Authorpreneurs Unleashed

Networking within Genre with Sarah Gamez

September 11, 2022 Kathryn McClatchy Season 1 Episode 9

Ever feel overwhelmed in the writing community and lost in a sea of social media accounts? If you aren’t getting the results you need, it's time for a new strategy. According to Forbes magazine, "Niching Down" can make a big difference.

In today’s episode, Kathryn talks with Sarah Gamez about networking within your genre, collaborating with other authors, and building your ideal audience. By day, Sarah works in marketing for a gaming company, but after hours she is a romance author, filmmaker, and host of the Romancing the Story podcast.

About Our Guest:

Sarah Gamez  may live in Texas, but her head has always been in the clouds. Even now, you could often find her daydreaming all sorts of fun characters and strange ideas - mostly the kissing kind. Her ever expanding passion for writing detailed plots along with a limited attention span has resulted in taking far too long to complete a novel, but she is working to remedy that!

As a romantic optimist, she created a writing-geared podcast where she talks to other writers about their expertise and journeys. By day, she works in the video game industry and by night, she's writing, podcasting, or hanging out with her husband and two doggos.

Learn more about Sarah and Romancing the Story Podcast on her Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Topics Discussed in the Episode

 See the tab above “Chapter Markers” for a list of Timestamps. 

Highlights include:

  • Networking Within Genre
  • Subgenres to bring the ideal audience
  • Ethics of collaboration
  • Cross-promoting suggestions
  • Find collaborators
  • Marketing within genre
  • Collabs- find a buddy to experiment with
  • Best practices for becoming a podcast or blog guest
  • What are you reading? 
  • Fast Fave Three

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

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