Leaders in Supply Chain and Logistics Podcast

#04: Roxane Desmicht Head of Supply Chain at Infineon Technologies Part 3

Radu Palamariu Season 1 Episode 4

Roxane Desmicht is the Head of Asia Pacific Supply Chain Infineon Technologies. Roxane Desmicht is a Senior executive and global leader with 15+ years in high tech industries. She is well-versed product development to manufacturing as well as business development and account management. She is an active promoter and driver of Industry 4.0 initiatives as well as gender diversity leadership projects. And she is passionate about leading teams in a diverse and multi-cultural environment.

Discover more details here.

Some of the highlights of the episode:

  • Global Production Networks and Supply chain transformation
  • Supply Chain 4.0 and IoT solutions in Infineon
  • If she would be an investor – where would she put her money?
  • How does an engineer lead a global Supply Chain Network
  • How to groom future supply chain leaders
  • How to be a passionate leader in a male-dominated industry

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I'm moving onto the final segment. A couple of quick questions. So, um, let's say somebody comes to you and I'm sure that you might have people in your team that you mentioned. I know you've mentioned people in it's a, that's a great, uh, uh, activity to do. If somebody asks you, how do I become the next head of supply chain inferior in years to come,

Speaker 3:

one piece of advice would you give them? So I think it's important to explore different function. So supply chain first within supply chain you have a lot of domain. So again, supply chain, there's always a lot of steak, all them. Uh, and I think you can be very good in what you do if you understand what the other are doing. So exploring different functions. One, um, not only function but also exploring different sites. Um, so we have a strong manufacturing culture. Um, and I think I, you'd cannot understand manufacturing as long as you haven't worked in the manufacturing sites. So understanding and manufacturing is important to supply chain. So, um, understanding how the work is done in manufacturing. So exploring different sites, uh, building up your network. So, uh, as you go along you will find out that maybe as the early stage of your career, uh, you send CV to find a job down the road if you do a good job. So jobs come to you and also that's about network, either internal or external. It depends on what you want to pursue. And of course, um, how we spot talent. That will usually be people who are volunteering for project projects. Of course it's a stretch because you tend to take the project on top of your daily task. Um, but it's usually a very good opportunity to meet different people to uh, drive, uh, topics which you might not be familiar. So to develop some sort of domain expertise, uh, create your own visibility cause in like it or not. So what is not fair visibility is important as of for planning your career. Um, I tend to be a strong advocates that um, you should not do your old career within the same company. Um, I think it's important to understand different company culture, a different way of working. Otherwise, you might develop some bad habits within the same company, uh, but of course might be a price to pay. So the more you rotate out, uh, longer it might take you to reach a goal. So that's, that's, it's a fine balance. Um, but as you go along, I think the more mature you get, the more you recognize that the company culture is also important for your job satisfaction and for you to Excel. And that's maybe exploring different, you might, might also help you to find the ones style which fits, choose the best,

Speaker 2:

um, very personal, very personal, personal, routine, morning routine. So some people are interested in that. So any morning routine that you do. So first thing that you get to the office in the morning or even before that, anything that types of gets into,

Speaker 3:

well, yes. So first I think, uh, you need to be healthy. So a is solo always about managing mind and body. Uh, so good breakfast is important. Uh, exercising. So I, uh, during the week I go to the gym twice per week in the morning before going to work, um, to burn out some, uh, toxin and uh, get refreshed and we antis when I don't go to the gym, I do a bit of stretching as well as some exercise, which I learned recently to improve my focus. So standing on one leg with your eyes closed for more than 30 seconds, apparently that's not easy and actually I have to improve, uh, in your brand and focus. So it's, and somehow you can amend the way your own that connected. So if you do it's regular lens, you're focused

Speaker 2:

and I imagined that it would be a good, a good fun group activity as well.

Speaker 3:

It can be as well if you want to do it with, uh, with your team. Um, I tend to work, so I worked in a factory before. So somehow from this side develops the habit to start work early. Um, which some are I liked because then you can clean up all your night, uh, email, uh, and starting to plan your day so that you have the most efficient, uh, you the day. Uh, of course when you have, you are to interact with us as the opportunity to interact with our us colleagues if this is applicable in the fall for you. Um, during the day itself. Um, I tried to practice, uh, not overbooking myself, um, because if you have those back to back meetings all day, uh, first it's like you would be late to one and the other and the ways of time on the other people. Um, so again, whether you can really keep a very strong focus, if you have back to back meeting, you can put a question Mark to it depends on your capability. And so if you have money back to back meetings and there is no chance for impromptu discussion. Um, and some are, I like to keep mine open and if people have some questions, stuff, which I think is important.

