Two Lit Chicks
Like desert island discs, but for books. Join host Julia Boggio interviewing guests about the books that changed their lives.
Two Lit Chicks
TLC Book Bites: All about Bonkbusters
To celebrate the release of Jilly Cooper's new book, Tackle, on November 9, I'm speaking with Dr Amy Burge and Dr Jodi McAlister about their research into the BONKBUSTER. Warning: we talk graphically about THAT goldfish scene in LACE.
Dr Amy Burge is Associate Professor of Popular Fiction at the University of Birmingham. Her work centres on popular genres, in particular romance – she has published research on Mills & Boon sheikh romances, Scottish romance, and chick lit from the Middle East. She is Managing Editor of the Journal of Popular Romance Studies, and principal investigator for an AHRC-funded Research Network on Muslim Women’s Popular Fiction (2021-2023).
Dr Jodi McAlister is Senior Lecturer in Writing and Literature at Deakin University. She is the author of The Consummate Virgin: Female Virginity Loss and Love in Anglophone Popular Literatures (2020) and New Adult Fiction (2021). Jodi is also a romance author and has published six novels. Her seventh, Not Here to Make Friends is coming out with Simon and Schuster in January 2024.
Read more about Bonkbusters in their article in The Conversation.
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Order Shooters here.
Order Chasing the Light, Julia's sequel to Shooters, here.
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