's gonna be a girl like you asked. Yeah, that was really interesting. didn't explain it much was really interesting. But anyway, going back, everybody's making a play for the throne, whether it's for them or for Somebody else if I remember Baron was trying to I was telling fate Rafa, I can help you make a play for the throne. Yeah. And the been a desert or trying to make a play for the throne for him. And then Paul is trying to make a place with their own neighbors trying to keep his throne. You know it's all these people yeah and then they don't and then they don't acknowledge like they don't acknowledge him as a as making a play for the throne. And it's probably not because I'm guessing I don't think back on it it's probably not because they don't they don't think the emperor was wrong and you know what I'm saying? Yeah it's just because they probably want to make a play for the throne that may be something develops in the third one right I think at one point airline Princess airline was like hey let war breakout on a raucous and he's like you come down and you like be the symbol for peace I remember that it's just all it's all manipulation just backstabbing. And so in that sense it is exactly what Game of Thrones yeah and space. Today's Yes, so much. There's so much strategizing going on here for control. And, look, I'm gonna tell you, I won't dwell on this, but it's not too it's not too far off from our from our real world. Yeah. So yeah, it's a man. It's, it's, you know, I think Paul knows what he's doing, obviously. Yeah, I don't think him and Johnny are gonna, like, I think eventually it's gonna they're gonna get back together. I just I know. I know. I know. Paul knows what he's doing. Like you do now. Right? Yeah, cuz, you know, you see this big shift happened in his character throughout this movie. Yeah, he becomes a leader by the end of this thing. He's not the timid, like younger boy was in the first movie. Yeah, he's a leader at this point. I mean, he just killed fade. Rother, probably one of the most dangerous fighters and probably all the houses period. Yeah. His his development. If I think about a character's development, yeah. From like, like you said, great word, timid, you know, unsure of himself to like being a complete badass. Yeah, it reminds me of Neo in the Matrix. Yeah. You know, that's where he's at, like, he wants in the end of the last one. He he's starting to show the signs. He wants to fulfill what his father wanted done. And then this one is the middle of the movie. There's uncertainty. And then it seems to be the shift after he drinks the water of life. Yes. That he's like, his visions are now clear. Yeah. And he's like, I know what I'm doing. Yes. And exactly. Kind of like just like takes over. It's gonna be interesting to see how that plays out in the third one. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I think he knows what he's doing. I don't know Chinese herbs and day is like pissed off right now. But I think I figured she would come around at some point during this movie. I thought she would. But she really doesn't know. Like, she just storms off at the end. But yeah, I think they'll get back together at some point. Yeah. And I think they did a great job with that. Because, you know, movies like this that are really good. The writer, the writers do, I guess it's the writers do a really great job of resolving multiple, very complex issues throughout the movie simultaneously. Yeah. And you know, obviously, this is going to be one that carries in and was built up in this one. Anyway, that makes me think, again, before I forget, I want to ask you in this movie, did you have a particularly favorite scene? I know I did. Do it. I had multiple. So many. Um, I guess I'll start with the first one. It made me laugh. It's still Garwin he's Paul's kind of like, he seems kind of like humble about being prophesized. Is this being the one what is okay? What's the one connect called? Um something delete or something? Oh, hang on. I'll delete delete. I think he says Mati at one point. go oh, gosh, the terminology I had to look it up audience I'm sorry. The one go wait something believe I thank God we what is it? What is his name? Still the lasagna out guy. Yeah, it's a long name. It is. It's basically I mean, he's basically like Christ to the feminine. Yeah, yeah, you definitely you can look at it the way he's almost like a Jesus figure. To them are gonna become something like that. Yeah. But there's like a scene and I'm not gonna word it perfectly, because I want to watch it again. But like, still guards like, he doesn't know. He's all Ghalib. So he has to be or something like that. He or he's like, he doesn't know he's the what was the term what? What did what did you just look up? What was it called? Again? He I thought he said he's too humble to Yeah, call himself that was on Alkalete. So he has to next Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. Yeah, that is probably Hands down funniest part movie everybody in the theater role and it's hilarious yes still guards great is um I thought that the very first like assault that was carried out on that harken and harvester where him and Shawn are like working together to take it down was so awesome because the harkens have this like the flying ships and dune are called ornithopter errs. Okay. And so the Harkins have this ornithopter and they have like a mini gun on there that's just blasting, nothing shoots so fast. So that that whole scene where they took down that, that harvester, and we're they're