Quirky Voices Presents


January 11, 2019 Sarah Golding Season 1 Episode 2

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Hello Teddy Cuddlers!

Sarah - Teller of the Teddy Stories here.....

Hope you alllll had a wonderful Christmas, and that your New Year has started with fun and happiness, and is full of exciting adventures. Whether you're actually living an adventure or reading, watching, drawing, writing or making one yourself!

QUIRKY VOICES have just kicked off an email inbox where - if you feel so inspired - and want to share any pictures or stories of your own (inspired by listening to TEDDY STORY) - you can - if you want - send whatever you create to teddystory123@gmail.com

We will share any things you send on our social media and even read some out on the podcast so....do send things - TEDDY and LUCAS and MAISIE would LOVE to read and look at your creative awesome!

In this chapter, Lucas pops through the portal and we find out what is on the other side - yes - the most amazing slide - we learn words like exhilarating, petrified, ascent, incline and SO MUCH MORE!    

Please do share with alllll your story and adventure loving pals.

And if you would like to help me continue to produce some fun stories, feel free to donate to my QUIRKY VOICES PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/QuirkyVoices

I won't mind!

If I can get enough pennies from that, I can afford to pay someone to help me edit this audio fun! 

Thank you so so much


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Ping Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.com

Feel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....


Speaker 1:

Teddy Story Chapter Two, Lucas's first slide. Hello? Have you ever been to a theme park? With the Crazy noise and the distant screams and bells and whistles and loud bangs and cloud like sticks of sugar filled candy floss, mmmm candy floss. Oh, the smells of popcorn and food and metal and more food! Mmmmmm food- What’s your favorite food? You don't have to say. You can think of if you like. OOH! God choice! Did you know what I love? Yes I. Love. Chocolate. Mmmm chocolate! In the next chapter after this one, we go to a house made entirely. That means completely and utterly aaall of it made entirely of chocolate. I might eat it before I'd tell it to you. Not sure it's possible to eat an actual bit of story. Not even with my crazy imagination. But. I can try! Ooohhh chocolate!

Speaker 2:

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Have you ever been to a theme park or seen one in a film or on tele or with a really very exciting high and twisting rollercoaster and thought, I want to go on that! It looks scary, but truly fun and amazing and you can hear people screaming and happiness and actual terror, which means they are also very, very scared. And how high and how fast it goes- If you watch it, it will almost certainly make your tummy tickle if you ride it. Can you tickle your tummy? Tickle, tickle, tickle. Marvellous. Well, that tickly giggly feeling is exactly how Lucas felt when he‘plinked’ out the other side of the portal.‘Plink’. Do you remember what happened in the last chapter? Lucas jumped on his bed three times and with the full jump at 12:04 followed his fluffy teddy through a portal, a magical door to another place in space and time. It took minus three seconds to him to come out and through the portal opening which snapped shut tight behind him. If you had a telly in the 1980’s and switched it off, it would look like that behind him. Black sparkly oval to a tiny circle of bright light... To nothing. Zzsssccczzzhhhmmm Yes! And it was minus three seconds since he jumped through. So technically, which means according to the facts, he came out of it before he went in. How Fun! So he came through saying, wait for me, landed on his feet and found he was repeating the last few words and actions he had said and done at the end of the last chapter, but in slow motion as if he was wading and speaking through mud, if that makes any sense- can you remember what they were? The words he said? See, Lucas found himself in his own thoughts, but also unable to change what he was physically doing and saying out loud- almost as if he was moving now through very thick custard, mmmm custard. It was the strangest of feelings Indeed.


He found himself jumping ridiculously slowly on the spot: once, twice, three times the sound of it all exaggerated too like a- a cartoon sound effect- boiyoiyoiyoinggg- and could see that when he finally leapt forward, he would find himself at the very tippy top of the most exciting looking yellow bottomed silver sided mirror slide he had ever, ever seen.

Speaker 2:

He looked up at some words in bright, glowing light bulbs on a fancy red sign right above his head. It read‘Slide of happiness to adventure’ with white light bulbs flashing around the edges. He had a little bit of a bout of deja-vous, which means feeling like you have done or said something before, if that makes any sense at all. Have you ever had that feeling? Well, it's called Deja Vu, which means feeling like you've done or said something before. Have I already.... Said that? I think. I think I have. Back to Lucas who by now had jumped once up and down.‘Why not’ bouncing once‘It won’t hurt will it? He said again, bounced twice, thrice, which means three times. He took a deep breath and loudly whispered,‘Wait for me, Teddyyyyyyy’, as he launched across the entrance to the slide, and under the fancy, flashy red sign, and landed feet first, bottom second on a worn hessian sack, those rough feeling sacks like you get on those helter skelters at fairgrounds. He deftly fell on his bottom. His hands automatically finding two velvet feeling cord handles- velvet being a lovely soft feeling material, see if you can find some, and feel it when you're out with someone fun, and you'll see what I mean about how lovely it feels.

Speaker 3:

And...the sack... The sack. Started to move gently downwards, down the slide- slowly at first, and then vwwwhhnmmmmm seem to jerk to life, propelling him so fast down this wonderous slide. So whizzy woo fast, that his hair stuck up like a mad scientist! He really needed a haircut, he thought to himself, as he saw his reflection in the sides of the slide, as he whizzed down. As soon as the sack really started to move, a further bit of red velvet material appeared out of the bottom of the sack, and seem to roll upwards towards him like a gentle sea wave and tuck him in gently with care. With the speed his hands tightly held the two velvet rope handles at the side of the Mat and whoooosssszzzhhh. He began the most exhilarating, which means truly most exciting indeed ever, ever, ever ride on this crazy fun slide. He first went downwards, and then upwards, and then spun backwards and upside down and roundabout. There were spirals and strange bumping stairs of all angles, this way and that, and all Lucas could do was shout‘Woohooo thiisss isss awesommmme’ and live completely in the moment, enjoying himself. Have you ever done that? Just enjoy that actual time and that actual place and that moment- try and do it more because good times they pass so quickly, perhaps like the first time listening to this story. Haha I can but hope! Lucas started to wonder if this brilliant, brilliant, super duper ride would ever stop. Before him stood two loop the loops and in the distance he saw a boy that looked like him in dinosaur pajamas, scream‘Woohoo’ off to his left and disappeared downwards at the same time as another boy who also looked like him, but even older next to what looked like his actual teddy having a deep conversation that went something along the lines of‘But if the toy soldiers take the giant’s money from the castle, then- then what would the three bears use to melt down to make beautiful golden gates!?’ This didn't make any sense- any sense at all. And then....he felt a gentle furry tap on the shoulder, Oh dear! Gasp! Went Lucas.‘How old are you now?’ Asked his teddy, or a version of his Teddy from somewhen, speeding and sliding along backwards, directly above Lucas, actually upside down and looking very excited... As another teddy whizzed across and through them both shouting‘Hellooo Lucas! If this is your first time, Hold on tight!’ Lucas was so disoriented now, which means he was all very confused as to what was up and what was down and what was real and what had happened and would happen, that he lost his grip on one of the rope handles of the sack, as the slide bank steeply to the right, and the force of the speed he was going meant he couldn't pull his hand back down to the handle and grip it. And this all happened just at the moment he started to ascend. That means go up! A very steep incline, which also means something going sharply upwards like... Up a hill or a loop the loop!‘Teddyyyyyy!’ He shouted,‘Teddy I’ve lost, I’ve lost my grip on the handles- and I- I can’t hold on and I’m about to go up a very steep incline like a hill or a loop the loop or something and I’m going to fall ouuuuuut’ he shouted quite desperately, which meant afraid and quite scared kind of way. He looked up and Teddy had gone, and Lucas continued to gently panic and quickly ascend. You remember, that means go up, yes? In the first of the loop the loops...for yes. Now, as he rose up the first loop, the loop.....force at at least 30 miles per hour....Lucas could see there was not only one but five huge, massive loop the loops in a row...GASP- how exciting! How scary! How exhilarating-which means- as I'm sure you remember, truly very supremely, amazingly exciting!

Speaker 4:

‘Teddyyyyyy!’ He shouted, and looked about trying to bring his flailing arm back down to hold the sack handle, but, he was going so fast, it was so hard to do anything! As he looked to his left, he swore he saw his big sister, Maisie in the distance, squealing with happiness, sliding down into a fuzzy looking spongy tunnel really, really fast. He squinted his eyes, and she disappeared veering sharply off to the right and into the fuzzy looking spongy tunnel with a‘WOOHOO!’ And then from nowhere, Maisie and Teddy appeared right next to Lucas, on the widest part of the widest part of the widest part of the slide, which was wider than you being your widest 10 times- go on! Stretch your arms out and imagine 10 of those widths. Mmhmm! That was how wide this widest of wide parts was. They all squealed with excitement together as the three then separated into three separate loop the loops and got to the very tippy top of peaks, which means point where it's at It's highest- and Maisie Shouted,‘On your way down use gravity to help you findnyour hsnfle again First Timer- don’t worry- nothing bad can happen In here. It's all about forces’ and with that she disappeared directly upwards with her Teddy Tucked In and nestled into her hessian sack, which was lined with lovely deep purple velvet blankets, and embroidered in gold with the words‘Queen Maisie, Minister of fun!’ Well, said Lucas,‘All about forces? What does that mean?’ Just as his head was forced backwards with the speed, fffsheewww! Lucas thought about what Maisie had said and wasn't sure what else to do. Then saw another version of teddy waving at him just below who shouted,‘Just relax Lucas, enjoy the ride! Gravity does its thing!’ And it did. Gravity is hard to explain and a...real Scientist could explain it properly, but essentially- which means... Listen carefully and I'll try and give you the important need to know stuff- it’s the force we know of that helps us- and things- stick to our planet we live on. Without gravity we might well just all ping off into space... And lovely as that might be for a few minutes. I'd rather think we would get very cold and miss things like eeeww, like lying on a warm beach with a nice cold drink orrrr Having Ball Games in the park with friends or snuggling in bed with our Teddy’s and maybe a hot water bottle under our warm duvet. Ohhhh you should be asleep right now, Lucas suddenly thought and instead he was having the ride of his life, on this humongous- which means massive, huge, gigantic, amazing slide! What a lucky sausage! Mmm sausage!


