Later Than You Think

Christianity & Marxism Part 1: God and Man

May 31, 2022 Jeff Season 1 Episode 1
Later Than You Think
Christianity & Marxism Part 1: God and Man
Show Notes

For Christians to understand their mission field in 21st century America, we need to understand Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its roots, one of which is Marxism. In this episode we talk about some of Marx's basic teachings and how they relate to two of the main headings in Christian theology -- God and man.  We also address the gnostic aspects of Marx's teachings and identify some of the ways they show up in CRT.

Show notes:  In discussing Dr. Ed Feser's article, "The Gnostic Heresy's Political Successors," I mis-pronounce his name several times.  Rather than overtax my limited editing skills, I apologize to Dr. Feser.

Other resources:  "Revisiting Eric Voegelin:  The Ontological Descent from God to Self," by Josh Pauling, Modern

Karl Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Private Property and Communism.