The Great American Roadtrip- How to Plan and What to Expect
Want to travel more but hate to fly? Do the cost of those plane tickets always stop you saying yes to your next trip? Today we dive into one of our favorite ways to travel, where the journey is just as fun as the destination - the classic road trip.
#1 Why Road Trips?
This was our #1 way of traveling when we were low on funds. We started with weekend trips and graduated to longer, more intense trips. We were able to explore a lot of New England with very little money. Now we use roadtrips not so much as a budget trip, but more of a way to enjoy the journey of a trip, just as much as the destination.
#2 How We Planned our Great American Roadtrip
We had 5 weeks to do the roadtrip. I know that sounds like a lot of time off, but it goes fast when planning to drive all the way across the country. We were able to visit 12 states, just as many campsites and see some of the best sites in the US.
Concept #3 Our #1 Roadtrip Tips and What's Next for Us
We mentioned some of these but here’s a roundup of our best tips:
What’s next- We hope to rent a Campervan internationally. To me, the Campervan adds a layer of ease to traditional roadtripping that I think will take the adventures to the next level. I’ll add a blog down at the bottom for my favorite Campervan couple and they even do it with a baby! When I do my Scotland Campervan trip, I’m definitely using their guide. And no, we’re definitely not sponsored, they don’t even know we exist! Here’s their article: https:/
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