Quirky Voices Presents

THE Moonologue Sessions - PART TWO

July 21, 2019 Sarah Golding, Tanja Milojevic Season 1 Episode 2

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Me again ! Have you listened to part one?

Hope you enjoyed!

So excited to present part two of this space inspired moon loving extravagzanza!

There's some fun and some mood and some groovy...allsorts! Have a listendoooooo


Congrats and thank you's to all of the narrators and voice actors and of course to the amazing TANJA MILOJEVIC!

This ep has wonderous monologues with

So over the moon: One Star by J Christian Ellet narrated by Sarah

I am here Here I AM by Sarah and narrated by Karim Kronfli 

And Solar Flare written and narrated by Sarah

Emily C A Snyder wrote The distance between us is the moon, narrated by...Sarah

and Sarah mae Tuson wrote The Back of the Moon, narrated by Lucille Valentine

It's quite an adventure huh?

Hope you enjoy this chilled entertainment of new writing

I am currently revolving to balance my thermals

That real time moon landing footage is amazing!

THANK YOU to the dulcet toned Bret Maskill-Watts as narrator,


The amazing John of Caalo Xan for his music - find out more here

And to ALLLLL of my amazing Patreon Supporters who have made this show even possible....a huge thank you for your support. If you would like to help me get (an editor) better at editing, or just help fuel more fun projects, please go to my
Quirky Voices Patreon
 Quirky Voices Ko-fi
and you can check out more fun coming up on QuirkyVoices@weebly.com


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Hello and welcome to The Moonologue Sessions by Quirky Voices. We're excited to share with you today some monologues inspired by the moon landings of 50 years ago today. And none of this program would be possible without the amazing Patreons for Quirky Voices. So...Alma, Artists Soapbox, Audioblivious productions, Cheyenne Bramwell, Christine, Hazel, Karim, Karen, Kirstie, Matthew, Michael, Paul, and William. This is for you, for you are legend. Enjoy. Oh and this awesome music is by Carlo Xan....(also legend) enjoy!


Hello. Welcome to The Moonologues. Part two.


Bring back our night! Bring back our darkness!


Woahhh...is that real?


Love that! You should be a President, Fiona. Seriously. You’re a natural.


Ohhh President? Ooohhh Powerful!


She‘d ruin everything.

Speaker 4:

Hm. President of a very tiny planet. Maybe. I'd love that. I promise to do only nice things, and obviously not to abuse my power in any way or invade places or...do anything....bad.




Oh, we’re losing the signal.


I cut her off.....


Well, That was so good! We- we’re we’re going even faster now. And, just to update you on- on on our progress listener....we, we have now Slingshotted around the Earth e nough t o, t o start towards the moon in..in three, two, one... WOOHOOHOOOO!


Bye you three! have fun!


I was joking about cutting her off.But.... I have now! Hahahhahahaa. Hahahahhaha. Hahahahahhahaaaa.


Oh please shutup. Oh, that was nice. Fiona’s amazing.


It Was. We should give her 5 billion stars for that performance.


Yes! Ahaha! review or rating. Yes. Actually... Talking of which, the lovely J Christian Ellett of Good Pointe podcasts has written this truly fun review of a, an imagined trip to the moon....


Woo... Hoo. Let's hear it. I'll make us some coffee. Strong. Weak, or medium?


I’ll have mine as black as Newgate’s Knocker...


Right! Superb, and, and Oh and and good luck with making coffee in no gravity Tanja.(Laughs) Oh dear. I'll read this one shall I? Ok. So.’So over the moon. One star‘. By J Christian Ellet of Good Pointe podcasts. Narrator...Sarah Golding.

Sarah Devon acc:

