The GIG Economy Podcast
Talks about our Gig Economy adventures and breaking down the Gig Economy News
The GIG Economy Podcast
Ep. #162 Dissecting Driver Earnings, Diving into 'Utilized Hours', and Lyft's Women Plus Connect: The Deep Drive of the Driving Gig Economy
Ever wondered how different driving options impact your bottom line? In our recent chit-chat, we dissected our driving experiences over the last week. We almost had an identical number of rides, yet there was a small difference in pay that got us thinking. We even tackled a tricky one-star rating and the implications of XL rides on our earnings. Plus, a shout-out to John for shedding a whopping 60 pounds!
Navigating through the world of driving can be a labyrinth. Enter Nathan, Jeff, and Gabe, three seasoned drivers who joined us to share their first-hand experiences and earnings with both gas and electric cars. We also took a deep dive into the idea of 'utilized hours' and the recent earnings call of the company. Our conversation veered towards Lyft's new initiative, Woman Plus Connect. How does it fare for women and non-binary drivers? Rachel, a member of our group, shared an inspiring tale of generosity that made us appreciate the power of kindness.
The gas vs. electric car debate was back in the spotlight, and we also reflected on the indelible impact of acts of kindness. We wrapped up our talk with a message of love and gratitude. Come, be a part of our community, share our triumphs, and learn from our experiences.
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Well, breaking news. Yes, for wrote the right comment on the right platform.
Speaker 1:Welcome guys side. Welcome to the B side, the good economy podcast. I don't know. I feel like we have to rename this. Yes, for an. I have been in a predicament with Trying to know what to name this because we want a short episode on the opposite weeks, but unfortunately it's sometimes hard to line up guests for that. So we're gonna do a quick and dirty news segment. What we kind of found over the last week no ads, no, anything like that, just kind of getting into it talk a little bit stories from the road.
Speaker 1:I know. Yes, for, and I both drove last week. Yes, we're had a quest, I believe, of 50 rides. I, my dumb ass, chose the 60, but then I looked at the difference. I'm stupid. Yes, for.
Speaker 2:Well, we don't know that, damn it.
Speaker 1:Don't agree to that. So I had 60 rides for 100 and 50 dollar. Let's do $50. It was no, yeah, it was 150 for 60 rides and yes, there's was 145 for 50 rides, so it was a $5 difference. I think the money was a little bit more on the second set of rides, right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was, it was still. I mean it totaled out to be the same total on, you know, if you did 70 rides.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it did, it was just gonna be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was 240 was 145 and 115.
Speaker 1:Right. Yep, yeah it was still kind of stupid. I mean the $5 thing, was a little like this is dumb. I don't like this. So did you have anything that went on for you? Not?
Speaker 2:well, the only thing I had was was my one star. Oh, talk about that.
Speaker 1:I got a one star. Oh no.
Speaker 2:Well, somebody apparently thought that I was leadfoot or Something. I don't know. I didn't. I'm ever since my my ticket, I've been extremely I Don't, I don't speed when I, when I pass in the car.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you've worked on it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when I, when I'm on the way to pick up somebody, I do speed once a month and I did actually get the notice from Uber again, have you been speeding? But? But I know I did not speed with anybody in my car, but, and this is probably what it is, I Drive rough, I'm a little bit harder driver, I do harder, the heart harder breaks and I take the corners with, you know, a little bit more speed than I probably should. So that does happen.
Speaker 1:but I'm like wait, what are we doing?
Speaker 2:here, but my guess is somebody who didn't like how I took a corner or something like that. And then he's like whatever, and so I got, I got. But I mean I got lots of good tips and I Think there's that one person that's just gonna be pissed off.
Speaker 1:Actually I I disagree, because I saw your your pay stuff and your tips weren't very high. They were like it was like $45, $50, something like that. Oh 70 70, but still that seemed low for 50, almost 60 and a half hours driving in 50 rides.
Speaker 2:I thought it was okay.
Speaker 1:I'll have to look at my last one, but um, whoa, excuse me, rally car love that.
