The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast

The Rapture

Joel Dover Season 1 Episode 10

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This week we'll continue our look at Matthew 24 and discuss the rapture of the church.  Did you know that when discussing His coming with the disciples, that Jesus actually answers one question with two answers?  One coming of Christ, the rapture, is a sudden coming to rescue believers from the judgment of the Tribulation.  This coming is unexpected/sudden/without warning, takes believers out of the world while leaving behind the unbeliever for judgment, and occurs as a snatching away in the air.  

By contrast, His second coming to touch down upon the earth and to reign/rule over all of the earth takes place at the close of the Tribulation.  This is not an unexpected coming that catches anyone by surprise who reads the Bible.  Rather, this is a very calculated coming that occurs at a specific time, and which is preceded by many signs that no one will miss.  This coming is an invasion with the armies of heaven to defeat the armies of the earth, to rescue a remnant of Israel, and to establish his literal kingdom upon the earth.  

Listen as I take us through Matthew 24 and explain the differences between the Rapture and the Second coming in detail.  

Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For more information about Joel Dover, check out the web site!

Joel Dover is the Senior Pastor of the Calvary Chapel Church in Newnan GA, a church that he started in 2014 from a living room Bible study.

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