Now let me be clear. I am 100% not exaggeratin’ when I say that my trip to the moon... Was the absolute worst experience of my entire life! I mean...this whole sheep show started....right.. When my family and I first arrived at the Houston launch terminal. Parking... Is 100 credits a day- A DAY?!? I mean that's over a grand for the trip! I mean you should call yourself space pirates! Once inside, we were subjected to- to all sorts of lasers, and and beeping do dads and whatnots..and...and lines! Oh so many never ending lines..! And we, we finally got past security to find out more great news. We've been delayed for FOUR HOURS! All Because os a solar flare. A solar flare? Ridiculous! The trip itself was for the most part, uneventful. My daughter woke me up m id-flight complaining that the wifi was nonfunctional, which is weird... Because I remember paying an extra 25 credits for continuous wifi. If I paid for a s ervice with‘continuous’ in the name, I expect it t o always be...available. My daughter had planned to binge the new season of Gilmore Girls, but, due to the collective incompetence of your entire organization, she was forced to stare blankly out the window for hours as we approached the lunar surface- boring! Once we got to the resort- if you can even... Call it that! We were informed that our luggage had been...’misplaced’. How does that even happen? All you have to do is get three suitcases from earth... To the moon...without losing them. And wh at w as, wh at's s o h ard about that? Hmm? It's not like it's- it’s rocket science! Then the actual vacation begins, and, and we quickly find out that there was...nothing...to do... On the moon. So...let me describe the moon for you in in three words. Boring... Boring....and dumb! Interested in local Lu na c uisine? It’s chicken nuggets!! I d i dn't come all the way to the moon to eat some...chicken nuggets....! The same ones I eat in my car on my lunch break on earth. I mean, the moon pies, however we' re at ha lf bad, but...if the best endorsement you can get is‘not half bad’, that tells you everything you need to know about moon food, doesn’t it? And what‘s with...what’s with the entire kitchen staff having moustaches? Is...is that some sort of o f moon kitchen requirement or uniform? Once you, once you notice the consistency...it's um, well, it's unsettling...to..to say the least. See, the moon tourism ads all said it was our‘home away from home’ or something like‘experience the romantic isolation of the moon!’ But guess what? There are sooo... Many people here! Everywhere we go, there's a...there's a long line of ugly dumb tour ists... and dogs! Ugh. So many dogs. If you think dogs howl AT the moon, you should hear them howl when they're actually ON the moon! My wife...she signed us up for the dark side morning hike, but if you ask me, you should call it the dark side, morning HYPE, because I did n't see what the big deal was....with the v iew.....? It was hardly impressive! Other reviewers on here said they'd had a‘life changing experience‘ which caused them to- to re-evaluate their place in the universe, but all I saw was a- a cluster of stars and l igh ts! And all I could think was, after a four hour hike....this is it!?? The stars...looked... Fake! Nothing at all like the pictu res or v ideos I'd seen online or on T V.! No, no. M y trip to the moon was a complete waste of time and money. I was really excited prior to my trip, but I doubt I will ever go back. I am so over the moon! One...star!




Oh, that was great. I probably wouldn't want to go back either if that was me. Just like... I won't try to make coffee again in zero gravity. Not very smart!


Hmm. Yeah probably best. Yeah. I see you've got some all over your Spacesuit and, d’ya know, it looks like you've made a map of the...the Hawaiian islands on your, y our Amelia podcast t-shirt... Mahalo?! Hmm..you could maybe suck that out...you don't want to waste it. Oh Wait.(Gasp) It’s Disappeared! How on brand! So yeah, um, One star. Hmm, Yeah. That, that often means you've made it th ough, doesn't it? In some people's eyes, doesn't it? You...You've made enough of a splash for people to notice your work at least.




Do you um...do you think anyone will review our..our...live podcast?


I hope so. It's the nice thing to do.


Hey d’yknow I've heard, I...have heard actually, that, every time you DON’T leave a podcast review, and you've listened to something a.... A teeny tiny Creature you love dies in a...in a horrible way.


Soooo folks should definitely leave a review?


Definitely, definitely, yes. Yes. Save....Save The teeny tiny creatures we love!


Probably just better to leave an awesome review and save all the animals, Right?


Exactly...Talking of which... Here is one of the monologues that sounded like it could be narrated by Twinkletoes himself.


He really Sounds like Karim Kronfli, huh?


Mm, Yeah. Well, when... He’s playing a badass, yeah. It doesn't make Twinkletoes there any less creepy. I mean, did you hear Karim In’Diary of a mad man?


Freaky stuff!


Yeah. I mean.....this one, but this one's about the folks that first went there.... The... The pioneers. The builders. Yeah. D’ya know, I do think that one day we will colonize that moon, wont we?




Can you say that word with me? Colonize. Colonize, yeahl




Yeah. I like to imagine there’s like, you know, hot tubs and moon rocks and, and slip and slides on the craters edge, and...moon bars! Ahhh I’d love that... A holiday there and i n that kind of environment, wouldn't you?


