Quirky Voices Presents


Sarah Golding Season 2 Episode 210

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So how goes it?

We have had PODUK in the last week and I muchly enjoyed meeting folks at that - Hallo again if you found yourself here after that! This interview with the amazinggg legend that is Sarah Rhea Werner was recorded before PODTAILS was on so....here's some time travel audio for you to enjoy about all things looking after you... you lovely actors you!

Sarah Rhea Werner continues to be an absolute beacon of positivity and audio awesome, and I can't thank her enough for coming to talk of all things self care on this MADIVA ep. Please do feel free to feedback how this is useful or what you think folks should also be doing to treat themselves Kindly in this crazy world....I would LOVE some more recent reviews or even ratings on any of your podcast apps. Thank you.

SELF CARE FOR ACTORS IS SOOOO IMPORTANT....And everyone else too...I guess!

Here is the link to Sarah's website
Here is the link to Sarah's Podcast Course

We mentioned PODTAILS - info here
We mentioned PODUK - info here

Here's a link to STAGE MILK which has many many fun and useful articles of acting related joy....

Where is your happy place?! Do share with #MyHappyPlace and ping in @quirkyvoices or @madivap....I so want to be on that beach right now!

Have another look at the divine practice of impermanence here

Here is that poem - Look up - By Gary Turk - definitely worth reading and considering the message! GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA AND CONNECTTTTT

Whatever your interest in voice acting....please do take care of you - take time to connect with your now...or your Write Now (see what I did there?!) and live your best life!

I know I am trying to

And at the moment - am having the best fun - hope you are too!

PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME OUT and fill in this PODCAST SURVEY from the British Podcast Awards and Wellcome Trust about podcast listening habits? I need to able to help quantify how my ne podcast coming soon - Anyone F'Coffee - might be able to make difference! Thank you. Here is the survey.... and THANK YOU!

Happy Voice Acting Chums


If you have enjoyed this ep and feel the urge to support Sarah Golding's Quirky Ko-fi  - feel free to do so here! Every donation makes a massive difference to all things so MAHOOSIVE thanks from meeeee to youuuu if you have will or doooo x

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Ping Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.com

Feel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....