Wholly Buyable

31. Sex Crimes (Leviticus 20-21)

January 09, 2023 Chas Bayfield

Episode 31: Leviticus 20-21

Is this the most divisive topic in Christianity?
You'd think Christians would be concerned with injustice, the global poor, self improvement, kindness, generosity. Loving one another. But no. 
Many Christians remain obsessed with what consensual adults get up to in a bedroom, especially of those adults are of the same sex.
Regardless of all the sins listed in the Bible, for many, homosexuality is a taboo too far and the end result of all this has not been pretty.
Our suggestion is to listen to what the Bible says and work out for yourselves what it means.

Written and produced by Chas Bayfield
Music by Michael Auld and Jon Hawkins Music
Cover Art by Lisa Goff