Episode 130: Spring Cleaning for Your Finances
Our 2 Cents
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Our 2 Cents
Episode 130: Spring Cleaning for Your Finances
Mar 01, 2023

It's the first week of March and we have spring fever on the Our 2 Cents podcast! Today, Steve and Gabriel are sharing some spring cleaning tips for your finances and diving a bit deeper into asset allocation. Plus, we have a couple other fun segments on the show, too! 

  1. Gabriel's Quote Picks of the Month:
    • "The best way to teach kids about taxes is by eating 30% of their ice cream" - Bill Murray
    • "The world is divided into two groups—the people who do things and the people who get the credit" - Dwight Morrow
  2. Spring Cleaning for Your Finances:
    • Budget and cash flow review
    • Consolidate financial accounts
    • Review asset allocation to ensure alignment
    • Organize insurances
    • Reupdate your overall financial plan
  3. A Bit More on Asset Allocation:
    • "Vanguard Sees Global Equities Trouncing U.S. Stocks Over Next Decade"
    • An overview of these capital market assumptions and forward looking projections
    • This prediction would mean a major shift in where growth will be coming from
    • Why all this makes diversification so important
  4. Getting to Know Steve and Gabriel:
    • Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef?
    • What's the worst haircut you've ever had?