Easy Scaling with Jordan Schanda King

Money | Money is energy with Sarah Lambert

Jordan Schanda King / Sarah Lambert Episode 35

For the full show notes and access to resources mentioned in this episode visit https://www.easyscaling.com/blog/episode35

This episode is part of our mini-series all about money. Tune in as we get deep in the weeds about how much we're making, how much we're spending, and how that's evolved since we started. I'm very appreciative of all of my guests who were brave enough to show up on this series and talk transparently about all things money.

In this episode, we’re talking with Sarah Lambert. Sarah is the founder and head business coach at The Rosewood Agency, a course creation agency that helps 6-figure entrepreneurs create passive income. She scaled her business from a 30k side hustle to a 400k agency in just 4 years while raising two babies, and is passionate about building online businesses in an aligned and scalable way.

Topics discussed:

  • The energy exchange with money
  • The importance of investing 
  • Her journey from corporate to growing a business
  • Raising your prices 
  • Doubling her revenue and working less

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Connect with this week’s guest, Sarah Lambert:

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35# Money | XYZ with Sarah Lambert

Jordan: Hello. Hello. Welcome to our mini-series, all About Money. We are getting deep in the weeds about actual figures, context, full transparency on how much we're making, how much we're spending, how that's evolved since we started. And when I say we, I mean myself and all of my guests who are joining me for this series.

I'm very appreciative of everyone who. Who was brave enough to show up on this series and talk? transparently about their revenue, their expenses, how much they're paying themselves, all of the things. I think this is really important, and I hope that it makes at least some type of teeny tiny dent on our industry to get us closer to sharing openly about this and being honest and giving the full context of how we've done what we've done.

What our business actually looks like on the financial side so that we can set realis realistic expectations for other people in the online space. So I hope that you really enjoy this series.

Alrighty, in this episode, we are chatting with Sarah Lambert again. She's back on the podcast. Sarah is the founder and head business coach at the Rosewood Agency, a course creation agency that helps six figure entrepreneurs create passive income. She's also one of our amazing clients and she scaled her business from a 30 K side hustle to a 400 K agency in just four years while raising two babies, which is amazing.

And she's passionate about building online businesses in an aligned and scalable way. So we're gonna talk about this trajectory, her growth, her income. All of these things that come with the money side of business. We're of course gonna touch on some of the woo energetic stuff because we can't, we just can't help it.

when Sarah and I talk, we, we go there, but we're also gonna talk specific numbers. And I think this is, again, so helpful for just getting a picture of what's possible, what's normal. What business owners are actually doing behind the scenes and what the, what the, the numbers, what the money stuff actually looks like.

Jordan: So I really hope you enjoy this conversation.

Welcome. Welcome everyone. Welcome Sarah, back to the podcast. So 

Sarah: excited to 

Jordan: dive in for more. Yes. And we're gonna talk about money. This is like super juicy. And we're not just gonna talk about money like on some conceptual level. We're gonna like dive into some numbers and actually talk through where you started, where you are now, how that evolved.

And like actual numbers. Yeah. What this is like running a business in real. . 

Sarah: Absolutely. I think it's so important to be transparent about this. 

Jordan: Yeah, for sure. So, I, I know that we're gonna get into like some practical things, and like I said, we're gonna talk about numbers, but, if anyone has heard your other episode on the podcast, I know we like to talk about the WOO stuff, which doesn't even mm-hmm.

always come up when you talk about money, right. It's a little bit more tactical and practical, so, right. maybe we should start there around just kind of generally. How you think about money, things that are important you think to, to lean into on this money side of things? Mm-hmm. . 

Sarah: Yeah. It's the energy aspect of money I think is so important.

And really it comes back, it comes down to money mindset. And everyone's heard about money mindset. That that is, that is the, your mindset is what dictates your relationship, your energy around money. money is energy. And so there's a couple different routes that we can go here. One, one of them is that money is energy, which means when you are being paid, it's simply an exchange of energy.

And so if we think of money as neutral, the same way that, you know, if I was trading coffee mugs with you, I wouldn't be carrying this heavy weight and all this shame and emotion. Oh, I mean, depending on the mug, I guess, towards trading the mug, right? That we look at things as neutral, whereas when it's money that carries so much weight because of our history with money.

And so I think it's really important for us to be aware of how we feel about money and the more that we can. Create a healthy relationship with money and take away all of the emotion and the weight that we have, the easier it becomes to attract more of it. Yeah. Love. I love this. Yeah. It it, there's the analogy of if, if you compared money to.

