Quirky Voices Presents


October 20, 2018 Sarah Golding Season 1 Episode 104

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HELLLOOOOOOO! How are you all doing? You making progress? Hope so!

Seriously - have you done that 5 year plan yet?
Howsabout one year plan? 6 months then? Gwan. You'll feel better for trying...

This week..

Part TWO of Sarah's interview with Kirsty Gillmore.

This one focuses on the day of recording in the studio and beyond, and, remember - all is not lost if you don't find yourself living near a bigger city that is more likely to be filled with producers - Folks like Kirsty can offer a remote service. Check out if there's more folks you like the sound of who can offer this service!

Kirsty talks all things etiquette - be polite, be informed, come prepared and DO YOUR RESEARCH! If you have any questions about this episode, tweet Sarah on @QuirkyVoices or @SarahofGolding, or have a chat on The Madiva Podcast Facebook Page.

I do hope you'll all agree, Kirsty is amazing. If you can, jump in and get your reel done there or shop around for someone as groovy, talented and knowledgable. And QUIRKY VOICES Patreon supporters get £5 OFF the price of a session with Kirsty - isn't that lovely - every bit helps, right?! This offer is valid until DECEMBER 2018 so quick, book your place!


Next week sees the release of my first #MAD5MINS as QUIRKY VOICES produces the first of a short season on 5 minute warm ups for voice actors. You can then listen and do it as you wash up or do your teeth or are pouring that glass of water and shining up those green apples. Or some such.

And, There will be a special MADIVA EPISODE released for #WORLDAUDIODRAMADAY on 30 Oct on location recording for voice actors. #WATCHTHISSPACE!

THANKS SO MUCH to my Patreon supporters, as ever who I am TRULY grateful for. After the 11th HOUR AUDIO extravaganzas are done I will be working on some original audio drama on QUIRKY VOICES FEED here, so....watch this space!

The TRAILER this week is from those wondrous people at FOOL AND SCHOLAR PRORDUCTIONS - yes Travis and Kaitlin are consistently popping out amazing shows and this was one of them - go binge it - LIBERTY!!

I love getting your emails and messages on FB AND TWITTER!
Ping me on https://twitter.com/sarahofgolding and don't forget to pop any communique or questions on https://www.facebook.com/voiceactingforaudiodrama/

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Ping Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.com

Feel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....