Speaker 2:

Um, what is the book that you give most to people?

Speaker 3:

Well, I have a philosophy, so I think management books or business books, uh, some sort of a business. So there is always a new book being published and your release to encourage you to spend. Um, Zhou. I is the underlying principle asking the same. So, uh, my practice is, I stick to a couple of books. Um, but I do compliment this with a lot of reading of article. Uh, particularly I'm very fond of McKinsey quarterly or other business review because I find their case study, uh, tends to be very complete, very well written. Um, also very relevant because attempts to address, um, current problems or current challenges while a book has always been published, a couple of, uh, from based on study from a couple of years ago. Um, nevertheless, in terms of books. So I would agree with Scott. It in good to great is always something to have in your, uh, library. And I have one in my office. Um, I'm quite fond of, uh, blue ocean strategy. Uh, zoom. Many people would believe it's a marketing book. Um, actually it's not, it's also, uh, amping you to rethink about how you want to position yourself, how you want to position your supply chain or to multiples issue on your job to create your blue ocean instead of competing and fighting in the same, uh, area. Uh, since we talk a bit about the challenges of head and change management, I think leading change from quarter, uh, is also quite relevant and to complement with the gender diversity topic. Um, I'm quite fond of linen, uh, from Sheryl Sandberg. Um, lean, lean in and you don't know it well, it's, uh, it's about how a woman should position themselves in the workplace. It's about something which was very, um, refreshing for me. Maybe because I'm naturally, I'm more assertive, so maybe I'm not a typical woman. Um, but then she, she came with, uh, with the observations that from a very early, early childhood, you start to create a bias. So you have toys for girls and toys for boys. You have girls is pretty, I've met me and boy is smart as daddy. So of course if as a girl you are just a brainwashed from very early is that you are bad at math and you're just pretty, it's unlikely you will do good in your career. So it's, so she really brings this bias perspective, which was really an eye opener for me. Maybe because my parents didn't raise me like this, but now I can also understand why, uh, some and the capital, um, and how we can, we can address it. So, um, I think for both female and male alike, I think it's a very interesting book to read. I look into,

Speaker 2:

um, now this is an interesting risk. What is something you believe in that other people think it's insane?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. People need about that insane. Um, so, um, maybe first, maybe because I'm an engineer, um, I think working with data is fun and rewarding.

Speaker 2:

Well, definitely most people would think that's insane.

Speaker 3:

So I really like to work on the reports, uh, do my data crunching and finally come with a good storyline. I get extremely excited about this. I was all, yes, sometimes I find people might not relate to much excitement. I also city as well. This again is I, he also believes there is no stupid or uninteresting topic. So it all depends on perspective. It all depends on how you put your heart into it. So to your previous point about supply chain not being sexy. Yeah. Maybe when I landed in supply chain it's a long story. Might not have been exactly my original choice or plan. Um, but somehow down the road I found a lot of fun into it just because I looked into those area where I feel I can contribute. Um, I can make some change and some, yeah, I enjoy my work. Um, and yeah, one point, um, last one, I don't know if it's insane as well, but, um, I think you need to enjoy what you do to do it well. So, um, you have to be quite Braves at on the day. You don't like what you do anymore. Maybe it's time to change instead of just things there and ask us with the comfort of staying in another Northern environment, but in being demoralized, the motivated every day, um, that's not good for your health, for your

Speaker 2:

queer spirits.[inaudible]

Speaker 3:

but of course it's, you required, it's required to be brave to make a change. Um, but I think sometimes it's better off to go this way instead of staying on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's August and then yes, indeed it takes courage, but it's always, um, social media. Do you use social media, your LinkedIn, your Facebook, I mean, this is a moment towards LinkedIn. Do you use it? Does it also help your brand as an employer potentially into earth?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so maybe a yes. Um, to, to clear the air. So I don't do Facebook. I do not tweet. So you might see me a little bit like a D knows a lot. I know are, uh, I'm quite active on LinkedIn, uh, simply because it's really, initially the purpose was really work-related. Um, so it helps to be a new contact, uh, which can create some interesting, uh, discussion about a new topic or looking for candidates, uh, LinkedIn, also Alps candidate to reach out to me. Uh, so that's out your in your talent, uh, talent engagement. Um, that'll knock a couple of, uh, interesting post, which also can open your mind a compliment a bit. What I do is when I read the McKinsey quarterly, um, it's good to, uh, also when you meet new people in a forum that you keep a connection somehow. Um, because you can see I was, the art was as they're moving into a new company, maybe as this new company might be of interest to you. So it's, it's really from a work perspective, I think it's a very valuable,

Speaker 2:

absolutely. Um, so one quick example of, you know, an area where you've been challenged a lot, um, around supply chain. How did you face it? How did you overcome it?