A, a partner, a man, a woman, whoever. You, whoever. And you wanted to attract a man, and you were so needy and so desperate and had so many, like you weren't confident in your ability to attract a man, and you weren't confident in yourself. And you felt really, really weird when you had money and you always gave the mo the the man away that no man's gonna wanna be attracted to that, but.

We, but then we show up and we act the same that way with money and we wonder why we don't have any of it. 

Jordan: Yeah. Yeah. What, what comes up for me around this and, and, this is something that I've practiced for a really long time. Is, treating money as it goes out the same as when it comes in. So, yes, like for me, I have to, I ha I, I don't have to think about it as much anymore, but I had to kind of train myself to not be like a hoarder and like a penny pincher and like a oh discount and, oh, I'm worried about this like $20 fee.

And like you can get, I think, really. F for me, because of how my brain works and how I think about numbers, I can get a little controlling when it comes to that type of stuff and be a little, a little cheap. I can be a little cheap. Mm-hmm. sometimes. And when I stopped doing that, especially in my business, and didn't worry so much about like, oh, well I invested in this thing and it didn't work out.

I'm gonna get a refund. That is the same energy that people are gonna bring back to your shit , you know? and so that is, I think like a, it's like a really simple thing that I've worked on that I feel like has really helped me is when I make an investment, I go all in on that investment. And if it doesn't turn out, it doesn't turn out, but, I've made the investment and I accept that that is like my decision and my commitment and I own it.

And that's the same way that I expect people to treat their investments in me. And you can't. You can't have it both ways, you know? 

Sarah: And I also think that when we make investments and we make any kind of purchase in our business, it's not having this weight that, oh, it has to, there has to be this specific roi or it's failed.

So much of an investment, in my opinion, is in how it shifts us. So if I invest in something, but I don't show up for it, it's not that it hasn't worked, it's that I didn't show up. You know, it's going to work if we work it, and so making sure that we're also not thinking that just throwing money at something is going to solve the problem.

Yeah. But instead investing. Part of the reason I love investing is that I, it calls me forward. Mm-hmm. , I say, all right, well, I just invested. I don't care. It doesn't matter what I've invested in. I've now told the universe that I'm up-leveling. I almost look at it as like this energetic up-leveling. It's like, oh, I'm investing in this.

It's time for me to rise with that. Yeah. And there's nothing external than needed. Yeah. 

Jordan: I, the, the way that. See this happen a lot. people get caught up. I think sometimes, especially in this, this space around roi, not always, but some, some people do, and I've thought out how, people ask me like, well, what can I expect in terms of like an ROI on this investment?

I'm like, well, that's not really my job. Like my job isn't to promise you an roi. It's your job to show up and get out of it, what you wanna get out of it, like, I can't control you and how you utilize any of this information or support. And, and I've seen that too in like the way that I invest in things.

the ROI isn't always exactly what I expected it to be, but there's always a return. There's always something learned. There's, maybe it's a client or maybe it's like. Clarity on, wow. I, I would, I would do this differently if I were doing it or, it's making a new connection or like, it could be a million things, right, that you can get from an investment 

Sarah: and sometimes it's not obvious immediately after or during, right?

Like the r o I is happens years later. When I think about community like investing in communities masterminds, it's part of it is investing in the network and the the people that you're gonna meet. Whether that, you know, I've made some of my best friends through Masterminds that on paper, or I look back on it and I'm like, well, I didn't really learn that much about business, but what I did take away is actually so much more valuable than 

Jordan: I expected.

Mm-hmm. . Yeah. For sure. For sure. all right, well, let's get into the numbers because part of why, part of why we're doing this series is just to like open up , open up the transparency and show people what is, like, what is really happening behind the scenes in businesses when it comes to money, because there's way too much marketing language out there.

and marketing claims about money and how much people are making and what it takes to make that much and like what the trajectory is like. It's just, I find it to be a very confusing, space in business that lacks transparency. So I want to, I want it, take it, I wanna take it back to when you started your business and I want you to tell us when that was, so how long you've been in business, and then just kind of walk us through the progression of your revenue and kind of how you've invested in things.

I know that's like a huge question, but. We'll walk through it. We'll 

Sarah: get started. Yeah. first I just wanna say that I agree so much in that, in this space there's all these promises and all these huge statements, but I think it's so subjective and it's really important. And, and you and I talked about this on my podcast, it's really important not to be comparing ourselves because everyone's situations are so different.