like, running under the legs of it trying to take I just thought that whole scene was awesome. Yeah. Fade Rothfuss section in the movie was excellent. Yeah. He's probably one of the coolest villains I've seen in a movie in a long time. Just because he's he's a nutcase. You know, there's okay. And again, this is another reason I think maybe I didn't even realize this until recently. But But another reason this is on par with with the Dark Knight is because look, one of the reasons dark nights so good. Heath Ledger is just he's an insane he plays an insane villain. Yeah, perfectly. This one has a little bit more ambition, obviously, than the Joker. Right. But the incent the insanity, they're like people think about some of the great movies you've seen. And Javier said again, Vardar Damn, I think, like one of the reasons, you know, I read this recently, his portrayal of a psychopath and that movie was was like, apparently spot on. Or it's a psychopath or whatever that other word is. Right. You know, somebody's crazy. Yeah. And that movie is excellent. When you have somebody that's able to do that and embody that and their character very well. It seems like a lot of times the movie comes out really good. You know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I would, I would, I would almost like to see, I know, he didn't have he didn't have the character that Heath Ledger as the Joker head. But I would like to know what preparation he did to kind of for this role. You don't say Oh, yeah. You know, because I mean, Heath Ledger. Like, he basically overdose because he got so caught up in that role. I know. It's a different role. But right. Yeah. Anyway, sorry. You were that was your Yeah, yeah. Um, also, the fight between fate Roth and Paul was super intense. And it was, it was just awesome. That's like a hold your breath, kind of fight it in? Look, I started reading the book. The book is very complex. And I'm not even out of where the first movie ended yet. Yeah. So look, I didn't really no, I could have guessed Paul was going to survive and win. But like, I didn't know for sure. I was, I was like, in the back of mine. I was like, it's Paul gonna get killed. Like, it's, it's, it's, it's intense. And then, obviously, I think, the scene where Paul finally does write a sandworm was just awesome. It's awesome. And then I think the battle sequence towards the end, I wish there was a little more of it. I wish we get in a few more minutes of it. Yeah. Because you have. So the Emperor has an army called the Tsar Tucker. And they're like, they're just elite. But there's a scene where they're all outside of I think they launch one of the nuclear missiles at at the city. And it creates this huge blast. And so like the sardick are all like out of sorts. And then you just see these three giant sandworms confined and they're just like, Oh, crap. It's awesome. And then you get the shot of the Fremen coming in and fight. And I wish there was just a little more of that battle sequence because it was just awesome. Yeah, the visual effects in the movie are incredible. Everything just looks and this is why I'm saying like, this will be a Lord of the Rings level trilogy. Everything in the movie just looks so authentic. I mean, it's just immersive to watch. Yeah, the visual. I mean, just the sandworms everything on screen looks so incredibly good. Yeah. You know, it's a masterpiece. It is. Yeah. And I'm man, I'm sure if I watch this again, I'll be at attend. I'm sure. I just need to see it one more time, which I want to Yeah, I'm trying to figure out why you're not at the 10 now, but I guess I'll know you'll be at a 10 He'll be the 10 audience. Well, we don't want to put this down there with with nine and a half. Okay, I want to tell you my favorite scene and I think I think it's very outside of the outside of that scene where Javier Barnum's got your rollin Yeah, he's got some other ones like at the end where when he stabs when a fade Rafa dies and he's like, he knows that he's got so many of us like very little hilarious things like that. Yeah, but the scene, the one okay, one of the reasons movies so damn good, is because it makes you feel so many things. things. I mean, funny is, you know, you're on the edge of your seat from action, you're emotionally moved. And this one, this is the one that stands out to me the most, when he's talking in front of all those people in that in that cave, and he's trying to convince them that, you know, they should follow him. And everybody's kind of torn. You know what I mean? And have you ever heard and it's like, tell him, Look, you gotta kill me so I can take my spot. And he's looking at that guy. And he says, you're thinking you could be a challenger, don't you? And he starts telling him stuff about his past. He's like, your mother, your your grandmother lost her eye when she was 12. And that she just died not many moons ago. And he's like, Let's see now. Everybody starts balance. That scene is so damn powerful. You know what I mean? Like him. His, his delivery there. Timothy Salomon's delivery on that scene is just incredible. Yeah, that is an awesome scene. And I think it's pretty soon before they go into battle. So he gets all these people. And it's like, let's go. Yeah, there's no question at that point. The only person that's still not on board here for some reason is India. Gianni, it's almost like she's, she's seen all this stuff. And she still can't buy into it. There's maybe a little more explanation as to why because it's like she she witnessed him coming back to life