Cutting Edge Ministries Podcasts

Events Are Planned Out Far in Advance By Demonic Forces

June 06, 2022 David Bay Season 1 Episode 2

Since the Garden of Eden, Godly angels have been battling demonic beings to determine how the king/ruler will govern.   Daniel, Chapter 10, is the key to understanding how the Conspiracy to Produce Antichrist stretches back in time 5,000 Years.    

No one can understand events of this day, or how events are going to unfold in the prophetic future, if they do not understand how an ungodly demon is daily influencing an ungodly ruler to act in such a way as to fulfill the wishes of Satan.  God is Sovereign, so He could win every single battle, but God allows Satan the victory on some issues, the more so as the world spins toward the very End of the Age.

For example, 'Gog' is the demonic being guiding the decisions of the Russian leader to turn away from his original agenda and turn his army south so he can attack Israel in fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39!

Truly, once you understand this message, you will never look at the news the same way again!

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