Speaker 2:I know I'm a rally car in my, in my, in my van.
Speaker 1:Gosh, yes, for if you had my car with the elect, the torque on that elect I mean you you can rail around corners on that thing and it hugs the corners. It's sweet as hell. But I don't do that because I don't want to use the battery because I'm cheap ass, right, so, even though it cost me $10 to fill it up, no, so I drove to and I just got discouraged With the yes. I was, I was cranky.
Speaker 2:I just was talking Saturday night and it's like all of us are newest car.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just went home. It's like I mean I drove and.
Speaker 2:I got a pink, some ice cream to Megan, and then there's no more words.
Speaker 1:Yep, that's what a great she's like. Oh, I really want ice cream and I was like you know. I'll be happy to do that for you. So, yeah, I just. You know, I drove from downtown to To, to my home in Granville and I got zero pings, zero on Uber and I'm just like you know what? Fuck this, I don't want to be out here. I mean, yes, or you did it right. I mean you did 16 and a half hours, you did 50 rides, you got the bonus like you did a good job.
Speaker 2:Well and but again, I also chose the right times right. So Friday night I drove like normal and, by the way, john, good job on the 60 pound weight loss. That is awesome, dude.
Speaker 1:That is yeah, he was sexy with the weight and he's even sexier without it.
Speaker 2:Oh, I bet.
Speaker 1:I bet.
Speaker 2:So no, I drove. I drove Friday night from 8, 30 to three I think, and I actually did more. I was. I wanted to do 20 rides Friday night and 200 dollars, and I did 22 rides no, that's not right, 17 rides. So I did almost my right, but I did 240 dollars. So I had gotten my, my, my, my, my one goal. So I 33 rides on Saturday and I drove on Saturday. I started driving at 4 30, then it took a break, an hour break at 8, and Then yeah.
Speaker 2:I out and it was, it was consistent. Friday night, the. The surprising part to me is Friday night I went comfort and and XL only again after 11 and I was bumper-to-bumper from comfort and XL only. I.
Speaker 1:Think I'm really realizing how much the XL has. That Does help. I think I think it's. It's one of those things where I was like I was happy to get rid of it because it just stressed me out, right, but I am kind of missing it because it's one, one platform that I don't have now. I have the uber comfort. I don't fucking get uber come. I mean barely, barely.
Speaker 2:I get a lot of comfort, but it's definitely people who I get a lot of people who use comfort as a cheap XL.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I never have had anyone say or have a group that's big enough for an XL when I've been ordering it. But yeah, I don't know, I'm, I'm, they all do there they all do the.
Speaker 2:oh wait, you can do six people.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know it's bullshit, right because?
Speaker 1:they all bullshit.
Speaker 2:I'll come out with group. Oh wait, you can do six. Yeah, oh, I just reported to over and they all grade me. I don't care, yeah there you go.
Speaker 1:All right, let's jump into the news. This is a. I mean, it's not that we haven't talked about it before, but you can rent a Tesla. Save when you rent a Tesla for 10 weeks.
Speaker 2:Basically is just giving a coupon and I Put it in because we I got the notice again. They were kind of pushing that last week, so okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, someone asked about it at a local group too, and I'm just like you know, you start, you start out. Well, what does it say to? Works out to overall, yeah, but after the 10th week is free. So you're really kind of paying more and then that 10th week you get it free.
Speaker 2:But I mean, oh yeah, let's just let's just round it up.
Speaker 1:You're probably. It's $300 in the hole every week. Just think about on Monday and go for the next $300. I'm you know, it's half half what you made this weekend.
Speaker 2:No, I understand, but, but here's the one thing, though, is you know you get in. You get a dollar more per ride from Uber, yeah, by doing that's true, right. So so how many rides can you do in a week? Can you do three, yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean I don't think so, but that actually is a good point if you are a full-time driver. I mean, yeah, on the weekends we do 50, so it'd be an extra 50 bucks, but it's only up to four grand a year, which is that's a lot of rides. I mean it's 4,000.
