Outbless Weekly

Psalm 113 - The LORD Exalts the Humble

December 21, 2022 Michael Metcalf Season 10 Episode 113

Psalm, Chapter 113

The Lord Exalts the Humble.

113 [a]Praise [b]the Lord!

-        The Lord Exalts the Humble

o   The Lord Exalts

§  This means He lifts them up

§  Hold them in high esteem

o   The Humble

§  If you humble yourself in the sight of the Lord

§  He will Lift you up!

§  Humility = great reward

-        Once you understand the title

o   Praise the Lord!

o   Notice the exclamation

o   Once we again we learn this is what we should be doing

 Praise, O servants of the Lord,
 Praise the name of the Lord.

-        Praise, O servants of the Lord

o   Do you serve the Lord?

o   Is the Lord your boss?

o   Then praise Him!

-        Praise the name of the Lord

o   The name of the Lord is Jesus Christ

o   His name is the only name under heaven whereby a man or woman can be saved

o   We should praise His name because its better than any other name

2 Blessed be the name of the Lord
 From this time forth and forever.

-        Blessed be the name of the Lord

o   The focus remains on the name of the Lord

-        From this time forth and forever

o   From this time (this means right now)

o   And forever (means every day hereafter)

§  Starts now and the blessings just keeps going!

3 From the rising of the sun to its setting
 The name of the Lord is to be praised.

-        From the rising of the sun to its setting

o   This means from morning (the crack of dawn – early)

o   To its settings in the evening (until it becomes dark)

o   This implies every hour while the light is present or we are awake

-        The name of the Lord is to be praised

o   This is a command its not optional

o   It must be important to praise Him

 4 The Lord is high above all nations;
 His glory is above the heavens.

-        The Lord is high above all nations

o   This means His position and power is far above all the powers of the earth

-        His glory is above the heavens

o   This means He shines more than the stars (more famous & glorious)

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