A Safe Place with Luis D. Aponte

Introduction: A Safe Place with Luis Aponte

July 11, 2022 Luis Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to "A Safe Place" - a podcast where we discuss school gun violence and how to keep kids safe in schools.

 I am your host, Luis Aponte. I am a librarian, author, filmmaker and the founder of Dragon Film Productions. Thank you for joining me. I am honored to have you here with me today.

This is the first episode of "A Safe Place." This podcast is inspired by two nonfiction books I have recently completed. One is called "A Safe Place: Imagining Schools Without Gun Violence" and the second book is called "The Ultimate U.S. School Shooting Reference Guide." Or at least, those are the titles at the moment. Perhaps my publisher will want different titles in the future. Who knows?

If you would like to receive updates on when both titles will be published, make sure to sign up for my newsletter on www.ASafePlaceBook.com and follow me on this podcast.

These interviews will be available on YouTube, this podcast, and some of the interviews will most likely be featured in my feature-length documentary film based on my book, “A Safe Place.”

You are all invited on this journey to find the answers to the question, “How do we stop the next school shooting?” I say “we” because there is no single person; no president, politician, or celebrity that can prevent school shootings alone. This is a challenge for every community in the country.

 Make sure to like and follow this podcast and sign up for my newsletter on www.ASafePlaceBook.com.  I will see you on the next episode. One nation.

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