And that's, you're gonna see that as I start to talk about my story. When I first started my business, I was a photo photo. I, I was working in corporate and I was doing photo family photography on the side, and I loved it. It was something that just kind of happened because I learned to use my good camera and people started asking me to take their photos, and so I was like, okay.

I, I think I was charging $50 a session my, when I first launched, and I was scared shitless to even launch that website. And I, I quickly raised my prices to. more reasonable. But the first couple years, 20 17, 20 18, I was just on the side doing family photography and I had my son my first, in 2018 and I was on maternity leave here in Canada.

Maternity leave is a year, and so that's really nice and I. Kept getting asked, do you ever think that you'll go all in on your photography business? And I would always say, well, family photography doesn't quite supplement a bank corporate income. And I would joke, but in the back of my head, I knew that it was something that I desired, but I knew that the business model that I currently had wasn't going to be what got me there.

And then I started, I, I actually always wanted to create an online course, and so while I was on maternity leave, while Jude was napping or in the evenings with the little energy that I had, I would work on a course and it actually took. Me crashing my car and our furnace breaking all within a couple months for me to realize I need to launch this course really quickly because our savings just took a huge hit and we're not making as much money because I'm on maternity leave.

And so I just decided in that moment I'm going for it and I'm, it is a. Is such a blessing to have had those things really push me towards launching my course. And once I did, I was able to scale from, you know, a 30 k side hustle to over six figures, while I was on mat leave. And I, I didn't end up having to go back to my corporate job.

That's crazy. Yeah, so it was, it was a lot of work and a lot of time invested in creating the course. But once I had it, you know, that was 2019. I launched it in 2019, and had my first six figure year that year. And I still sell, people still buy it. It's crazy. People still reach out, just word of mouth and still buy that course, but that's another conversation for another day.

So after that, I, you know, I quit my job and I, I actually very quickly moved into business coaching and my first year in business coaching was 2020. And we all know what happened in 2020. Not only did the world shut down, but I also, January, 2020, after weeks after launching my coaching business, similar to you launching this business, I found out I was pregnant.

And I have really, really tough pregnancies. My son was, a year and a half, so, through the pandemic with a, a toddler pregnant, launched a new business, but 20, and my daughter was born in September and I basically took September to December off, but we still made $115,000 that year. So I was really, really proud of that, being.


Jordan: what was your, what, what was your product suite looking like at that point? For that second? 

Sarah: Yeah, for my, so for the, it was my second year of online business and my first year of coaching, and that was, there were, there were two main things. There was my one-on-one coaching, so I was doing a lot of one-on-one coaching.

And then I launched a course, called Create Your Calling, which was all about pinpointing your business idea. That was my, program. So basically just those two offers. 

Jordan: What, where was the bulk? Where did the bulk of that one 15 come from? The coaching or the. Coaching. Coaching, yeah. And what were you, what were you charging at that time?

Because I'm guessing it's not the same as what you charge now, . 

Sarah: Yeah, I, I will admit, I was good about raising my prices fairly quickly and I think that that had to do with all of the money mindset work that I was always going through. And so I started out and I was charging. , I think $500 a month. So 1500 for three months.

And I did that for the first three people who signed on. And what I would do is after every time I got three new clients, I would raise my prices. And I did that until I kind of reached a point where I felt really good with, and then I stayed with those prices. Mm-hmm. . But I was really, I was really grateful how many clients I was able to get at the beginning, who continued to sign on and.

Then, you know, even being willing to pay my higher prices because they had gotten in and seen the value at the beginning and I was helping a lot of them create their own courses and they were seeing an ROI and then word of mouth, was really great that year. 

Jordan: Yeah, I'm, I'm glad you mentioned this piece about raising prices, cuz I think when it comes to money, there's so much information out there about like, charging your worth and like, don't undercharge and like raise your prices.

And it's like, yeah. . When you're new, you can't just slap a huge, like price on something and think that you're gonna believe that enough to confidently sell it. I see that all the time. I'm like, well, yeah, of course you need to raise your prices, but that doesn't mean you need to do it right now. You know, do it when you're ready.

Absolutely. I'm like, you don't have to do it before you're ready. . 

Sarah: Yeah. And you, you, you want to make sure you believe it. I love that you said you can't price based if you don't even believe it. If you don't even believe that someone will pay that, people won't. . Yeah. If you feel like you're gonna throw up when you have to state your price, your price is too high.

And so there's two things that you can do. You can lower your prices or you can do the money mindset work to get aligned to those prices. Mm-hmm. . 

