Now For Something Completely Different (NFSCD) with Brian Wilson

Guest Jim Bovard and the Midterms

Brian Wilson Season 1 Episode 31

"I think a lot of the GOP candidates failed on both of those things {expressing ideas and likeability} ... they didn't get the ideas across and some of them did not come across as charming as a New York City Talk Show Host."  -- Author James Bovard

Brian talks with author James Bovard about the midterm elections.

James Bovard is the author of ten books, including Public Policy Hooligan (2012), Attention Deficit Democracy (2006), The Bush Betrayal (2004), and Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (1994). He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Playboy, Washington Post, New Republic, Reader's Digest, and many other publications. His books have been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean. He is a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors and a frequent contributor to the New York Post, the Future of Freedom Foundation, the Libertarian Institute, and other venues.

The Wall Street Journal called Bovard "the roving inspector general of the modern state," the New York Times tagged him "an anti-czar Czar," and Washington Post columnist George Will called him a "one-man truth squad." His 1994 book Lost Rights received the Free Press Association's Mencken Award as Book of the Year. His Terrorism and Tyranny won the Lysander Spooner Award for the Best Book on Liberty in 2003. He received the Thomas Szasz Award for Civil Liberties work, awarded by the Center for Independent Thought, and the National Rifle Association's Freedom Fund Award.  

Brian Wilson is a nationally-known radio and television host, author, speaker, and consultant with more than 50 years experience in media as host, News/Program Director, and Owner. His periodic scribblings can be found on Substack and his website. On Facebook, check out Brian's page along with his 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio page and of course, the Now For Something Completely Different Facebook page. Brian's books can be found on Amazon.

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