Speaker 2:Oh sure a lot of rides.
Speaker 1:But yeah, I don't know, I still don't think, I Still don't think it's worth Worth. It be honest in my opinion.
Speaker 2:But I mean, the other thing is, obviously, you know I would. You're not doing wear and tear at all on your own car, right? You still, you still get the mileage deduction.
Speaker 1:See, somebody said on that on that chat that if you claim the three let's say the 300 on your taxes, you don't get the mileage. You have to either do the mileage or the 300 as an expense.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's right. Yes, okay, because you can't. You can't claim the, the, the, the. That's right, because you claim. If you claim that it's a rental, you don't get the mileage.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I was. Yeah, yeah, I thought it was kind of the same as, like, if we wanted to claim our car payments, we wouldn't get the mileage Right, kind of the same thing, right? Yeah, yeah, okay, I don't know to me I think it's. I, I don't know, I had thought about it because the gas was just killing me and my pilot, but Instead I went out and bought a 30,000 plus car.
Speaker 2:Right right, it's at a retina Tesla, so I mean honestly for what I'm paying.
Speaker 1:I I mean I have a hefty payment. I'm not gonna lie, because the interest rate is 8% right now, like for cars. It's fucking insane. But my payments 5 595 a month.
Speaker 2:So we are looking at a little bit and if we choose 36 my, if we choose 36 months, we can get 1, 9, 9. You would do.
Speaker 1:I guarantee you will not get that. I'll bet you a thousand dollars you will not get that he told me yeah he'll tell you anything to get you in a car, tell you run your credit and do all that stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but we have the highest level credit.
Speaker 1:I know, but I'm telling you I do too. It's. It's that there's? I mean I know you do get a lower interest rate when you do less months. I do, I know that. But there's no way you're getting a 1 9, 9. There's no way. I Would look into that run. Did you talk to the dealer their financing?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, that was there financing, so in fact I Go ahead, Sorry. No, it's just gonna be dead. This was the financing guy, cuz I asked him to look. Good, go figure out for me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I, if you get it for 199, then I need to somehow talk to that guy and have him help on me refinance because I'm at 8%. Oh yeah, but I did. I did stretch it out as long as I possibly can so that.
Speaker 2:You might want to talk to like me soon. Okay, I bet they can get that cheaper for you.
Speaker 1:I used a united credit union, which I did with Megan's car. Like Chevy, couldn't even come close to that when I went to try to finance.
Speaker 2:So that's crazy. On on my van I have I think is 3.9 and yeah, I'm sure it's 60 months.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so when you got that van, though the, the rates hadn't like skyrocketed, remember housing rates hadn't skyrocketed either. So that's I'm saying if you can get it for 199, you better give that guy a present. If you know what I mean, all right moving on.
Speaker 2:I had just given him one.
Speaker 1:That's what she said. All right, you're up, I am up, okay, so.
Speaker 2:So this is actually this was a good. We were just talking about how you just got a new car, and so this is actually an article Talking where, where uber? Well, the magazine this is business insider is talking to Three drivers, two of whom has electric cars, and actually two of them have the boats like you do.
Speaker 1:Oh really.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, yep, and, and they were basically saying what is your average, what you average hourly rate that you're making after expenses? And so the interesting part is obviously the last one has has a, has a Gas costler, and, and his hourly rate is actually somewhat lower than the other ones, but the middle driver is the one who does the best because he's he's treating it fast. So let me just basically we have Nathan, jeff and Gabe, who is the three drivers of their drive talking about, and the first one Basically says here a typical uber driver owns 35 and active or utilized hour. So they define that as a period between when a driver accepts a ride and complete a trip. So that's a utilized hour. According to the company's February earnings call, a lift representative told insider that, including tips and bonuses, the average US driver make close to 36 driver and active hour. Now, when I look at all my like, last weekend when I drove, I made 49 dollars an hour before expenses, right.
Speaker 1:So yeah, wow before expenses.
