Diagnosis: Infertility

Episode 38 | Is everything really as it should be?

March 22, 2023 Andrea Hensrud Episode 38


Is everything really as it should be? Its not the same as, everything happens for a reason. That's different, and I hate that - this is - is everything, the way it is - as it should be? I dive into that a little bit. Most of the time the realities suck, and its stinky to take ownership of where we are - but imagine if we did, what would open up for us to happen? 

Link to retreat: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harbor-a-haven-for-your-heart-registration-510970455387 - There is still time! Contact me if you aren't able to register and I'll get you in touch with the leaders!

Thanks for tuning in! You can find me at https://andreahensrud.com/ to learn more about my business and how I am here to hold your hand in the pit of infertility.

Follow along on Instagram: @her.infertile.myrtle

If you know ANYONE going through this battle, or even post battle and continues to be rocked by the trauma of infertility - please send this to them! It takes us looking out for each other and spreading the word to reach those in need.

Music Credit to: Aaron Sprinkle (Tore Up Instrumental)