Jordan: Yeah. I love that. I, I love the act of like raising your prices with new clients. because again, it, it's kind of a way to hack your brain to be like, oh, well I get apri.

I got a new client. , obviously my prices can be raised, like if people are willing to pay that, you know, my prices are probably too low. That's how I saw it early on is because it was really easy to get new clients and so I, I was like, well, I'm obviously not charging enough if it's this easy to find clients until you kind of find that, that like.

Price that it's still pretty easy to get clients and you feel really, really good about it. But going above would kind of like be a little out of integrity. It's ki like you find kind of this like special place where all the things kind of align perfectly to be your, your ideal price. At least that's how I experienced 

Sarah: it a hundred percent.

And it's, it's also just supply and demand. Like if we wanna just make it very neutral, it's. , my first three clients, you know, I had full capacity at that point. So they, there was no demand. They got in at a lower rate and then suddenly, while I only have capacity for three more clients right now, so those people are gonna have to pay the higher rate.

And it's simple supply and demand and also your, you are always gonna be evolving and your own expertise, what you are investing in, that's going to increase your prices. . I, I look at the investments I make in myself, investments in my clients as well. And so as I'm continuing to grow, I'm bringing more to my clients, I have more experience.

And so it feels in integrity, like you said, if it's starting to feel out of integrity, that's not going to be good. that's obviously not gonna sell, it's not gonna, feel line to your clients when you say that price. I had a client recently ask me, she said, okay, if I want my prices to be X by June, what do I need to increase them by incrementally until then?

And I said, that's not how it works. No, it's, it's, the question is, what do you need to do to get energetically aligned to those prices? Yeah. and if that's have more experience, then go get more experience. If that's upgrade your mindset, then you upgrade your mindset, and maybe it's a combination of both, but it's not this black and white only strategic.

It's very energetic. 

Jordan: Yeah, there's not like an equation for how to get there necessarily. Like just charge those prices tomorrow if you feel like you can charge those prices and people will pay . You know? Exactly. Like there's nothing stopping you. I mean, and I think there might something stopping 

Sarah: you, but it's not a formula.

Exactly. It's, it's, it's wanting there to just be Oh, if you just increase them, but it's like, no, if you're not on board with 'em, 

Jordan: that's the issue. Yeah. And I think a again, The way that you set your prices and your prices themselves are just drastically different when you're starting out and even when, when you're within your first year or so of business.

Like you're just figuring all of that out, and as you become B busier, It becomes much easier to like figure out, you need to raise your prices because you can tell, like you put more of a premium on your own time and you can directly see like, well, if I charge this person, then I'm only get, like, that takes up this amount of my time and then I can only help this many people.

Whereas if my prices were a little bit different, maybe I, I help less people in this type of container, but I can go deeper with them because I feel. , like it's an even exchange for my time, and I don't feel the need to continue to like, get more and more clients in order to like hit my goal or sustain myself or whatever.

it, it just, I don't know. It, it starts to become easier, I think, to look at how you're pricing things for your own time 

Sarah: too. Absolutely. When, when you start to get busier, you realize you don't. a lot of time, and especially as MO moms, I always say moms don't have as many hours as people without kids.

And of course, we all have 24 hours in the day, but the hours that are hours are not the same. And so we have to be really choosy with how we spend our time, and that is why I'm so passionate about helping people create scalable programs like group programs or online courses, because that was. allowed what has allowed me to grow my income so quickly without burning myself out.

Jordan: Mm-hmm. . 

Sarah: Yeah. And when, when we start to see that we can do something in a group and serve 10 people, 20 people, 50 people, a hundred people, with the same amount of energy that it takes to do a one-on-one, it makes it very easy to increase the one-on-one prices. And so that's why having that strategic product suite is really.

Powerful not only for pricing, but also for ensuring that we get to serve the people we wanna serve. 

Jordan: Yeah. It's the only way to increase your impact. I mean, you can't do, you can only serve so many people one-on-one, like you can't mm-hmm. scale that way, like it's not possible. No. I mean, I guess like, unless you 

Sarah: have a team.

Yeah. There are different ways, but it's not you doing the one-on-one. 

Jordan: It's not you. Yeah. That's not gonna be a thing. So, yeah. Yeah. Big fan of group programs, and I know you're a big fan of courses. 

Sarah: Yes, absolutely. That has been a huge part of my business, but, 

Jordan: so we were 2020. 

Sarah: What happened in 2021? 2020, and then 2021.