Speaker 2:But again, so you want to. You want to dock probably five to eight dollars an hour for that or something like that. So it's down to I'm probably making 35 for a dozen hours, but again, I'm driving only the busy hours. Yeah, part time, that's what I want to do, right, so he, so he goes here. They actually talked to four sorry, to a guest power vehicle and two of the EVs. Learn how much they're earning expenses.
Speaker 2:And Nathan he says he began working part-time as a rate highly driver in 2017. Last year he roughly earned 12,000 in combined income driving for Uber and Lyft before vehicle expenses. He made 12,000 miles and he is 30. He's 30 year old, he's the drives in Port O'agon and, let's see, he started driving full-time in June and has worked over 500 hours and driven nearly 10,000 miles over and lift in his electric vehicle. He shared a spreadsheet that says that he's he makes roughly 29 dollars an hour after expenses. Okay, so that's pretty good, on on on an electric. So he is also calculating wear and tear and all that stuff in his in his expenses.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it'd be interesting to. I mean, it's hard enough to calculate in a gas vehicle, but as electric being a new thing, like there's no oil changes, there's no, basically no breaks.
Speaker 2:So he, he estimates that there's it's point three, four dollar a mile, so 34 cents a mile. That that is his expenses and that comes to Charging insurance maintenance. Okay, probably also his, I would. I bet he also has his, his wear and tear in there.
Speaker 1:So well, that's not bad. Then, if it's all that stuff right.
Speaker 2:So now that includes his insurance maintenance, means his earnings fall to a roughly 24 hours an hour, excluding tips and ride bonuses, which so that. But again, that's extent excluding tips and ride bonuses. Now my weekend, last weekend, the 49 dollars, that was including right bonus, of course.
Speaker 2:Yeah so I don't know in any way. So he says he makes about 13 dollars an hour and profits. I don't know what else he's deducting from that, but 13 dollars an hour in profits and Tips and bonuses roughly 36% of his earnings over the three months. Oh you know, he says excluding tips and ride bonuses is 13 dollars an hour on profits. That's what he means. So okay, so we excluding tips and bonuses is 13 hours an hour. So it's really I mean the boner, the tips and bonuses, texas to 24 hours an hour, which then makes sense.
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 2:Okay, so then we go on to the next one. He has an EV and he says that has definitely, definitely, greatly helped to reduce his cost. So, and then now we have Jeff. He's 63. He's a part-time Uber and if driver Myrtle Beach, south Carolina 12,000 rides. He started driving 2018 and he will usually works about 36 hours a week. Last year he earned 37,000 dollars driving for Uber. Before expenses, including his income, he calculated that he earned roughly 27 dollars an hour. Before expenses, after accounting for an estimated 6000 dollar in right hailing, with in right hailing related gas costs, his per hour earnings felt to 23 dollars an hour.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, it sounds like you should get an EV for one. Oh absolutely.
Speaker 2:Ev absolutely. But then also and the big this is the big thing is you really have to be. There's one of these drivers here and I'll stop here tomorrow, but the one of the driver says here that he will Once he went part-time and started doing effective driving. That's when he's not making any money his money, what do you mean? Effect?
Speaker 1:effective driving.
Speaker 2:Don't only drive at the same time as I do, driving yeah times right.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:You know, don't Jerry the times exactly that's what you really have to do.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So and that's the last one he goes here he earned about $40,000 an hour driving part-time, after taking out, after taking our expenses. So so again he drives effectively. You know and that's the last one, and basically the other ones were driving one's making somewhere between $24 and $28 an hour and this guy he makes $40 after expenses.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it's all like. I mean it's not a shocker. You gotta drive when it's busy. I mean you can drive during the day, you're just. I mean I'd never get tips during the day, like if you're gonna base your income on tips.
Speaker 1:You have to drive during the I mean even, even not just on the weekends, but like during the evening time when people are going out, like you. Just it's just not gonna work, otherwise You're just not gonna. I mean you, like I said, I can always stay busy during the day, but it's just, it's just me. You know what I mean. People are going to work, People are running errands.