Speaker 3:

Well, um, think's the biggest challenge I face was when we change system and migrated to SAP in 20 2006. Uh, if I recall my life at that time, I would have said there is life before and after SAP. So SAP now is very robust and that was the right decision. But at that time, the project, the project had a couple of, uh, challenges and IEPs. Um, and what did help really was instead of getting depressed and overwhelmed by all those challenges, um, to take it as that's a new norm and we have to move forwards, uh, looking at, um, based on the challenges of the project, establishing clear communication platform so that information will be shared, known. Uh, I think escalation pass, uh, looking at monitoring all of the issues, uh, encouraging as a team. Uh, and most importantly to have one common goal, uh, at that time you might appreciate, uh, I was one year plus in Shanghai, uh, knowings, the challenge of retention in China. Um, you can appreciate that

Speaker 2:

not everybody was really at the be resilient[inaudible].

Speaker 3:

So that's why it's the encouragement, uh, and making sure people would stay on this. It's a challenge from customer internal, internal challenges, uh, was definitely a stretch. Uh, but a good learning opportunity, uh, also a good opportunity to understand the system better and to contribute to making sure it wouldn't perform and, uh, deliver what it's supposed to deliver.

Speaker 2:

Um, when you think of the word successful in your industry and your practice and splinting, who is the first person that comes to your mind and why? It can be from your, it can be from, you know, whoever, it doesn't have to be internal. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's a very difficult question actually, because I never thought about this like this. Um, usually I inspire myself from articles or a lot of readings. I don't really relate to one single character. Um, so I was stretching my brain. Um, maybe if somebody would come will come out, I would say Jeff Bezos.

Speaker 2:

Mmm Hmm. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Um, maybe because it's definitely a game changer in supply chain. Um, but what I like he is, is that he has a really longterm focus. So not like some of your leaders who invest in a new technology doesn't get returned within one year. Drop it, scrap it, is really taking a longterm stance, uh, making some longterm bet. Uh, so driving the company in two words, more profitability, bigger scope, uh, in a steady way without looking back, uh, learning from experience. Um, I feel, um, maybe not a culture of finger pointing radio culture of openness. Maybe that could be, if I would get a chance, maybe. I think he worked

Speaker 2:

well. He's really blameful well domination isn't it? So yeah. Is a, of course the Jake mom might have a different opinion, but um, you the last year you, you know, uh, how do you keep yourself in tune with the market, but the international, you mentioned McKinsey, you mentioned Harvard business review. Final question. Um, if you could go back and give your 20 year old self a valuable piece of advice, what would you say?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

maybe, maybe I should not have moved out of technical field so early because I still feel I miss it from time to time. Um, and maybe my carrier would have been completely different if I wouldn't have done that. Um, during my study time. Um, I wish I would have had the opportunity for exploring different fields, not on the science. Um, just to have a more rounded up a view instead of having to do a MBA a couple of years later. Um, but all in all I would agree with my dad is once you make a decision you just move on and you don't regret. So I try not to think too much as our file in life could have been different without done things differently. Yeah, I met a strong choice or in fact when I moved to China, I, uh, at that time, yeah, maybe not my plan to move to supply chain. Like I hinted before, um, I medics a decision because I wanted Z control exposure. I don't regret it. It's, it was a huge and very fruitful experience. Um, maybe brought me here today. Maybe I would have been here today even with the different paths, but, um, culturally wise it was a huge experience. So I would still continue to encourage myself to explore different culture. Yeah. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for sharing. Uh, very insightful, uh, useful. Um, many thanks for taking the time and it's been a pleasure. Thanks for the very challenging and interesting questions. Get yourself.

Speaker 4:

Thank you everybody for listening to our podcast. If you liked what you heard, be sure to follow us on[inaudible] dot com slash podcast for all the show notes and links and extra tips covered in the interview. Also make sure to subscribe to our emailing list to get the news in the Nick of time. I am most active on LinkedIn so do feel free to follow me to stay tuned for all latest podcasts and articles. Make sure not to miss our next episode as we have the pleasure to talk with Tim Beckman, former CEO of MCC shipping team has had 27 years career with AP Mueller immerse group. He served as vice president for 10 years in the last nine years. He basically was in charge at the helm of MCC as CEO. During his term. The company became one of the most successful organizations in their industry, so we will be having a very good discussion with Tim to find out some of the secrets of his success as well as many other interesting topics relating to the future of shipping. Look forward to gray sharing and we will keep you posted. Stay tuned.

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