Now For Something Completely Different (NFSCD) with Brian Wilson

What Happened? Polling Expert Fritz Wenzel on the Midterms

Brian Wilson Season 1 Episode 32

"It is clearly with political intent (student loan forgiveness) that it was done in the first place, and clearly with the idea that you could, in fact, get younger voters to the polls for a midterm, which is not something that typically happens. That the Democrats have figures out a way to get more young voters to the polls for a midterm should scare the hell out of the Republicans, because that's something neither side has been able to figure out forever." -- Fritz Wenzel

Fritz Wenzel is a partner at Clout Research.  Wenzel has been involved in the opinion research field for 19 years. Before founding his firm 10 years ago, he worked with top firms in the business, including Gallup, Louis Harris and Associates and the former Zogby International. He has been a national leader in developing and executing political and cultural polling. He received his college education at Marylhurst University in Portland, Oregon.

An accomplished researcher, public speaker and skilled journalist, Fritz has presided over survey research and analysis in Presidential elections and many U.S. Senate and Congressional races across the country. His firm has also conducted hundreds of surveys for clients running for statewide, state legislative, and local offices, building a reputation for accuracy that is among the very best in the industry.  

Brian Wilson is a nationally-known radio and television host, author, speaker, and consultant with more than 50 years experience in media as host, News/Program Director, and Owner. His periodic scribblings can be found on Substack and his website. On Facebook, check out Brian's page along with his 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio page and of course, the Now For Something Completely Different Facebook page. Brian's books can be found on Amazon.

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