Yup! Cheers man. Cheers.

Karim Kronfli:

Wow. What a view. What a beautiful, beautiful view. I'm here..I am...I’m here...On the moon....on the moon a s a...a pioneer, and I feel....I...feel true silence- true....peace...making such a....deafening noise in me. I can hear my heart. I can hear my...blood. Blood is life. I, I look around me at the...nothing, and, the weird li ght a n d I am...raw. Scared. A s c ared man. I feel bare. Stark... Like the moon-faced rocks. The actual moon rocks I stand on. I feel theIr cold core and they emit... Nothing. I stand. I think. I am. I emit life. The only life for thousands of miles. I am here. Who am I? I am’Man On the moon’. In the moon? No. On. On the moon. This...this is what mom entous is. This. This..is my......This is my, my pi nnacle, my life’s...(Big sigh) I feel....raw, reborn. As I hear my breath. As I taste my spit. As I touch my fingers in my gloves...I can see our beautiful earth. Earth can see the moon...but it can't see me, not me truly... Not...scared me, in my named Spacesuit and rugged dust fettered boots....clutching sample bags and to ols, and wishing I could take this damn helmet off. I heard the Hostile Worlds podcast episode as to what would happen if I took my helmet off. I...I Don't want to do that. No. But....if, Oh... If I could breathe out into this...moonscape...oh. I am here...I am! Because...people....people know I'm here, don't they? Yes. People celebrate...I am. People. People are thinking of me..here, And... I'm thinking of them over there... But they know me. I don't, I don't KNOW them. It took a lot to get here. I was built on that...on what it took. Fitness, mental health, agility, resilience, problem solving, decision making, leadership. I shoul d have been the leader- I felt it. S tr ive. I strove. Is that a word? No, but I, I f eel a- a strange pressure on me- physically and otherwise...this momentl...this...now this.... Right now. I...The peace... the....still...it makes me...hear my thoughts...my...inner...thinking...thoughts, cos.... I could...die here....I could.... I could just take my helmet off and.....but the view...the view....a few others wanted my place to be here... were strong, and fit, and agile enough, but..but One by one, they fell away and I...I’m here. By Right.... By hard work...by grit and spit a nd, and by wanting to...to..to see...this view...oh...hold it forever in your mind's eye. I can,(Laughs) I can cover the whole of the earth with the tip of my thumb...all of humanity...under me.(Laughs) Just snuff em out...out Of existence, out of sight(Laughs)...out of...no.

Karim Whispers:

I’m here... And you’re not. It feels like....death.

Karim Kronfli:

( Pause) What a privilege it is to, to be one of the few to walk on the moon before they send the tourists. To start a colony...to be a pioneer.‘Pioneers for space package holidays for all‘ they said.(Laughs) Beats working Bognor I suppose... Though, I do like to be beside the sea side. I looked at my footprints, here, now in the moondust and I think...wowwww. These will be here long after I'm gone from any planet's atmosphere. My mark...My...legacy in a boot print. Builder of generations. Can I stay here? Could I? Can I build a house for me and mine, with a...porch, and a...a swinging chair and, and and...look out into the dark void at our...peaceful earth a nd maybe even a f ine shrubbery!

Karim US accent:

‘House on the moon with shrubbery....only 6.5 gazillion pounds...comes with astronaut lodger Victor Smith! What a guy! A pioneer!

Karim Kronfli:

I mean....it's amazing to think....what man has dreamed of. What's that? Something s mashed from....woah! What IS that looming? Just a glint, but but... C oming closer. Closer. Oh, some kind of comet....Or, n o, a bunch of asteroids? Asteroids! Cripes Ohl....they're coming quickly. Quick. What or where to go? Where to hide? Big rock....big rock....shelter.... Here...Arg...Deb....ris...I CAN’T! I cant...no..dust and rock...and dust and.... r-



Karim Kronfli:

(Heavy Breathing) And it's over. It’s over. We didn't get that in training. Up you get Victor. Up you get...but.... Oh no, Ohhh no, no No. No...a hole in my suit...no! Oh no. Okay...Okay....breathe...For a moment...No time to get back to the lander? Too big to mend. Oh..no time(Breathes deeply) Oh no...Oh no!...Maybe.. Maybe I'll just....maybe...I’ll just take off my helmet and...Enjoy the view....One...last...time....just...take a seat and....(Deep breath. Resolute) I'm h ere. Here I am. Here I am. What a beautiful, beautiful view.(Quivering voice) Hello World! I see you. I see you.(Pause) I....am...... Here. Here....I.......


