HoofNit™ Podcast

HoofNit Podcast with Lisanne Fear - Mustang Discovery Ride Equifest of Kansas 2023

EHALNEWS Season 2 Episode 50

Lisanne Fear grew up in Pinedale, Wyoming, and began her mustang journey while training horses to pay for her books during college. Later, she worked with a guest ranch that bought mustangs from a prison program. She enjoyed seeing the mustangs learn and grow into wonderful horses, and take riders to spectacular places in the mountains. After the ranch, Lis took an interest in camping with horses and ran her own pack trips with friends. She doesn’t like walking or carrying her own gear, so horses are an ideal mode to be able to “camp in comfort” in the backcountry. “Horses have expanded my life,” she says, “and I continue to learn more from them every day.”

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