I. Really expanded my product suite more and was adding in live group programs and. kind of trying out a different business model of launching a lot. And to be honest, I didn't love it, but it was a great year. It was a great year. I, I, crossed the 200 K mark, entered into the multiple six figure, club.

so that was really great. But I did feel like I was pushing a lot harder than I wanted to. Mm-hmm. . And so moving into 2022, , I wanted to create more space in my business and I wanted to double my income. And so, I mean, spoiler alert, or we have done that, we have doubled our income. We're over 400 k and we, I say we, because I have a team now.

we, I've, I've worked less this year than I have in a really long time. and I've taken every Friday off and I've given myself this space. And it's not to say that I don't value hard work, like I love to work and I need time for myself, in human design.

Sarah: Hermit and I'm a hermit networker and so timed myself for, to just kind of go inwards is really, really important. And so creating a business where I can double my income and not double my hours has been really important for me. Mm-hmm. , so that was 2022. I really, instead of focusing on launching all the time, I focused on some really core programs.

Looking at my product suite and getting really specific and kind of going all in on the handful of things that I've been doing. Yeah. 

Jordan: Do you feel like your expenses have tracked with that progression, or how has that set of things looked? . 

Sarah: Yeah, absolutely. The investments have gone up with the income.

Absolutely. And in full transparency, my income has doubled this year from last year, and I haven't paid myself more than I did last year. Mm-hmm. , that's so interesting. So I pay myself, well, you know, I pay myself, over six figures every year, but my expenses this year, I mentioned a. Create, creating the team, investing in amazing resources like you and your team, and the coach that I have that has enabled me to really grow quickly, and it comes at a price, which I think is such a valuable investment.

And my husband asks me all the time, he says, well, when is it gonna kind of even out . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , you know, and I, I, I always say like my client, I have a couple clients. Or in the similar position where we're almost in that messy middle, where we're building so much so quickly where we're investing very heavily because we're getting everything into place.

We're trying things, you know, I've invested this year and ads managers and ads and testing it, all these things, and that costs money and. We will get to a point where we know what works. We're not, I don't like saying wasting money because I don't believe any of it is a waste, but experimenting with things can be costly.

And so when you find what works, and I kind of see, I'm looking at next year being like, you know what I, I feel like I know what works. I don't need to increase my investments next year and I'm ready to double my revenue again. Yeah. 

Jordan: Yeah. I love this because, There's definitely these seasons that are like foundational growth, experimentation.

Like it, it's, it's, , it looks great for the growth, but you don't see all of that messiness behind, and I feel like this is the context that's often missing from some of these big numbers that we see. Mm-hmm. is we don't see the expenses and we don't see the things that they, that they tried or the things that they're outsourcing and yeah, maybe they're only working 10 hours a week and they hit a million dollars, but like, what did that cost?

Yeah. How many people were involved in that? It's rarely just that one person , you know? 

Sarah: yeah. And then there are other businesses where they, they're saying, oh, it's just me and my va. Yet they're working so many hours a day. Yeah. . 

Jordan: Yeah.

There's, there's trade offs for sure. Yeah. And this is just part of that bigger discussion of like, there are seasons in your business and sometimes you're working harder and sometimes you're working less, and sometimes you're spending more, and then you're, then you're, you know, figuring out what works and you're scaling back and doubling down on the stuff that does.

And it's just, it's a very, it's very fluid. E especially. Yes. Like, it's funny because, I f I feel. Two, there's like almost this. it's not necessarily like a misunderstanding. We get kind of caught up in, again, like the marketing language and the big claims and the fast growth, and we don't realize that a three or four year old business, let alone a one or a two year old business is a baby business.

Yeah, you have a business that's four years old, that's still a baby business. In the context of like owning a business. You're still in experimentation phase. And I think people forget that and they expect that like, oh my gosh, I've been doing this for three or four years. I should like, you know, have it all figured out by now and I should have hit my like,

That's just not how it works. Like it takes time to figure this shit out. And 

Sarah: you are the perfect example of how quickly things can happen when you've put in the work, right? Like this is your third business. You have hit the ground running hard and have seen massive success, but it isn't your first business.

You had all of the lessons and all of the data from previous businesses, you. done the inner work, whether you've realized it or not, to get you to a point where you were able to hold and, and I think this actually brings up a really interesting conversation in terms of like how much money people can hold.

Mm-hmm. . So the idea of. You know, 10 K months or a hundred K months or a hundred K years, the idea is easy to get on board with, but the energy behind it is a lot harder. And so I know one of the things that I've had to navigate when it comes to my finances is the capacity to hold money. , I kept noticing that I would make money and not be able to hold it.