with the with the water. She, Paul can see these people's paths. It's like what is keeping you? Right? I know, she's worried he'll kind of lose himself. And I maybe she doesn't see it. Maybe she doesn't realize Paul knows what I don't know. I hope we get a little more to that. I think, you know, there's a scene in there. Obviously, they're sleeping together at a break. Yeah. And she's like, very emotionally attached, I think. Because she's screaming before that whole scene where he gets up and, you know, everybody's on board with him. Right? And she's telling she's telling everybody like, this is fake or whatever. And somebody in Josh Brolin character pulls out like your get yourself killed. Maybe she'd maybe she's worried about him getting killed. You know, I'm saying maybe she's worried about losing him. Right. Yeah. And you know, he's having these visions of just death. So that's probably another thing that may weigh on her mind as well. Is it tell me if I'm wrong? Is there a point in there where she just wants him to, like, go away with her, like, leave and they run away is that they'll come up or no. I'm not sure. I can't remember if there was a line. I know. She asks, will we be together forever? Right? Yeah. He's like, Yeah, he's like, yeah, he tells her a couple times. Like, I'll love you as long as you've read my body. Yeah. Something like that. Okay. Well, anyway, man, I could go on all day about this frickin movie. Yes, so good. Yeah, I can't wait for the part three. Kelsey keeps asking me to go back and see it again. I would love to have you. As does Mitch want to go? I don't think so. I asked him if he saw the first thing. He was like, No. And I was like, let me down Mitch. I don't know. He might not be into it. Okay, but yeah, I want to see this again. Obviously can't wait for part three. Yeah, this was this was incredible. I think we'll be hard pressed to find a movie as good as this this entire year. Like this is? Yeah, my gold standard this and we just started the year off. Yeah. And we got this banger. So think about this. I mean, like, so we just a couple episodes ago did our best movies of 2023. Yeah, this one it came out last year. It's probably best movie 2003. Dude, I know. It would have been like, it would have been so tough between that and Godzilla. Oh, yeah. picking your favorite child. Like, you know, yeah, would have been so hard for me. So man, interesting. Well, okay. Well, another great review in the books. Another great movie that books strongly recommend, like Mark said, see it in the biggest, loudest theater you can? You'll probably want to watch it more than once. No, Mark's gonna see it again. Probably soon. I'll probably see it again soon. This is something to about Denise movies like they're very rewatchable. I've seen prisoners probably about four times. Same. I've seen Blade Runner, probably about three or four times. I mean, he his movies are in Dune is very complex. There was a movie made in the 80s. I think by drawing a blank. I shouldn't but I am. David Lynch did that. And I haven't seen that version. I want to watch it at some point. I learned about that. Yeah, yeah, I want to watch that one at some point. I think doing a one point was considered like an unadaptable movie book. And obviously like I've done a little research and there's been some things that were left out like I think by this point in the story. Jessica already had her daughter. Okay, so we'll see what we'll see what you know what happens in the third movie, but yeah, man if that chick doesn't have been the daughter like down the road or whatever, yeah, that's gonna be really good because she's an incredible actress. I know. What's your name again? On your Taylor joy. Okay. Yeah, big surprise. Had no idea she was in it at all. Yeah, phenomenal film. Obviously, highly, highly recommend one of the best of the year and we'll see if it remains on top. It's going to be hard to beat. It's going to if this one falls out of the out of the top, even really the top three this is gonna be the best year for movies in history. You know, in as you said, all those other movies again, it's got me want to go back and watch it rivals again. That's got another great movie came rose in that. I think Jeremy Renner and Amy Adams are both in that movie. I mean, Adam says yeah, about the female. Okay. All right, man. Well, look, I didn't have anything that I didn't like about this movie. I don't think I would make really any changes. Really excited for the third one? Yeah, I don't I have zero changes as well. Like not at all. It's as close to perfect I think as you can get. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you guys for listening. Give us your thoughts. Hopefully, you guys if you haven't seen it, you go out there and see it soon. And I think the next episodes we'll do are probably we're seeing its damsel. Right this weekend Netflix. Mark and I are going to hopefully if you get to see out of darkness. We can do that one. Yeah. And then Mark is going to do for us. What's the one I'm gonna go catch imaginary imaginary horror movie. Yeah, this weekend. Man. I kind of I kind of wouldn't mind watching it. It's just that scene where the girl slams are handled and nail it's turning me off. I can't I don't know what's what's getting me see how scary they can make a teddy bear. Yeah, I might even watch Friday. Friday Night at Freddy's. Oh, yeah, I know. I want to watch that at some point, too. I know you'll like it. Weirdo. Alright guys, thanks for listening. We'll catch you next time. See you guys.