Speaker 2:It's not, but it just speaks to the importance of knowing when your busy times is in your market and definitely drive like that and again, a lot of that you can. Really it's you know Uber and Lyft is telling you a lot more dead data now. But if you're now, you know, taking that, now take that back to the card that we use. What is it called the card?
Speaker 2:Yeah the credit card Moves, thank you Moves. And they tell you a lot of that data now too, if you are, if you're, if you're driving in an active Moves market. So yeah, yeah, interesting.
Speaker 1:All right, moving on. Are we gonna role play on this one?
Speaker 2:We can.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Who do you?
Speaker 1:wanna be Wait, am I? Do I get the wrong one first? Oh yeah, I did. Who have the wrong one first Are?
Speaker 2:you green, are you red?
Speaker 1:Okay, I'll take green.
Speaker 2:Okay, hi, this is good.
Speaker 1:So wait, you're the ass hole, you're the customer, I'm the driver, that's how I have to.
Speaker 2:Well, first is DoorDash. Hi, this is DoorDash, connecting you to your customer for updates about their order. Thanks for nothing. Order was wrong.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry about that, sir. Which items are wrong? Doordash support will refund. Have a great day. Crash LMFAO Die. I'll pray for you, sir.
Speaker 2:Yeah, me too, pray you get deported.
Speaker 1:To where I'm an American citizen, sir.
Speaker 2:They already did. But the whole reason I used this service was so that I didn't have to leave my house because I'm disabled. The main ingredient for tonight's recipe is in the ear.
Speaker 1:Okay, what was that? What was the ingredient that was missing? I asked you and you're telling me die Mozzarella. Yeah, they were out. I checked with the store clerk. You don't need to talk to be in a threat. You don't need to talk to me to be in a Wow, we're reading this verbatim. You don't need to talk to be or to me in a threatening tone. I'm talking to DoorDash about this and you're going to get banned off the platform, you, dirty bitch. I added that oh, just one of these things. I've never gotten into a pissing match with anybody on chat, even with food delivery or riders or anything. No one, ever, really. Just I want to play along, I want to have a good time with it, but yeah, I haven't really, but don't you have the ability to talk to the person when you shop?
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure, but why didn't he just do that? I don't know, who knows, sometimes when it's just a couple of items, it's like I don't know, maybe it was a low tip. I talked to my buddy, mike, who actually you never met, was just kind of hilarious. But he says he does Walmart Spark and he's like you know what If there's no tip? But the pay was good enough for him, but there's no tip, he's like I don't do anything extra, I do the bare minimum. So maybe this was the same scenario for this guy. Like I'm not texting this guy, I'm just going to say they didn't have it.
Speaker 2:One if they didn't, if they in fact didn't have it. You know, that's the thing.
Speaker 1:I mean it'd be shocked that they didn't have some sort of mozzarella. But you know, the guy could be stupid too.
Speaker 2:So Well, yeah, Obviously at least the purchaser, the buyer, or the client was stupid.
Speaker 1:Yeah. All right, moving on.
Speaker 2:So this is actually from one of the drivers in our group and she was very, very surprised about this and this is pretty cool. So basically, this is a note she got when she delivered for a DoorDash and she goes this has to be one of the sweetest things I've ever gotten and there was a lot of cash. It's a little things in life. This shit just made my entire day. I love it when people are like this, like they get it, and the note says if. I can read it, hang on.
Speaker 1:You got to. I zoomed it for you. No, I zoomed it in the dock.
Speaker 2:No, I don't.
Speaker 1:Oh, you fucking really do.
Speaker 2:It says Please take this. Please, rachel. You are so appreciated. Have a great day and drive safe. Ps. Please take this tip on top of what I put on the app. That is just nice.
Speaker 1:Well, it's funny, is so? That gal in our group goes by, our little icon says RR.
Speaker 2:Ray Ray. Oh yeah, ray Ray.
