Hunger for Wholeness
Story matters. Our lives are shaped around immersive, powerful stories that thrive at the heart of our religious traditions, scientific inquiries, and cultural landscapes. As Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein claimed, science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind. This podcast will hear from speakers in interdisciplinary fields of science and religion who are finding answers for how to live wholistic lives. This podcast is made possible by funding from the Fetzer Institute. We are very grateful for their generosity and support. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC; Ultraviolet: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC; Optical: NASA/STScI [M. Meixner]/ESA/NRAO [T.A. Rector]; Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/K.)
Hunger for Wholeness
Love is Our Greatest Reality with Dr. Anne Kull (Part 2)
Ilia Delio and Gabi Sloan interview Dr. Anne Kull (Part Two) on the following topics:
- Can we become one family by using technology?
- Can we use technology to deepen our connection with nature?
- How can we live in hope?
Anne Kull studied at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (M.A., M.Th., Ph.D.). Since 2000 back in Estonia. She is professor of systematic theology at the University of Tartu, Estonia. Her research areas are science/technology/nature and religion; theological anthropology, particularly gender studies and theology.
“Our nature is technonature, our culture is technoculture, and we are cyborgs.”
A huge thank you to all of you who subscribe and support our show! Support for A Hunger for Wholeness comes from the Fetzer Institute. Fetzer supports a movement of organizations who are applying spiritual solutions to society's toughest problems. Get involved at fetzer.org.
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