The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast

The Dry Bones Prophecy

October 12, 2022 Joel Dover

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Today we'll look at two powerful chapters in Ezekiel, chapters 36-37.  God spoke through the prophet about a future day when He would gather Israel from all of the nations, establish them again in their own land, and unify them as one people.  In those days, the Lord would take a dead nation that had lost all hope and restore her miraculously into a nation again.  People would come from the four corners of the earth to rejoin their national homeland.  

Likewise, we'll see that in the midst of those days, God would establish a national Davidic leader who would be a forever king to them, would establish his Temple and Tabernacle in the midst of their holy city, and would pour out His Spirit among them.  These things are close, but haven't happened yet.  

Many people believe that the regathering of Israel is the budding of the fig tree from Luke 21 and Matthew 24, and that their regathering as a nation on May 15, 1948 was a prophetic time marker that identified the generation who would see the rapture!  Let's carefully look at the texts and be encouraged by the miracle of modern day Israel.

Thank you for listening to The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast. For more information about Joel Dover, check out the web site!

Joel Dover is the Senior Pastor of the Calvary Chapel Church in Newnan GA, a church that he started in 2014 from a living room Bible study.

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