Speaker 1:And then I saw this and she's the one that posted it. I was like oh, your name is Rachel, hi, rachel. And then I was like oh God, what Did she tag me in it? I got to find it real quick. I know this is always a killer when I'm doing this Slows the show right down. There's been a lot of like chatter in there, but she had said something.
Speaker 2:I never actually even asked her if I could use it, I just used it.
Speaker 1:Oh no, sorry, Rachel. I mean you kind of you kind of post it in this group.
Speaker 2:So I mean it's kind of a I just thought it was so life affirming and nice that this actually happened, so I wanted to spread the good news.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So I said how much cash? And she said God dang it. Oh, $6 and $6 and one strip cub material. I mean that's nice, though. Good thing that beer was sorry, I just knocked my beer over and it was no, no, no, it was empty. It's all good, sorry.
Speaker 2:You deleted the mail.
Speaker 1:What did I delete?
Speaker 2:Oh, there we go. I did, I hit undo. Holy shit, we're pros today. We're pros today.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no more beer for me. So no, that was cool. You know, a lot of cash is six ones. They were probably all crumpled up. I have.
Speaker 2:I've gotten a strip strip of money before and I picked up people from the smell the money. Oh no, this was, this was the 10 ones, and they were so sticky together, they were brand new. There was this big brand new, brand new. It was taken, but they came out of the, came out of the strip club, but he obviously didn't use them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, bust have been a slow night in the club, all right. This next one is freaking hilarious. Oh no, whoops, we wait a minute. Nope, we forgot. Well, let's sorry.
Speaker 2:I want to talk about this one.
Speaker 1:Yep, I'm good. Sorry, my bad.
Speaker 1:Oh this new woman plus connect feature puts drivers in control. Lift is rolling out an exciting new feature that women and non-binary drivers and passengers can opt I got to move this over here because it's too much to read Can opt into on a case by case basis, which that's weird. It's called woman plus connect. The main focus is to create a better connections between drivers and passengers, creating more comfortable environment for all. First launching in San Francisco, san Diego, chicago, phoenix, san Jose and more. Woman plus connect matches women and non-binary drivers with more women and non-binary riders. Statistically speaking, which I thought was interesting, about 50% of passengers on lift platform are women, only 23% of drivers. Now, in your head you would think it would be 50-50, but I'm surprised it is 50-50. I would think less women would drive on the platform just due to the fact of safety issues.
Speaker 2:Yeah, maybe.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I was surprised by that.
Speaker 2:Go ahead.
Speaker 1:No, as I said, this highly requested feature offers more control over the driving experience for women and non-binary people, allowing them to feel that much more confident and with fewer barriers to driving. More women can access flexible earning opportunities, or they're driving to build a business, support their family or simply enjoy earning good money while meeting great people.
Speaker 2:When I first read the article because I read it too I thought it was the riders who could choose to be mixed and could be paired up with the driver a female driver, but it's not.
Speaker 1:I think it's both.
Speaker 2:No, it's the driver.
Speaker 1:Oh, just the driver.
Speaker 2:The driver, yes, can choose. It's going to be. Just like you can choose whether you want to drive or not, you can choose if you want to do a women connect. Women plus connect.
Speaker 1:Oh, I guess it does say drivers in control. It's so funny because I read the whole thing and I'm like, oh, this is cool, I thought it would. That's dumb.
Speaker 2:Well, it is and it's not so they, so Lyfts, say they're doing it because they want more female drivers and they want it to feel safer. No-transcript. When I thought it was the riders I was like, well, that's kind of gonna take down the amount of rides I'm gonna get, because I think a lot of more female riders would choose to get a female driver.
Speaker 1:I mean, I agree, I think it is going to reduce it, but I also think it's kind of cool Like you should be able to do whatever you want. You know what I mean. That's interesting. So I mean, so a non-binary female that's a rider. Do they have that on their platform? Because how is Lyft going to pull that data for that driver, I guess?
Speaker 2:I don't know, that's the thing. But so I mean, what's gonna make me say I mean, why can't, if I could technically just say I'm gonna be non-binary tonight, right, Of course?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean so that's, you need to take everything with a grain of salt, right, you still?
