The Elliot Resnick Show
The controversial former chief editor of The Jewish Press interviews fighters and firebrands in the political and cultural battlefields.
The Elliot Resnick Show
Helping Black-Hat Jews Make Aliyah
September 08, 2023
Elliot Resnick
Episode 79
Moving to Israel is a Zionist ideal. It's also a Torah imperative. But black-hat (or "yeshivish") Jews often approach this imperative sans all the halachic zeal and stringency that they normally bring to Torah instructions. Rabbi Yoel Berman – a member of the yeshiva world himself – is associated with several organizations devoted to making the Torah case for moving to Israel as well as helping black-hat Jews find their place in the Holy Land. Rabbi Berman argues that many of the practical reasons black-hat Jews used to offer for not moving to Israel simply no longer apply.
Living in the Land: Firsthand Accounts From Bnei Torah and Their Families