Business of Health with Mike Martens

Dr. Josh Umbehr, MD: The Measurable ROI Using Direct Primary Care in Your Health Insurance Plan

Mike Martens / Dr. Josh Umbehr Episode 15

Dr. Josh Umbehr is a board-certified family practice physician and the Founder and Owner of Atlas MD, a membership-based direct primary care practice company providing family healthcare that is immediate, thorough, comprehensive, specific, easily affordable, and personal. Today, Dr. Josh and Mike discuss how the U.S. healthcare system is broken and talks about the benefits of Direct Primary Care (DPC).

DPC is a healthcare model that eliminates the need for health insurance and provides direct access to a primary care physician. It is an innovative approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventive care, personalized care, and cost savings.

Dr. Josh Umbehr believes that there are measurable outcomes from DPC. Members of a DPC practice have access to healthcare immediately, without having to wait weeks or months for an appointment. They also have access to more affordable meds and labs, which helps to reduce the cost of healthcare.

Overall, DPC is a great solution to the problem of high medication costs. By providing direct access to healthcare and more affordable medications, DPC allows patients to get the care they need without having to worry about high costs.

For these reasons, DPC is becoming an increasingly popular option for those looking for a better way to access healthcare.

Three Takeaways

  1. Cut healthcare costs with Direct Primary Care.
  2. Access to healthcare is important.
  3. Save money on medications with DPC.


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“With Direct Primary Care, you have access to your provider whenever you need it.”