Deep Waters
Deep Waters is about understanding and how to apply what's in the Bible. We need the absolute revelation, not interpretation, of God's written voice. Bible and ministry ignorance is one of the greatest plagues we are facing today, (also known as the Laodicean Church age) and I have the most earnest desire to eradicate this plague from our earthly church today. If you want entry level Bible teaching, or no teaching at all then you can attend your local church, but if you want to get to know God, yes really get to know Him intimately then stay tuned into this podcast and get ready to cast off your arm floaties. No, not all churches are missing it, but in saying this, I challenge you to find one that operates as them ol' preacher boys did in the book of Acts. This ministry isn't trying to get the attention of our Lord Jesus by being the biggest most glamorous, most relevant for today's culture church the heavenly host has ever cast their eyes upon. We are after the one's that know that they know, that they know, there has to be more than what most churches are chatting about in these times. And where, by God, is the power that is to accompany the preachers preach? Christian peeps it is time to pluck our Christian heads out of the sands of inefficiencies and ineffectiveness and join our Lord in the battle on the surface of this earth.
The Podcast Preacher challenges you to get lit for God and to listen to these messages and remain the same as you are when you first tuned in. This will be impossible if you are bent on your God obligated Christian activities and calling. Video's and books will come in there time but for now I guarantee you will not remain as you are if you engage in these messages.
The Podcast Preacher is called, appointed, and anointed to help you grow. I have been given the gift of Teacher and it is flowing in and pouring out to all who can hear and see what the Lord is doing these days.
A final word to the wise: you will hear things that you will not hear in more than 95% of today’s churches, and that is fine, that is why God is always using the uncommon man to move His church forward. Each of the more than 470 messages is fully supported by scripture so that you can do your own research and look into these things that God is saying during these no doubt end times. This is not an end times ministry, it is teaching, a getting to know God intimately ministry. It is a ministry of encouragement and of accelerated spiritual growth. The only promise that we can make is if you, yes it is, if you hear and do what is in these messages then normal goes out the window. This is Bible confirmed and backed by the good fruit of this ministry.
1 Cor 3:1-3 - 3 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; 3 for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
Much love - your Podcast Preacher
Deep Waters
The Difference Between Judgement, Condemnation, & Conviction
Now these three, Judgement, Condemnation, & Conviction can be considered train-wrecking power words by our misunderstanding of them. Each has a place in ministry be it making disciples or equipping the saints for the work of ministry or as Timmy states in:
2 Tim 3:16-17 - 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Now if these three are used incorrectly, like a knife, gun, pen or our words, they can inflict such pain as to turn someone away from even the idea of living with a God defined as love. No but imagine what I just said here. They would be so injured inside that they would decide, even if for a moment or week or years, that living in hell apart from all-things God, that this is a better option. And but for the uninjured we could see the absolute ridiculousness in it, but it is not so for the injured. We could even say for the offended.
This is why I think God dropped this message in my heart. Maybe it’s because I needed to process through it myself. But no one that I am aware of has God precisely dialed in as we ought.
So the word accusation is a stopgap that someone uses to resist the Holy Spirits work in their lives. Accusation never did raise up a disciple of God but of the other guy. Now you might think this is a strong leap out of the gate but if you find yourself in a defensive posture in every conversation that has to do with your speech and actions, then you are not receiving the help of God but are pushing His love of correction away. Yes, He states rod of correction in one place but then also states in another that He corrects those in whom He loves. And you might say, there you see Ken, all corrections, rebukes, and disciplines should be brought to me like God would bring them to me. And but though this would be ideal, the real issue is not the delivery but your openness to grow and to be a disciple that is willing to change. You either do or don’t period. I know that’s as straight as I can say it, but there are way too many of us playing games, self-assured in our open rebellion against all things God, that He will accept us and our modified version of what it is to be a Christian. Yes, you have to modify your Christianity if you operate from a spirit of accusation. So now we need to D-Com some words so that we know what they mean, not what we think they mean but what they really mean. It’s like knowing what kind of ammo you are using when hunting, and not just grabbing any-ol-thing and launching out into the wilderness.
- a charge of wrongdoing; imputation of guilt or blame.
- the specific offense charged:
verb (used with object),im·put·ed, im·put·ing.
- to attribute or ascribe
- to attribute or ascribe (something discreditable), as to a person.