The Bite-Sized Gospel with Aneel Aranha
The Bite-Sized Gospel with Aneel Aranha
Day 1
Join us for Day 1 of our Bible-in-a-Year journey as we explore the majesty of Creation, the wonder of God's revelation in nature and Scripture, and the powerful beginning of Jesus' ministry through Genesis 1-2, Psalm 19, and Mark 1. Learn practical ways to cultivate wonder and participate in God's ongoing work.
Welcome to "Scripture in Action," where we journey through the Bible in a year, focusing on applying God's Word to our daily lives. I'm Aneel Aranha, and I'm thrilled to begin this wonderful journey with you.
Today, we're starting at the very beginning with Genesis 1 and 2. We'll also explore Psalm 19 and Mark 1. Let's begin by reading these passages. Please follow along in your Bible. We'll reflect on them together afterward.
Genesis 1-2
Psalm 19
Mark 1
As we contemplate these scriptures, we see a magnificent panorama of God's creative power, His revelation through nature and His Word, and the beginning of Jesus' ministry. In Genesis, we witness the awe-inspiring account of creation, with humanity as its pinnacle. Psalm 19 reminds us that creation itself declares God's glory, while His Word brings wisdom and joy. Mark 1 introduces us to Jesus, marking the beginning of a new era in God's redemptive plan.
The key insight we can draw from these passages is this: God's creative and redemptive work invites us to respond with wonder, worship, and willing participation in His ongoing mission in the world.
So, how do we put this Scripture into action today? Let's break it down into a simple principle:
Cultivate a sense of wonder at God's creation and revelation, and actively participate in His redemptive work.
Here are five practical steps we can all take to apply today's readings:
1. Practice intentional observation: Take a few moments today to really look at nature around you. How does it reveal God's character and glory?
2. Engage with God's Word: Reflect on a verse from Psalm 19. How can you let God's Word shape your thoughts and actions today?
3. Identify your "wilderness": Mark 1 mentions Jesus in the wilderness. What's your current challenge or "wilderness"? How might God be preparing you through it?
4. Respond to the call: Jesus called His first disciples. How is He calling you to follow Him more closely today?
5. Share the good news: Mark's gospel begins with "good news." Share one way God has been good to you with someone today.
As you go about your day, I encourage you to reflect on this question: How can you cultivate a greater sense of wonder at God's creation and revelation, and how might that inspire you to participate more fully in His work in the world?
Thank you for joining me today. Remember, our goal is to let God's Word transform our daily lives. Choose one area to focus on today and build from there. Until tomorrow, may you walk in wonder and purpose, participating in God's ongoing work in your world.