Private lending offers possible stock like returns over a short term time horizon while being uncorrelated with the activity of the stock market. There is thought to be a higher level of risk compared to investments like CDs or government bonds, but these investments can be backed by hard assets like real estate, and thus lowering the risk. Sound intriguing? Listen to learn more!
In this episode, I mention the DLP Capital lending fund as an example. This is not meant to be investment advice and I get no compensation from DLP Capital. I have not personally invested with DLP Capital at the time of the creation of this podcast episode. I also mention Doc2Doc Lending, for which I do have a financial relationship and hold a small equity position (like holding stock) with Doc2Doc Lending.
Private lending offers possible stock like returns over a short term time horizon while being uncorrelated with the activity of the stock market. There is thought to be a higher level of risk compared to investments like CDs or government bonds, but these investments can be backed by hard assets like real estate, and thus lowering the risk. Sound intriguing? Listen to learn more!
In this episode, I mention the DLP Capital lending fund as an example. This is not meant to be investment advice and I get no compensation from DLP Capital. I have not personally invested with DLP Capital at the time of the creation of this podcast episode. I also mention Doc2Doc Lending, for which I do have a financial relationship and hold a small equity position (like holding stock) with Doc2Doc Lending.