Outbless Weekly

Psalm 116 - Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Death

Michael Metcalf

Psalm, Chapter 116

Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Death.

116 I love the Lord, because He hears
 My voice and my supplications.

-        The title explains the true reason to give God thanks

-        For deliverance from death

o   That is was God gave us by sending His son Jesus Christ

o   He delivered us from death by making a way for us to be forgiven for our sin

§  By grace you are saved not of works lest any man should boast

-        I love the Lord, because Hears

o   We should love the Lord because He hears us cry out or pray

-        My voice and my supplications

o   My voice is used to talk to God

o   My supplications are urgent requests (911)

 2 Because He has inclined His ear to me,
 Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.

-        Because He has inclined His ear to me

o   Notice the Psalmist knows God heard him

-        Therefore I shall upon Him as long as I live

o   If you know God is listening to you

o   You would talk to Him over and over

o   Only people who don’t think God listens or God cares don’t pray

§  The devil wants you to think God doesn’t listen to you but He does!

§  So talk to the Lord often (pray without ceasing)

3 The cords of death encompassed me
 And the [a]terrors of [b]Sheol [c]came upon me;
I found distress and sorrow.

-        This is a description of absolute desperation

-        It seems its all over

o   The cords of death encompassed me (entangled)

o   The terrors of Sheol came upon me (fear of death& hell)

o   I found distress and sorrow (it’s what he found)

-        It seems like a critical moment

o   You must decide to give up or turn to God

o   Cry out to the Lord and He will help you

4 Then I called upon the name of the Lord:
 “O Lord, I beseech You, [d]save my life!”

-        Then I called upon the name of the Lord

o   When the Psalmist was at the end of his rope

o   He decided to call upon the name of the Lord

§  The name of the Lord is Jesus Christ

§  This is the only name that can save you from Sheol

-        O Lord, I beseech You, save my life!

o   Notice he beseeched

§  ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something

§  what did he ask the Lord “to save my life”

o   this is what we need to ask the Lord

§  please save my life

·       this will literally save your life for eternity

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