Outbless Weekly

Psalm 133 - How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

Michael Metcalf Season 10 Episode 133

Psalm 133

A song of ascents. Of David.

1 How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together in unity!

-        A song of ascents

o   15 songs to be sang each year during three events

§  Passover – celebrating when the death angel pass over those with blood on their doorposts (the 1st born of Egyptians died; God spared those with blood on the door) a picture of Jesus, the lamb of God on the cross

·       God saves those covered by the blood of the lamb

§  Pentecost

·       50 days after the Jews were set free from bondage in Egypt they received the law (the ten commandments)

·       50 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 people in the upper room (1st outpouring of the Holy Spirit)

§  Tabernacle or Booths

·       5 days after Yom Kippur

·       Yom Kippur was a time to repent and ask for forgiveness for sin

·       5 days later (5 is the number for grace)

·       Everyone receives grace after asking for forgiveness)

·       They celebrated how God provided for the Jews for 40-years in the desert (food, water, light, shade, sandals, etc)

·       Booths or tabernacles are temporary dwelling places used before entering the promised land

·       So too, we live in tabernacles (tents or temporary dwelling places) our bodies until we enter the promised land in heaven

·       This life is short so don’t worry about it so much

·       We are on our way to the promised land 

-        Of David  David means “beloved” or “beloved of God”

o   God is not a respecter of persons; He loves everyone the same

o   Therefore, you and I are beloved of God too

§  That is who you are in Christ!

§  You are beloved in spite of our sin if you repent & ask God to forgive you in Jesus name

-        How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

o   How good and pleasant

§  This implies a measurement

§  Maybe we should consider how good and please this is in terms of size and importance

o   Is it when God’s people live together in unity!

o   Is it when

§  This implies its rare

§  This implies its an important time or event

o   God’s people live together in unity

§  The subject is God’s people

§  The issue is living together in unity

o   To live together in unity means we are of the same mind and heart

o   Our values and our words and our actions align with God’s word

o   This is when unity occurs (everything working as God designed it)

o   True Christian conduct and harmony living together in unity is of great price

§  The value of this scene is almost immeasurable.

§  Individuals in harmony with each other

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