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WELCOME HOME: My Mother and Business Partner

May 19, 2022 Alli Caudle Season 1 Episode 1
WELCOME HOME: My Mother and Business Partner
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WELCOME HOME: My Mother and Business Partner
May 19, 2022 Season 1 Episode 1
Alli Caudle

Alli and Cindi discuss: their mother-daughter partnership, how her mom built a real estate empire, client relations, the entrepreneurial spirit of Dallas, and wisdom on home and all its meaning.

“ ‘Beginnings are usually really scary, and endings are usually very sad. But it’s the middle that counts the most.’ A new home can be scary, and selling an existing home can be so sad. But that the middle was where it really counted, and you’ll get to do it again. That’s where the excitement needs to be, or the joy, or the hope.”

Show Notes

Alli and Cindi discuss: their mother-daughter partnership, how her mom built a real estate empire, client relations, the entrepreneurial spirit of Dallas, and wisdom on home and all its meaning.

“ ‘Beginnings are usually really scary, and endings are usually very sad. But it’s the middle that counts the most.’ A new home can be scary, and selling an existing home can be so sad. But that the middle was where it really counted, and you’ll get to do it again. That’s where the excitement needs to be, or the joy, or the hope.”