Speaker 2:need to put.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. You stillpeople are still gonna fuck with the system.
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely, you know what I mean and be dicks.
Speaker 1:I mean, you can't control it.
Speaker 2:No, no, it's not dicks. That's the difference.
Speaker 1:That was the wrong phrase, but yeah, no, I mean, people are gonna still abuse the system, absolutely.
Speaker 2:It is what it is.
Speaker 1:But I actually like it. I mean, we've talked aboutthere's writer apps out there that can do that and I'm like why are Lyft and Uber not doing this? This is kind of like that, but I think riders should be able to request a female driver, a non-binary. I think that would be really cool.
Speaker 2:But can it be controlled?
Speaker 1:I mean, I think you just report it if it's off, I mean, but then again, how are you gonna tell somebody's not a woman or non-binary, because then you're into this whole thing.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean. It's the same thing about. You know, I can use the women's bathroom because I'm non-binary.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean honestly, who gives a fuck? Just use whatever bathroom you want. I'm so tired of all that debate. I don't give a shit, just make them all gender, if a female, wants to come in there and watch me pee in the urinal. I don't give a shit.
Speaker 2:Well, but particularly on the ones. The bathroom that is just one bathroom in there. Anyone who has one toilet make it a non-binary.
Speaker 1:Hey bro, I'm gonna let you know if there's two toilets and once there's a male and once there's a female. I know it's a single stall and that male one's full. You'd be fucking damn right. I go in the female one to go to the bathroom Like. I don't give a shit. Like if someone looks at me and says you're in there, I'm like, okay, it's a single bathroom, it's what are we?
Speaker 2:doing here. There's a lock on the fucking door, right yeah, and it's one toilet, like it doesn't matter who I am.
Speaker 1:If my dog wants to lift his leg in there, I'm going to let him. No, I wouldn't do that. All right, moving on. I think it's a good feature. That's my opinion Moving forward. I think it's good. I think Uber is going to follow shortly, I can almost guarantee I actually think no, it is too.
Speaker 2:But going back to the toilet, I think it's a building code issue, for what? That there has to be a male and a female bathroom Interesting, or they both have to be non-binary.
Speaker 1:Oh, we'll say like gender neutral or family or whatever, exactly, yeah, I bet you're right. There is something about building codes in there, so I bet you it was like put together and like back in the day and like, just like how there's weird laws that don't apply at all I know, it's the dumbest thing hey. Steve, nice to see your wall. Nice to see your words.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:So we're at 33 minutes. I know we're going to do this hot and dirty, so let's go.
Speaker 2:We got to wrap it up soon, but this one was pretty cool.
Speaker 1:Oh, this one's ridiculous.
Speaker 2:This is an Uber. This is an Uber Eats order. I delivered an $80 water from Stan Stoner's to the Uber corporate office in downtown Chicago $80. Upon first trip completion. I went to check what kind of tip I got and only to see it's a $2 tip. Let you know they understand how strong I mean $2 and an $80 order. How embarrassing. I know Like come on what up.
Speaker 1:Who's in there and is like, yeah, this is a good idea, like you're probably expensing. I mean maybe not expensing it, maybe that's just a private whatever.
Speaker 2:But let's be honest, okay. So first of all, it's $80 with a doughnuts, okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:This is more than one box. Yeah, this would have been five to six boxes of damn doughnuts.
Speaker 1:But here. But then here we go again. Is it really more work to move 80 doughnuts in compared to three doughnuts? Okay, let's say it's four boxes, just for well, how many, how many look they can put a dozen in. Let's say let's do math.
Speaker 2:Right, let's do math, let's do math. It's probably a 12 box of doughnuts.
Speaker 1:It's six and a half boxes. Yeah, if they did 12.
Speaker 2:Oh, so that's kind of like, but we don't have to, I guess my point is like is $2 way too low?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it should be. If it was one doughnut, it should be a minimum of five bucks.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean, right.
Speaker 1:I usually do five bucks, start at five bucks and I go from there regardless.