Ooh...that was, that was a bit sad.


Well...You wrote it?


Yeah. Yeah. It should be a full season that, shouldn’t it really? Yeah, I wrote....I wrote one more n’all, um because you know, when we can colonize the m-, colonize, colonize the moon. Um, and I do think we will, y’know...for one reason or another, I mean it’d be the best writers retreat ever...right?(Laughs) Let’s All go! I mean, no, no, lawnmowers for a start...


Lots of dust... On the moon. There’d be...external hoovers instead.


Ah man, you had to spoil it didn’t you?




Well, I..I was just wondering what the, the first people would've thought when they, when they got there, you know.


...Will think?...


Yeah, and, and would have felt.


...Will feel...


Yeah, and being new colonists, colonists, colonists. Yeah. Moving, moving-in day. I mean, we all love that right, but moving house to a...a moon house. All mod cons and that....on the moooooon.


Cool, Well, let's hear it cause we're slowing down again.


Okay. All right. Well, can you um...d’you wanna sing an intro?






So... Here is solar flare...siren. Patrice on the mooooon.


That’s beautiful, thank you Tanja! Solar flare siren...written and narrated by Sarah Golding. Patrice: Sooooooo....here we are...! This beautiful moon-cut house is my lovely new moon house for the rest of my days. Ah they could have worked harder with the street names though. So 4291 Lunar rise, Olympus Mons....under Dome 369. Hm m. I could kiss it. But I won't...that would be weird. Now...how do i get in? Ah yes. Breathe that fr eshly m ade Dome air into the breath scan...(BREATHES OUT HEAVILY, Coughs Coughs) Hand print! Eye scan! Ah it’s just like the films... And...oh! It Works! Yay technology! Yay travelling 384,000 miles. And...I carry myself over the threshhold.(Sigh) I’m in! Woop! Oh god what is that alert for? Hello?....house? Um, what is that alert for? Is that a- a burglar alarm? Surely not. Huh? I don't know where to find the console. Hello? House? Moon House? Luna...rise? Where's the console? Where? Oh, what a noise! Okay. Okay. But what does th at m ean? What do I have to do? Do I have to go somewhere else? Oh m y G o d. I h aven't even been told what to do when there’s a solar flare, and I don't even know if there's a- a welcome to your new house tech guide-’s’all bare surfaces and no furniture. What do I do? What do I do? Oh my God. Solar flare alert, and I d on't know what to do! OH... could I die? Co uld I die? If I- do I just? Do I just stay inside? Do I..do I get under the table? What...what stops rays? Hm? Solar rays? Mmm. Sunglasses? Right...check...knew I’d beamed them here. Ha! Dax, you were wrong. And here’s the sunscreen. Ye ah. Maybe. Maybe I'll just pop the sunscreen all over me and go sit under the dining table. I mean.. My goodness looks like it co uld r epel anything that um, O h, what’s it made of? Obsidian or something? Or no. No way...that’s good old fa shioned m oon rock. Painted. Painted moonrock....that’s cute that. Yes. I mean...how long do these alert things last? I mean, how long could I last under a t a ble...with minimal rations? I mean, do I take my Ki n dle, m y ho tbox, my pillow? I mean... Maybe if I just shut all the curtains...or...or oh! They’re not curtains..they’re...They're....they’re projections! Oh, neat! Then are the win dows projections too? Oh my God! They are! It’s just a...just a box. A box house on the moon. These moon colony hoses are s o c lose together. Anyways, I guess if I shouted enough, I could get the attention of m’ neighbour....but maybe, maybe they've just moved into[inau dible]. May be they don't know anything either. Maybe. Maybe they' re just sayin g the same things. I am in the books of a moon house and c ool ed walls, moo n rock walls. Yet I'm t ouc hing the moon. Oh on e t hat I wi ll not be exciting for. Hmm. Oh no.[inau dible] well, I jus t know a so l a r flar e Sidon, eve n though it said it was, maybe it's like a, a b luff, a secret signal that something else is happening. If wi fe is a nuclear warhead headi ng for the moon, imagine that. Just go ou t h ere and a fte r four days of travel and as ou r b lee ding wore on, I'll take that more exac t, I m ean, what about the goal? Pro bably under the Dane in[ i na u dible], the h ope ducks and the kids go in th e follo wing chip. Oka y. Though such a new sense, we can all come together. I mean, you never can book in a at o n ce for these thin gs, yet c hea p cred it system. I hus b a nd's law o n t he list in sc ho ol. Teachers and n urs es. Crazy maybe progr ess. Bye. We dreamed of living on the moon and here we, well I am so far

