Outbless Weekly

Psalm 141 - A Psalm of David - I Call to you, Lord come quickly to me

Michael Metcalf Season 10 Episode 141

Psalm 141

A psalm of David.

1 I call to you, Lord, come quickly to me;
    hear me when I call to you.

-          A psalm of David

o   A Psalm is a song

o   God knows man remembers songs

o   He made Psalms (songs) so will memorize the words & remember them

-          David was a man after God’s own heart

o   Yet He sinned with Bathsheba

o   Yet He sinned against Uriah

o   His faith went to great heights and then into the valley of the shadow of death

o   Yet in spite of all this David’s name means “beloved”

o   So too, in spite of all my faults and in inspite of all your faults, God still loves you and call us His “beloved”.

o   It is the same term used by a man and a wife especially when engaged

o   God also calls the church His bride

o   He truly loves you and wants to be with you for all eternity

-          I call to you, Lord, come quickly to me

o   Do you call to God?

§  Like a mom calling her kids at dinner time?

§  Do you expect a reply?

§  Do you expect them to come running (quickly – a quick response)

-          Hear me when I call to you

o   This is another request

o   To hear us; to include His hear and listen with interest & intent

o   Sometimes we are so busy we don’t listen either

§  We are too busy looking at our phones

§  To really listen means to pay attention to what is said and consider its meaning and what action should taken from the heart

§  This requires focus

o   Do you want God focus on what you say & respond?

§  Then ask Him to incline His ear or listen

§  Believe once you ask Him that He will and He is!

-          Have you been praying about something and you are not sure if God heard you?

o   Sometimes we think delays mean no answer

o   Sometimes we think delays means no

o   Do you say a prayer like you order fast food?

§  You say it real quick and expect a real quick answer

§  Or do you say it with reverence, respect, adoration & anticipation

 2 May my prayer be set before you like incense;
    may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

-          May my prayer be set before you like incense

o   This requires preparation

o   This requires it goes up for some amount of time (it’s not fast)

o   This requires that smells good

§  Full of words spoken with a contrite heart or a heart in submission

-          May the lifting of my hands be like the evening sacrifice

o   Interesting point

o   Do you life your hands to the Lord?

§  When was the last time you did?

o   Are you reaching up toward God with adoration and praise & thanks?

o   If you are not accustomed to lifting hands with thanks & praise why should He listen to your next prayer (you haven’t thanked Him for the last one!)

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