Outbless Weekly

Psalm 142 - Prayer for Help in Trouble

Michael Metcalf Season 10 Episode 142

Psalm 142

Prayer for Help in Trouble.

Maskil of David, when he was in the cave. A Prayer.

142 I cry aloud with my voice to the Lord;
 I make supplication with my voice to the Lord.

-        Prayer for Help in Trouble

o   That’s exactly what we should do – Pray for Help in times of Trouble

o   What is your first response?

§  Is it to pray!

-        Maskil of David

o   A Maskil is a Jewish saying of wisdom learned from men who studied the bible and grew old enough to know it was true

o   David means “beloved”

o   This is “Godly wisdom of truth written to His beloved”

§  That includes you and I

-        I cry aloud with my voice to the Lord

o   This is not a quiet prayer inside yourself

o   This is a kind of prayer that speak out loud (louder than your normal voice)

o   You use you vocal chords to express your need to God urgenltly

-        I make supplication with my voice to the Lord

o   A supplication is an urgent request

o   It’s 911 God

o   You do this with your voice to The Lord

§  The One and Only Lord God – Jesus Christ

2 I pour out my complaint before Him;
 I declare my trouble before Him.

-        I pour out my complaint before Him

o   This means you pour it all out (not some of it)

o   There should be nothing left unsaid when done

-        I declare my trouble before Him

o   To declare something is to state the facts

o   You share specific details of what is causing your trouble (doubt, worry or fear)

-        You certainly would not pour it out in vain

o   You must: 1 – Remember your relationship to God (washed in the blood & saved); 2 – remember God’s power & authority over everything (able); 3 – ask Him to hear your prayer & supplications (ask); 4 – believe He will & will help you (faith)

o   You should practice these 4-steps with every prayer (all of them)

3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,
 You knew my path.

-        When my spirit was overwhelmed within me

o   This is a specific point in time

o   When you spirit is overwhelmed its because your are letting the flesh take over

o   You are focused on the carnal mind and your own ability rather than God’s

o   Every time you feel overwhelmed this is the case

§  You must learn to stop, pause & pray

§  Allow yourself to focus on the things of the spirit and trust the Lord

-        You knew my path

o   This means God knows the steps that led up to your circumstances

o   He knows all the details of how and why and when this happened

In the way where I walk
 They have hidden a trap for me.

-        In the way where I walk

o   God knows the paths you normally take (your habits)

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