Speaker 15:

[inaudible] in a box.[inaudible]

Speaker 4:

student box might have called mineral. Hmm. Maybe. Yeah. I will take a chance in grants out of the window. The door. I'll come. Can open the door. Kind of that was real, right? What is it? Oh yeah, death plan. I, I hope her family turned after that probably, unless, Oh, you have a brightness and light, aren't you?

Speaker 5:

Oh my God. I've just thought are we protected from solar flares in here? I mean it's just a bunch of old junk. Your jaws blanket. A few throws our old kit. Hope God are we getting radiation sickness could not lose his hair. Who die?

Speaker 4:

Josh, you, what twinkle ties means is eventually we all do Tanya and yes, yes. I guess we all get to adjust that to more radiation out here than we would at your house. Maybe a whole mine. But we want it to go to the moon. So get to the moon. We shall. That's um, let's turn out the booster rocket. Shall we just get that a bit quicker?

Speaker 5:

Booster rockets. You mean plugging the six toasters stuck to the back of this VA tech hodgepodge?

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, no, no, no. We didn't bring the little mowers for speed. No, no. We brought them to[inaudible] so we do that now too for voice actors everywhere. Ready? Three, two, one. Ah, last off. The noisy making. Summer. Spring.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. You blow say fight. Come on. Blah blah blah. I have a lot of pent up aggression toward the lawn.

Speaker 4:

The ones they've done as a favor. They should uh, give us a bit of a boost in about four minutes. I wonder if I can catch the toast with this robot home thing. I'm a bit home hungry.

Speaker 5:

We got dog food, beer and wine and like a fully functioning bar baby.

Speaker 4:

Well, I know all I send this lies too. If you can catch the lemon vodka and Kyla in a glass with a lid. Oh see we can call it a dirty moon. Nice. Oh gotcha, gotcha. I always dirty room bowls is my always, is it? Oh, that's nice.

Speaker 5:

Okay. I'll do the same. I guess. Cheers. Now we need some culture, don't we, to go with our ever so glorious, dirty. This is weird, but it's nice. This monologue is by the amazing talented writer award winning Emily C. Snyder in New York. Shakespeare inspired. Oh, hello Emily. I don't know. I do love some Willie's shakes come down to, well, Sue's may have, you've had too much Kalua caffeine and I brought you some water. What do you do Abu and it could do globally. Okay. Tanya Nebu

Speaker 4:

I you ready for the distance that's between us. Is the moon by Emily C a Schneider[inaudible] Maine. Yes. Do it. Sarah crashed it, man. You got this. Okay, here we go. The distance that's between us is the moon. Waxing waning. Surprising me in sunlight before drifting into the cloud covered canopy. Just another concrete blemish of the civilians Spangled sky. Sometimes I think I can catch you in my Palm. Reach out fingers, sunlight spread to clutch. She like can opalescent power pop perfect in my mouth and let yourself refracted light spread like cool Carl coils throughout my app spread Lim till I feel full to the brim. With your restless respondents burst to spill the beauty of your splendor lifestyles upon the sea. That sizzle, one flare and fade cause a little title away and then recede to slumber for the distance that's between us is the moon. Most often though your heavy I eclipses me once, twice 10 your head and with a sigh. You sink the deep beneath the heavy counter pain of earth and alone. Toadstool towed root and bug blind. I'm a little rustle of the Autumns. Disregarded leaves a puff of Woodbine smoke the last spatterings of something fragile spa between us till with color turned against the tail. You go a week, a month or more and then return with borrowed light and wrathful stinking with some other woman smoke for the distance that's between is the moon. Had I a pair of Ikaria swing, I should not fly today. I know the contours of your pockmarked tick, the skeletons and all the secrets that you keep on the side of your man. Your shadow brewed are clear as morning light to me.