So with no fear of having heard several Teddy's telling him and his big sis say things were going to be okay because‘gravity’, he relaxed and enjoyed the‘whooshh’ feeling on his ears.

Speaker 3:

On the way down on this loop the loop, the forces and the angle of the slide made all of Lucas's weight behave differently and from a flailing arms stuck up and behind him and almost a sense of flying and weightlessness at the top of the loop the loop, he went to a heavy speeding projectile- which means very fast perhaps even dangerous moving object- and on the way down or whooshing and neeeeoowwwinggg and well going super, super, super, amazingly excitingly fast. The forces at work finally made everything including his arm heavier, and it was now pushed downwards. He shifted further forward into the sack lining, his feet pushing against the downward facing edge of it. He took his chance to grab the soft velvet rope handle with his left hand. Remember how to find your lefthand? And whooshed along the bottom curve on the first loop and back up to the second. Lucas had never felt so exhilarated, which means very, very excited and petrified too- which means very, very scared- at the same time in his life. Only a few minutes ago, he'd been in bed asleep in the hot July morning, in his bedroom, in his Nice House listening to his dad snoring, and now here he was...on a super fast, amazing, fun slide ride, seeing all sorts of strange things, not knowing when, how or even if the ride ever stopped. For all he knew he would be on it forever. Although he didn't see any grownups on the side. Maybe their bottoms were too big for the thin bits, huh!? One of which was coming up,‘Whhhheeeooooooofffff’ said Lucas as he looped he loop for the second time, but crushed into the back of an older looking Maisie.‘Do you mind?!’ She shouted.‘There is such thing as slide etiquette, You know!’


‘Ittsss My first time sisssss!’ Lucas managed, still shocked to see her here.‘Oh well. Have you not read your manual?’

Speaker 3:

Manuel? No, what’s a Manuel- isn’t he from Fawlty Towers?


Did your Teddy not brief you?‘No, there wasn’t time! What and where’s the manual?’ Well whereas the book explaining how to use something, just ask for it. You can ask for anything, but remember your manager gets cross. Yes. The sacral riding and she has the name and I'm in Hacienda and four, five, six. It looks like you're going to say anything you want to work. What happens if I forget? Of course you might see on the iphone, cleans my license chocolate cake with sweets or wouldn't. It's not too much. Probably instantly. The top layer of in Sacramento was in Rosa from horizontal to vertical. That means from lying down, flat to standing up and the kind faith formed in the folds of Hacienda. Beautiful soft, warm voice said to me in the face, smile then disappeared and the Hesi and surface changed with a blue sparkly flash into a steel silver vertical surface and a little door shutter went up revealing summer chocolate cake on a red and white patterned plate with sweets on top and a folded Napkin in a triangle next to it.

Speaker 3:

Exclaimed Lucas, so I can order anything. You just remember your manners. Thank you Deanna. Four, five, six at Msi. And with that she wisdom police go from the Yummy, moist chocolate cake. Chocolate. This podcast is making me hungry. Lucas, stop for a second. He was a little bit hungry too, and he thought it wouldn't hurt to at least try to ask for something yummy. I'm 49, married, I have some cookies. Please, please, please, please. Very much. He had it just to make sure he was being polite enough and yes, as he had seen macy's hacinsack top layer peel back from horizontal to vertical position his dead now too, revealing it kind man's face in the wrinkles of the face form to smile and in a very deep, warm, velvety voice said

Speaker 5:

Lupus, like eating them now so it doesn't melt or no,

Speaker 3:

that's a good tip and he watched as the face disappeared in its place, melted into a tiny Easter egg box sized steel door which opened up to reveal the most round and perfect chocolate chip cookies and Lucas had ever seen on a pattern red and white striped plate with two Napkins in triangles. Lucas took the plate onto his lap and put his finger on the cookie. Still. He said the door in the Hesi material disappeared and we arranged itself back to the kind of manned space. Lucas score for a second. Can I see the manual please at the beginning place? I think so. I haven't touched my cookie yet, but this thank you. Can face again disappeared and the small steel vertical door appeared once more. This time there was a lift and flashing button that said manual to the lefthand side, Lucas guests, he had to press it, didn't even notice he was on the fourth through the loop. What happened next? Truly surprised Lucas and made him cry out in shock and excitement. Wonder if you will be surprised and shocked to. You'll have to wait for chapter three to hear that. I do hope you remember your p's and q's in your real life. That means pleases and thank yous because nothing is as the saying goes.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for listening to this free podcast to our next episode is called the manual. I miss it, but we're on our way to adventure. If you would like to support quirky voices who make this wonderful fun story, please jump onto twitter and look for quirky voices. Love to make more stories in any donations would help. Hugely. Thank you. Have a wonderful day