Quirky Voices Presents
Hello there
This the podcast feed for an eclectic and wonderous creative mix of podcasts under the Quirky Voices Presents banner.
Welcome!I have an interview show / MADIVA podcast (Modern Audio Drama Indie Voice Acting) and this is focused on exploring the craft of voice acting through interviews with working Va’s, producers, Showrunners and directors.
Anyone F’Coffee is a women’s health podcast hybrid audio drama / interview show.I wrote it and it stars women who actually suffer from the conditions explored, and are interviewed about it, as well as a medical professional or charity pro interview giving signposting for advice.
Other shows in the feed include TEDDY STORY
Join Lucas and Maisie in wonderful adventures with their Teddies. Journey through portals and magnificent twisting turning and loop the loop slides to far flung places with chocolate houses and dragons and clumsy unicorns and forgetful marshmallow cloud men and Mermaids who are afraid of the water....such fun! Stories narrated by Sarah Golding and with the occasional guest stars....fun times ahead! “Wait for meeee Tedddyyyy!”
Sarah is a voice actor in over 100 indie audio drama podcasts - here's a few worth a listen! Edict Zero FIS, (Marian Ep405) Amelia Project (Lily S1 Ep 11, Northcott S3) Ancestry (Alia) Wynabego Warrior (Lizzie. Most eps!) We Fix Space Junk (Lingen S2 EP7) A Scottish Podcast (Drunk Helen) Hostile Worlds (Sarah) Alt Fiction Hare Spell (Old Sally) You are Here (Cora) Orphans (Minister Orsham) 1994 POD (Starla) Tunnels Podcast (Karen) Attention Hellmart Shoppers (Melinda Ashe) Redwing (Detective) Minefire (Marian), Carlotta Beautox (Rita), LIMBO (Nonna), Oz9 (Mrs Sheffield)…
Sarah has been a teacher, community theatre director and writes as much as possible. She was pod host for The Audio Drama Production Podcast for 18 months of joyyyyyAnd runs monthly Audio Drama Hub Virtual Pubs anddd helps co-edit the Fiction Podcast News Weekly and Co-hosts ADWIT Podcast with Lindsay Harris-Friel.
Please do rate and subscribe and review if you have found any of these podcasts entertaining or useful so other folks can find it too!
Quirky Voices Presents
WORLD AUDIO DRAMA DAY - BOGIES AND GHOULIES - Season Three - The Ghost Who Lost Their Scare By Sarah Golding - PART ONE (8+)
To enjoy
This kids gentle comedy horror story - THE GHOST WHO LOST THER SCARE???
Join the Screamdents at the Great British Scare Sghoul on an original adventure by Sarah Golding (28% scary) AND NARRATED BY Fiona Thraille (30% scary😎) with BOO! The scariest ghost in the sghoul(98% scary) - summoned to the Giant Head Teacher's (Karim Kronfli )(48% scary) office (in total darkness, no...candles...allowed) After being talked to by the coolest meanest Head Ghoul (Meabh De Brun) (33% scary) and her demons, Red, and Blue, Boo whizzes on their way to ....possibly try to scare the Head Teacher. On the way, Boo's darker, naughtier conscience - Blue Boo - speaks, and....they fall out, and the Blue Boo leaves...to cause chaos in another part of the sghoul.
There's a dark dark blue bluer than blue itself (SCREAM) vortex that has started to swallow up the school - and all of year 5, the prefects and...everyone - and Boo knows who exactly is to blame.
Can Boo work with all their other inner thoughts - Happy, Energetic, Tired, Silly and Loving to save the school, and ..themselves? Listen and...FIND OUT!
Thanks to Fiona, Karim and Meabh for jumping on to play such wonderful fun characters, and to the students - screamdents? of St Clement Danes School for doing some of the walla and crowd scenes. Such fffunnnnn!
Find links to all the folks below and feel free to help me make more of this kind of fun by contributing to the Quirky Voices ko-fi here or....feel free to become a valued Patreon, They get shows first and new scripts and sometimes even a song and....mmmmore!
Thanks to THE FABULOUS John Bartmann for sharing one of his glorious musical creations - check out his wares and utlislise his music for your audio drama by visiting his website here. Listen to his HOW I MAKE MUSIC podcast, or become a Patreon to support his awesome do!
WE WOULD LOVE to have your artwork inspired by any of the characters - the giant and their office, the head ghoul and her demons, the narrator - all of the Boo's!! The first years fainting, Blue Boo in the - you know what its called - (scream) vortex attaching folks to the far away growing glowing blue walls of doom, the school custard evaporating, the suitcase opening - oh wait - thats in part two!!
Feel free to send us any - or even your own thoughts or scripts on what happened next or before or inbetween (What DID the head teacher chat to the Head Ghoul about in the corridor existing outside of time and space that was a plot hole that was never explained?) Anything you send may well be displayed on the Quirky Voices Website.
Happy listening!
Please share, rate and review
Fiona Thraille WEBSITE
Meabh De Brun WEBSITE
Ping Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.com
Feel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....