Outbless Weekly

Psalm 138 - Thanksgiving for the Lord’s Favor

Michael Metcalf Season 10 Episode 138

Thanksgiving for the Lord’s Favor.

A Psalm of David.

138 I will give You thanks with all my heart;
 I will sing Your praises before the gods.

-        Thanksgiving for the Lords Favor

o   Thanksgiving means to thank God for giving something

o   For the Lord’s Favor

§  What is the Lord’s favor

§  It is unearned, undeserved good will and blessing

§  Are you thankful for it?

-        A Psalm of David

o   David means “beloved”

o   It is a song that all those who are beloved of God should sing & remember

-        I will give You thanks with all my heart

o   WOW – do you give thanks with all your heart!

-        I will sing Your praises before the gods

o   This is little g

o   Who are they

o   They are people with power and position who think or act like their god

o   To sing praises to The God in front of them elevates the One True God to His rightful position above all power and dominion and might

 2 I will bow down toward Your holy temple
 And give thanks to Your name for Your mercy and Your [a]truth;
For You have made Your [b]word great [c]according to all Your name.

-        I will bow down toward Your holy temple

o   To bow down is an act of humility (the oppositive of pride & power)

o   You bow down in reverence, respect and fear (in submission too)

o   Toward Your holy temple (the place God meets with man)

§  A place of worship & praise

-        And give thanks to Your name

o   Notice the main subject “Your name”, the name of Jesus Christ

-        For Your mercy and Your truth

o   Mercy is not getting what we deserve

o   Truth is the word of God (its subject if to have faith in Christ unto salvation)

-        For You have made Your word great according to all Your name

o   Notice its what God did not what man did or does

o   God made His word great

o   God made His name great

o   Because He gave His one and only Son to pay for our sins that we may be forgiven and saved in spite of our sin by believing in the name of Jesus Christ

 3 On the day I called, You answered me;
 You made me bold with strength in my soul.

-        One the day I called

o   This means the same day, the same time, immediately

-        You answered me

o   God answers when we call

o   Ask Jesus to come into your heart and life and be your savior

o   He will come in immediately!

-        You made me bold with strength in my soul

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