Wholly Buyable

Episode 80: Man Whores

December 19, 2023 Chas Bayfield Season 10 Episode 80
Wholly Buyable
Episode 80: Man Whores
Show Notes

The Kingdom of Israel has split into two.
Judah is tiny but retains Jerusalem and its temple,  and a dynasty descended from David.
Israel is vast in comparison but in separating from Judah, it appears to have also separated itself from God.

In these chapters, Israel enters a kind of death spiral from which it seems impossible to pull out, while Judah just about clings on.

However, this nation seems one godless - or childless - king away from ending the bloodline and cancelling the divine promise that a son of David will remain on his throne forever.

Chapters covered: 1 Kings 13-15

Written and produced by Chas Bayfield
Music by Michael Auld and Jon Hawkins Music
Cover art by Lisa Goff