I would literally be, it would almost feel like I was just throwing it away because having a certain number in my bank account, I had this threshold where it was like when I'm, you know, anything over 10 k sitting in my bank account made me so uncomfortable that I would be like, asking my husband, Hey, Here, here's my, I would literally just be pay putting money in his account.

He's like, why are you? And I'm like, well, I made a lot of money this month, and you can just, you can just take some of it. And he's like, what are you doing? And I really noticed that. And so I had to sit in the discomfort of having money because money is energy and that much energy can be uncomfortable.

And so in order to be able to double my revenue, I needed. notice and bring awareness to the fact that I wasn't actually comfortable with large sums of money so that I could align to the, the, the thing, the desires I actually had for, for the prices. I wanted to charge the, you know, my biggest pay in full has been a $27,000 pay in full, and I know full well that a year ago, two years ago, I wouldn't have, that would have sent me into a frenzy.

Jordan: Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah. It's this, this money conversation around money mindset in particular is so nuanced because there's so many places that it can break down. You know? Like you can finally feel like, oh, I got my money mindset, right, and now I'm hitting 5,000 K months. But then you're so uncomfortable with it.

You're spending it as fast as you earn it, you know, , like, it's just, yep. there's a lot of, a lot of things that can happen. 

Sarah: And I also think that our well. . The truth is that all of this stems from our childhood, our parents' relationship with money, and. . I had an incident where I had my first 30 K month back in 2020, right before I had my daughter and I celebrated it on Instagram.

I, I shared the win. I was so proud and things were flowing. And I, and my dad sent me a message and he said, Hey Sarah, do you mind if I call you? I, I need to talk to you about something. And I'm like, okay. Absolutely. And he calls and he says, I saw your post on Instagram. And, you know, we couldn't help but cring.

and Oh my gosh. Yeah. And I was like, okay. And I handled it because I had done the money mindset work. I handled it and I said to him, and he's like, I just was wondering why are you sharing that? My dad's a has a business and it's very new to have this open relationship with money. And I said to him, I'm like, well, you know, part of the work I do is to help women.

Have a positive relationship with money and to know that there's nothing to be shameful about with money, that there's nothing to hide when it comes to money. That money is just money. It's just energy, and I don't have to. Hide my wins and he's like, oh, all right. That sounds good. I just wanted to know.

It was truly, he was uncomfortable and he was just being very transparent with me, which I really appreciate that he felt comfortable to call me and I was really proud of the way I handled it. But I will tell you. A few hours later. Oh yeah, a few days later, I started spiraling. I started it, those words, you know, the, the words kept repeating in my head and I started to question it.

And I started to say, well, I wonder who else is feeling like cringey about it. And it took me a lot of months of deep work to get back to where I was, to get back in flow with the money. And so it, it was, it was because it. Where my money beliefs had come from, that it, it, it, it was Yeah. That hits different tough.

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Yeah. But I had to, I had to, it, it gave me the opportunity to deepen my money beliefs and my personal development and my mindset around money. and so I, I look back on that story and I smile and I know how money mindset work. It's an evolution. And at every. New peak in your business, you're going to have to deal with certain limiting beliefs or fears that you have around that amount.


Jordan: New tests, always new tests. Mm-hmm. , I love it. Okay. Well this was fantastic. We'll have your information in the show notes. Everyone can find you, learn more about you, what you do, all the things. Anything else you wanna leave us with before we wrap about 

Sarah: money? Yeah, I would just say that when it comes to your money goals, Tr don't create money goals based on what you feel is realistic.

This is one thing that I talk to my clients about all the time. It, it can be easy to say, well, you know, 10% growth year over year sounds reasonable. But when you are able to really push what you're comfortable with and then align your mindset and align your energy to what you actually desire, you are in charge.

You as business, business owners, we don't have to operate at. 3%, 10%, 15% year over year growth. Like you can double your income and anyone who's ready to double their income, like, let's do it. 

Jordan: I love it. Yeah. I think my favorite thing that you say is like, results that don't make sense or something like that.

Sarah: Yeah. Love that. Absolutely. My accountant will say, oh, you know, you're gonna keep having years like this. And I was like, oh, I'm just getting started. Yeah. You know? 

Jordan: No, this is just the beginning, . Yeah, 

Sarah: absolutely. You've, you haven't seen anything yet, so, Ugh. 

Jordan: That's amazing. Well, thank you again. This was super fun.

Sarah: Thank you so much, Jordan.

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