Outbless Weekly

Psalm 112 - Prosperity of the One Who Fears the LORD

December 19, 2022 Michael Metcalf Season 10 Episode 112

Psalm, Chapter 112

Prosperity of the One Who Fears the Lord.

112 [a]Praise [b]the Lord!
How blessed is the man who [c]fears the Lord,
Who greatly delights in His commandments.

-        Prosperity of the One

o   This is personal

-        Who fears the Lord

o   This is who it applies too

-        Praise the Lord

o   This is the continual activity we should be doing

-        How blessed is the man who fears the Lord

o   The words “how blessed” is type of measurement

o   The answer implies that it is “immeasurable”

o   If you fear (respect) the Lord, YOU WILL BE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE

-        Who greatly delights in His commandments

o   Who greatly delights

§  This means one who takes great pleasure in knowing His commandments and doing His commandments that he may please the Lord

§  If your attitude is to be careful to please Him, He will Outbless you!

o   In His commandments

§  Do you know His commandments?

§  Do you follow His commandments?

§  Do you delight in keeping them or does this seem unfair, unjust or outdated

·       This speaks volumes about where your heart is

 2 His [d]descendants will be mighty [e]on earth;
The generation of the upright will be blessed.

-        His descendants will be mighty on earth

o   This man who fears the Lord and delights in His commandments

o   His descendants will be mighty on the earth because they will be many

-        The generation of the upright will be blessed

o   This means God’s blessing are generational

§  They continue forever and ever

 3 Wealth and riches are in his house,
 And his righteousness endures forever.

-        Wealth & riches are in his house

o   This speaks of financial prosperity in one’s house (his home)

o   When you do these three things:

§  Praise the Lord

§  Fear the Lord

§  Delight in His commandments

o   The reward is prosperity in your house

§  This impacts your family where you live

-        And his righteousness endures forever

o   When do these three things

o   You will be made righteous by the Lord

o   And He will make it permanent - forever

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