Books on the Ridge

Episode 01: Inaugural Episode. Interviewing Bettie Boswell, author of "Free to Love." Part 1.

June 29, 2022 Mt. Zion Ridge Press Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Books on the Ridge.

Today's guest is Mt. Zion Ridge Press author Bettie Boswell, discussing her new release as of July 1: "Free to Love," a story that flows between past and present.

Bettie's previous titles with Mt. Zion Ridge Press include "On Cue," which "Free to Love" can be considered a prequel to, and her short story, "Henry's Gift," which appeared in "From the Lake to the River," an anthology of stories set in Ohio, by Ohio authors.

While "On Cue" tells the story of the production of a historical musical, and the romance between the author/composer and the director, "Free to Love" follows the heroine as she researches her play about the Underground Railroad. She learns about the lives of two young women: Early, a slave in Alabama, and her mistress, Missy.

This is Part 1. Part 2 will be available next Monday -- all Books on the Ridge podcasts will release on Monday.

Thanks for joining us!