Speaker 2:But why would you do? Why would you do a $2 order, $2 tip on an 80 dollar order? That's not even 5%.
Speaker 1:No, because people are stupid. I don't think you should tip. So what would 20% be on $80?
Speaker 2:16 dollars.
Speaker 1:See, that's too much. I wouldn't tip $16 on that order.
Speaker 2:That's okay, but it's more than two.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, it's definitely more than that's what I say. I start out at five. I would have been like and like, seven bucks.
Speaker 2:Like you know, it's doughnuts.
Speaker 1:It's not like, and it's really based on the distance too. If they drove 20 miles for that, I'm for sure going to fucking do more than $7. I would do at least 20%.
Speaker 2:But, but you and I both know also that I mean the tip is why they get it so fast.
Speaker 1:Well, the tips have been for service, right? I clear that guy that took it as a dumbass.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no, because he didn't know until afterwards and so he was expecting that. Hey, this is for Uber downtown, they must know it.
Speaker 1:Well, my point is that I would have done the same thing.
Speaker 2:If I got an $80 order to Uber, I would expect them to know it and tip $1. They wouldn't know it and tip well.
Speaker 1:Well, that order. That order came in $250 plus $2. So I guarantee it came up as $4.50. When he got that order, oh sure. He's wondering because, remember, they can change the tip, so after an hour you get, so the tip finally comes through and he was hoping that it would come through with more money, because they maybe they only tip $2 at the beginning and then they're going to go back in and tip later and they clearly didn't. So All right guys.
Speaker 2:This is probably. It's a quick and dirty.
Speaker 1:We'll try to get in two weeks. Try to get somebody on. I do have somebody partially lined up, but his name is Nathan. He's a Patreon member. I'm trying to. I'm having trouble emailing him, though, so I need to get on an email chat with him.
Speaker 2:And we just get a lead on a hot one too. So that's, that should be an interesting one. So we'll see.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and next week is Janet. I can't believe it's here. It's next week from today. She will be in the studio and studio.
Speaker 2:Oh it's so strange. Oh, you're coming too. Thanks, jason is going to clean up these studios. That'll be cool.
Speaker 1:I'm getting there. Hey, I fixed. I fixed the panels. I use your, your little machine.
Speaker 2:Oh, you did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, are you proud of me?
Speaker 2:By the little machine, by the way he's talking about. He's talking about my nail gun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, your nail gun it's nothing sexy here. No, I don't know. It's pretty sexy. I feel like a badass using it. I'm not going to lie. I'm like damn, I should be a roofer.
Speaker 2:With a finishing nail on you. Better not be using a finishing nail on them.
Speaker 1:Not a finishing nail. All right guys, as always, don't put up with anyone's bullshit.
Speaker 2:And we'll see you on the road.
Speaker 1:Good night. Good night. This podcast is produced and edited by hey Guys Media Group. Want to start a podcast? Check out heyguysmediagroupcom. Let's enjoy this live broadcast. I do like that thing. It's it's so like it's. It's just an incredible piece of equipment. I just love it so no one that fell down. We kind of did not do a good job when we put those together, although, they're not built. They're not made to fall and hit the ground.
Speaker 1:No one of them I had to completely tear apart, like I took the foam out. So I have to redo that. The other one I just was able to nail through the through the foam or the whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know the fabric.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, the fabric, yeah, so I think that went okay, I just, I just like to flesh out a name a little bit, but maybe we just keep calling it the B side, and how about we call it this is the B side, with quick, with quick and dirty news, and then just go on like that.
Speaker 2:There we go. That was perfect. So I'm not something, not not too crazy.
Speaker 1:Yeah. All right, hey, I love you.
Speaker 2:Say it back. Say it back.
Speaker 1:No way, I'm recording you, I'm not.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to say to a man that I love him.
Speaker 1:Do you never say that to your father?
Speaker 2:I probably did. I don't know, is he you say to your son that for many, many years, yeah?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I love you.
Speaker 1:All right, love you too. Bye, bye.