Not Your Power Couple

All About the Boards

Ken & Carol Cook Season 1 Episode 2

Hey everyone!!! Just a heads up, this is a City of Allen heavy episode.  In this episode we talk about the boards and commissions for the city of Allen. Just a reminder that the deadline to apply for a board or commission for Allen  is August 3rd. We hope you will find this episode informative and that it will encourage participation from citizens in Allen.  We also hope to encourage  citizens in other Collin County cities to get involved in their cities respective boards and commissions.  See if you can listen and find Carol's hilarious gaffe....she had a hard time keeping a straight face! Again...please bear with us as we continue to improve our podcast skills.  NYPC is definitely a work in progress but it is also a labor of love. We are excited to hopefully be helping people learn about local city government.  

Not Your power couple (Ken and Carol Cook) are not responsible for the views, actions, statements or opinions of it’s guests, or even our listeners/viewers. The information contained on this program or website is not medical or legal advice. An appearance on this platform is not necessarily an endorsement. We always encourage you to do your own research.