Play Bigger with Danya

Episode 75 - Behind the scenes: A voice note I sent to one of my badass clients recently that you might need too...

May 14, 2024 Danya Douglas Hunt Season 1 Episode 75
Episode 75 - Behind the scenes: A voice note I sent to one of my badass clients recently that you might need too...
Play Bigger with Danya
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Play Bigger with Danya
Episode 75 - Behind the scenes: A voice note I sent to one of my badass clients recently that you might need too...
May 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 75
Danya Douglas Hunt

I am the secret weapon behind many brilliant successful visionaries and one of the ways I support them is like this…

Imagine having these powerful reframes, reminders or coaching daily 

How much further would you be along in your business with ease and in flow

How much easier would it be navigating the ups and the downs 

How much more at peace and regulated would you nervous system be 

What ideas, clarity, shifts would happen to you when you are operating form your most abundant, aligned, highest self?

Instead of sitting in your cocktail of…mind drama, emotional turmoil, indecision, scarcity, fear, worry, stress… for days, weeks months on end…

Whether thats deciding whether or not to pivot your launch

Hire or fire that next role

Clarity on decision making aligned with your highest self and vision

During the inevitable launch free fall and fight or flight taking over

To challenge your thinking and expand your vision into possibilities that you weren’t even thinking of

To catch uncover your blindspots that you weren’t even thinking about or aware of

To call you out on the shit holding you back from scaling with ease and flow without compromising your values

To have instant reframes on hand and help you sort through this shit your mind is making up

To support you in making the best most aligned decision for you 

To orientate you into aligned action, not the logical, fear, scarcity, limited old paradigm thinking

To snap you out of it and remind you who TF you are

To be real with you, not telling you what you want but what you actually need to hear to grow and align with your highest self

To uncover, heal, process, and integrate at each level

More importantly to FEEL more at peace, aligned, free, in flow

I’ve been told I’m pretty funny too...

As you embark on your journey towards success, remember that the path may not always be clear, but trust in the process and stay aligned with your vision. 

By embodying success now and embracing the unfolding of events, you become a powerful co-creator of your reality, manifesting your dreams into existence. Remind yourself of what creates results, which is YOU.

Connect with me on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook, or check out our Website for all our freebies and programs.

Get your Perfect Day Visualization Freebie here.

Design your best year yet using the power of subconscious programming and neuroscience through the Amplify Your Goals course

Bust through your invisible business plateaus without working harder. Join the Money Mindset Program Waitlist

For entrepreneurs already making 100K+, bust through your business plateaus and scale to multiple 6 or 7 figures with ease. Join the Heavy Hitters Hybrid Mastermind Waitlist

Show Notes

I am the secret weapon behind many brilliant successful visionaries and one of the ways I support them is like this…

Imagine having these powerful reframes, reminders or coaching daily 

How much further would you be along in your business with ease and in flow

How much easier would it be navigating the ups and the downs 

How much more at peace and regulated would you nervous system be 

What ideas, clarity, shifts would happen to you when you are operating form your most abundant, aligned, highest self?

Instead of sitting in your cocktail of…mind drama, emotional turmoil, indecision, scarcity, fear, worry, stress… for days, weeks months on end…

Whether thats deciding whether or not to pivot your launch

Hire or fire that next role

Clarity on decision making aligned with your highest self and vision

During the inevitable launch free fall and fight or flight taking over

To challenge your thinking and expand your vision into possibilities that you weren’t even thinking of

To catch uncover your blindspots that you weren’t even thinking about or aware of

To call you out on the shit holding you back from scaling with ease and flow without compromising your values

To have instant reframes on hand and help you sort through this shit your mind is making up

To support you in making the best most aligned decision for you 

To orientate you into aligned action, not the logical, fear, scarcity, limited old paradigm thinking

To snap you out of it and remind you who TF you are

To be real with you, not telling you what you want but what you actually need to hear to grow and align with your highest self

To uncover, heal, process, and integrate at each level

More importantly to FEEL more at peace, aligned, free, in flow

I’ve been told I’m pretty funny too...

As you embark on your journey towards success, remember that the path may not always be clear, but trust in the process and stay aligned with your vision. 

By embodying success now and embracing the unfolding of events, you become a powerful co-creator of your reality, manifesting your dreams into existence. Remind yourself of what creates results, which is YOU.

Connect with me on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook, or check out our Website for all our freebies and programs.

Get your Perfect Day Visualization Freebie here.

Design your best year yet using the power of subconscious programming and neuroscience through the Amplify Your Goals course

Bust through your invisible business plateaus without working harder. Join the Money Mindset Program Waitlist

For entrepreneurs already making 100K+, bust through your business plateaus and scale to multiple 6 or 7 figures with ease. Join the Heavy Hitters Hybrid Mastermind Waitlist