Speaker 6:

I know

Speaker 4:

there's nothing in the hollow of your weightless wavering, watery well no fire burns inside you. Oh, as fire burns in me. How do you, a pair of Icarus wings, pale feather strap with glue and wax with hope and chewing gum and half remembered stolen dreams. How do you ambition to equal mine hat you fire on your heels to send your soul and launch you fast past every blanket of the star students guy. Fuck that distance that's between us is the moon that you dad, you do more than still a little sunlight for yourself. How do you brave the sunspot ox of my skin, the Phoenix and the salamander and all of that lives within? How do you dad, you slipped once from out your orbit to dance among the galaxies that swore a long my skirt braved the burning of your feathers and the melting of your coat uninhabited concrete heart had you dead. You let me fill your soul with the excess blaze that's reflected coldly in your blue and blinking gaze. Oh, let my fingertip creep across the airy blanket that marks the place between the sun and moon and maybe,

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

the distance that's between us is the moon. One of millions juggled in my sphere for love. Too costly for sleep to dear and I. Great. A shining star to live longer here.

Speaker 5:

How refreshing. I feel terribly cultured now. Oh, why Cy? Would you lock the hope? Nope. I've never been so insulted in my life. No, it's, it's a biscuit. You have the biscuits that also for everyone, especially if it's smaller though. If it's all about respect. Um, don't get me started on Jaffa Java cakes. We can still do the thing. The thing, the thing, the thing though. Yes. The thing, Oh, just a thing. The full, full full moon. Half moon eclipse.

Speaker 4:

But you're a robot. It should we just play the next one. Look so we can eat the whole packet. Sorry.

Speaker 15:

I used to think the moon was a button sewn to the sky with golden thread when I was a child floating in the midnight spill of its light on my counter pain. I'd imagine I belonged to another world. At the back of the moon. This Earth's flipped sister. Everything was otherwise in this Knight kingdom where we spoke in language I made up by squishing my tongue against my palate. Sometimes I had speak this language. When I was nervous, my brothers teased me ruthlessly from my disgusting habit until I told them I had been taught by aliens to speak their tongue. Strangely, this did not help with the teasing, but at night, at the back of the moon, I'd explore the cosmic Tundra. No longer the undersized squirt, but a captain of my soul raft. Even today when I wake in the nocturnal hours, there's a moment when I reach for my, or for a few seconds believing there are still adventures waiting for me out there in the sea of stars.

Speaker 4:

I love that one evokes memories of childhood. Yes, it was by the amazing. Sorry my Tucson. Hello sir. But you're still worthy. You're beautiful.

Speaker 16:

Sarah, back to song is amazing

Speaker 4:

on all underwriters. Amazing. And it's so nice to hear Lucy and all her glory. See what I love though is that, see, although we're at different ages and different places and what me and yeah, I mean you meet with me and everyone really did. We were still, we're still all born under the same moon when we, you know, when you, when you do look up, but night, your night, my night we, you see the same face to face with the moon. Me too.

Speaker 17:


Speaker 4:

and we'll leave our explorers for a short while to contemplate their

Speaker 2:

very existence on, over, around[inaudible] to near this earth until part three coming soon. Do they land on the moon on their chocolatey dirty. Moonhigh find out in part three coming soon in this episode you heard monologues from Jay Christian, how the two worlds so over the moon heavily sees Nedo who wrote that distance between us is the moon both the very advice or go down as well as some of the flare which the Looney wrote herself as well as wedding. I am here. Here I am performed by Karim Compli semi Tucson provided the wondrous, the back of the moon and the radioed by the O. So wondrous Lucile time ceremony is fundraising for her next February's or show and extravaganza or looking at the amazing work and personality of the Regency romance author Georgette hair and circled in has the pleasure of voicing some of Georgette's actual words and by it was she a feisty saw. She sat in new art, took no knots at all. So find out more on www.feeblegazers.wordpress.com tune in one final time for episode three of the lab sessions soon. Thank you to all the new readers and writers, and of course, the amazing Tonya Malloy. You bet. If you liked the show, find out more about quirky versus at quirky voices at[inaudible] dot com or pass a message on Twitter. We're at the quirky voice says, thank you for listening. Goodbye.

Speaker 1:
