A Safe Place with Luis D. Aponte

I've Been Published!

January 24, 2023 Luis Aponte Season 1 Episode 5

Today is episode #5 of "A Safe Place" and I am excited to share with you some great news I received yesterday.  Last year, I wrote an article about updating historical reports on school shootings in order to keep kids safe in school. And yesterday, I learned that that article has been officially published in EDUCATION. For those of you that are not familiar with this publication, this is an education journal that has been published continually for more than 142 years! So, as you can imagine, I am ECSTATIC!

  I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, even if you don’t agree with me. I appreciate you so much for tuning in. I recognized you have lots of options to choose from and I’m honored that you chose to hang out with me. If you would like to receive updates on when both of my titles will be published, follow me on this podcast and make sure to sign up for my newsletter on www.ASafePlaceBook.com.

If you would like to check out my article on EDUCATION, Volume 143, Number 2, 15 December 2023, pp. 74-88(15), go to this link: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/prin/ed/2023/00000143/00000002/art00005

     I’ll see you on the next episode. One nation.

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