The Motivation Congregation: A Mussar & Parsha Podcast

The Bold Embrace: Rising to the Occasion from the Wisdom Of Moshe our Teacher

April 08, 2024 Michoel Brooke Season 6 Episode 95
The Bold Embrace: Rising to the Occasion from the Wisdom Of Moshe our Teacher
The Motivation Congregation: A Mussar & Parsha Podcast
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The Motivation Congregation: A Mussar & Parsha Podcast
The Bold Embrace: Rising to the Occasion from the Wisdom Of Moshe our Teacher
Apr 08, 2024 Season 6 Episode 95
Michoel Brooke

Have you ever stood at the crossroads of decision, heart hammering in your chest, as opportunity's door creaked open before you? Today's episode is a heartfelt exploration of those defining moments, from the inspiring tales of the Gidolim to the cautionary story of the missed Under Armour investment. We tackle the critical question of how we respond to life's chances, weighing the balance between seizing success and being held back by hesitation. Our conversation draws from rich stories and lessons, suggesting that the outcome of our lives hinges not on the number of opportunities we encounter but on how many we courageously claim as our own.

Through the spiritual lens of Aaron HaKoen's appointment as Kohen Gadol, we confront the specter of self-doubt that can haunt even the most sacred callings. Invoking religious wisdom, we consider how our past mistakes need not define our future potential. This episode invites you to shed the weight of ancient errors and embrace the roles destined for you with confidence and resolve. Join us as we mine the depths of historical and spiritual narratives to illuminate the path toward seizing opportunities and crafting a legacy of success and fulfillment.

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Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever stood at the crossroads of decision, heart hammering in your chest, as opportunity's door creaked open before you? Today's episode is a heartfelt exploration of those defining moments, from the inspiring tales of the Gidolim to the cautionary story of the missed Under Armour investment. We tackle the critical question of how we respond to life's chances, weighing the balance between seizing success and being held back by hesitation. Our conversation draws from rich stories and lessons, suggesting that the outcome of our lives hinges not on the number of opportunities we encounter but on how many we courageously claim as our own.

Through the spiritual lens of Aaron HaKoen's appointment as Kohen Gadol, we confront the specter of self-doubt that can haunt even the most sacred callings. Invoking religious wisdom, we consider how our past mistakes need not define our future potential. This episode invites you to shed the weight of ancient errors and embrace the roles destined for you with confidence and resolve. Join us as we mine the depths of historical and spiritual narratives to illuminate the path toward seizing opportunities and crafting a legacy of success and fulfillment.

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Speaker 1:

You can divide the entire globe into two separate categories. On the left side we have those folk that made the most of their opportunities in life and they are successful, and the other half of the world, those citizens they tarried in opening the door when opportunity came knocking and their success is a bit barren. It's weaker than those opportunity-grabbing folk. You read stories about Gidolim that decided, yeah, I'm going to make that trip to go over the Atlantic Ocean to go study in Myr, and you hear about that grabbing of that opportunity and what it did for them and their entire legacy future Doros. In a different vein, I remember reading about one individual who had an opportunity to invest with Under Armour, that great sportswear company, at the very beginning, but said it's not a good investment, a missed opportunity. We all have opportunities. The question is, what do you do when you get them and do you in fact even open the door when the opportunity comes knocking?

Speaker 1:

The lesson in how we should open up the door and exactly how we should go about our mindset of making the most of our opportunities is learned out from when Aaron HaKoen was given the opportunity of a lifetime to come and enter into the Mishkan, become the Kohen Gadol Become supremely devoted to HaKadosh Baruch Hu Batik, says Moshe said Come close, come near. Ramban points out because Aron was embarrassed. It isn't hard to imagine ourselves in a situation where we have an opportunity but we start to freeze up. We're called up to give a drusha and our heart starts to race. The coach draws the play up that we're supposed to take the last shot. You go into freeze mode and it's not hard to relate to the future of this Ramban. And what happens? That says the Ramban, citing a medrash, that Aaron actually walked in and he started to see how the entire Mizbeach, it, looked in his eyes as an apparition, as some sort of tavnishor, like a golden ox, or at least an ox, a form of an ox. Because, aaron, he was always thinking about his demons of the past when he thought, maybe I messed up with the Egel Azov, the golden calf, so now that's what he was seeing.

Speaker 1:

We always remember our struggles and why we are unfit, unsure of ourselves, to take up great opportunities. But Moshe tells him Achi Aaron, my brother lo tira, don't be afraid. Mimasha ato misyarei Hagas daitecha. Embolden yourself, aaron, my brother lo tira. Don't be afraid, embolden yourself, strengthen yourself, because for this you have been chosen. Everybody has mess ups in their past. Everybody's got what they will envision failure to look like when opportunity comes knocking. Remember Moshe Rabbeinu's advice to his brother Embolden yourself, strengthen yourself and ha-crave and come close, because l'kach nevcharta, for this you have been chosen. Forget your past and grab opportunity when it presents itself. Thank you.

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